Died involved in the deaths of 170 thousand people a former guard at Auschwitz

Reinhold Henning In Germany 96-m to year of life has died Reinhold Henning — a former guard of the Auschwitz concentration camp (German name — Auschwitz). About it reports Reuters with a reference to his lawyer Charmer Andreas (Andreas Scharmer). According to the lawyer, about the death applying the hunning he found out on Tuesday evening, may 30. To comment on the cause of death of 95-year-old man Then refused. The death of a former concentration camp guard upset with another lawyer, Thomas Walter (Walther, Thomas), who in the court against applying the hunning represents a group of 20 plaintiffs. He said he is disappointed that a former SS officer died before the sentence against him entered into force. Walter hoped that this will happen in the next month. “If the judiciary had not been silent for decades, there would not be such a disappointment,” said the lawyer. In June

The white house explained the delay with the transfer of the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem

Donald Trump The US state Department has published an official explanation of the reasons for the delay of the transfer of the Embassy from tel Aviv to Jerusalem. About it reports Reuters. “The President [Donald] trump has repeatedly reaffirmed its intention to move the Embassy, — said in the text of the document. — The question is not the necessity of this step, the problem is the time.” Trump, according to American diplomats, deliberately delayed the crossing, “to increase the chances of success of the negotiation process and the agreement between Israel and the Palestinians.” Earlier, the US President has repeatedly stated that he supports the transfer of the Embassy. On 30 July 1980, Israel declared Jerusalem its indivisible capital. Three weeks later, the UN Security Council adopted a resolution according to which Organization does not recognize Israel’s right to East Jerusalem and considers it occupied. In this regard, to

Media reported about the calls Manchester a terrorist to Libya for a couple of hours before the attack

Salman Abedi, The suspect in the terrorist attack in the British city of Manchester Salman Abedi, a few hours before the attack in Libya called. About it reports The Times. It is noted that he has talked with his mother, who lives in Tripoli. “He called her to say good-bye”, — writes the edition. After that, Abedi made a few calls to telephone numbers registered in Libya. None of them belonged to his relatives. Currently, the police sets, did the man of the user by phone before the attack. The attack on the stadium “Manchester arena” in the evening on may 22, killing 22 people, including 12 children, were injured about 120. Undermining made the 22-year-old suicide bomber, Salman Abedi. Banned in Russia grouping “Islamic state” has claimed responsibility for the attacks.

The militants shot coming out of Mosul civilians

Archive photo Militants “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia) fired at refugees leaving the Iraqi city of Mosul. About it reports Reuters. People were trying to leave the area Sangili, located in the historical part of the city, and came under mortar fire. According to the Iraqi interior Ministry, seven people died, 23 were injured. All the victims were taken to a field hospital. Dozens of fugitives succeeded sound to reach the positions of government troops. They said that the gunmen ordered the residents were Sangili to leave their homes and go to another part of Mosul, under the control of militants of the Old Town to use them as human shields. After that, people decided to escape. May 11, Iraqi security forces promised to liberate the Western part of Mosul held by is militants, before the Muslim Holy month of Ramadan, however, to do this failed. Release operation

In the Philippines, spoke about the elimination of the Islamists from Chechnya in the South of the country

Continued: the air force of the Philippines by mistake attacked his troops Eight foreigners, who fought on the side of Islamist militants, was liquidated in the city of Marawi, located in the southern Philippines. Among them the Saudis, Malaysians, Indonesians, imenti and Chechens. This was stated by the Minister of defense of the Philippines Delfin of Lorenzana, reports Reuters. According to him, they were all killed last week. Lorenzana added that in the battles for the capture of the city was attended by about 500 fighters. Of them during the week was eliminated 95 of the extremists also killed 25 soldiers and 19 civilians. According to the Minister, can stay from 50 to 100 militants, reports RIA Novosti. Fighting between rebels and government troops in Mindanao began on 22 may. The President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte introduced in the region under martial law. The terrorists launched an offensive in

The foreign Ministry said on access of unidentified persons in the Russian real estate market in the United States

Maria Zakharova Unidentified persons have access to those arrested in the US real estate objects that are in use by the Russian Embassy. It was declared to Agency “Interfax” the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. “Our staff became aware of the fact that our facilities are still done, but not for Russian diplomats. What is the purpose? (…) This is a direct threat to the safety of these objects (…) In what condition are these objects that no one has any idea,” — said the diplomat. Zakharov added that the Russian authorities are in constant contact with American colleagues on the issue of the arrested Russian real estate in the United States. She also stressed that the actions against the Russian real estate “was made outside the law.” On 29 December the United States authorities took the decision within 72 hours 35 to expel Russian diplomats, as

Foreign Ministry has criticized the prosecution of Warsaw for the identification of victims of the disaster

Maria Zakharova The remains of the bodies of those killed in the plane crash in Smolensk were transferred to Warsaw in compliance with all necessary regulations and formalities. This was stated by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, reports “Interfax”. “For the subsequent procedures that were carried out on the territory of Poland, the Russian competent authorities did not have any relations”, — said the diplomat. Zakharova called the accusations by the Polish authorities to the Russian experts, “false and incorrect”. The official representative of foreign policy Department noted that the accident investigation was as open as possible. The diplomat added that the remains of the victims were in Russia a matter of days, their identity has engaged officials from Poland and the relatives of the victims. “In many cases, this required a genetic examination. The Russian was not just professionals, including because the Polish side insisted

Obama bought a mansion with eight bedrooms over eight million dollars

Barack Obama Former US President Barack Obama has acquired Washington house price of 8.1 million dollars, reports the Washington Post. It is noted that the mansion located in the heart of Kalorama in Northwest Washington. Near new home Obama is a house Ivanka trump, daughter of the current President of the USA of Donald trump. After leaving the White house, the couple Obama rented this mansion. Now decided to buy a house. Obama family intends to live in the capital of the United States for at least another two and a half years, while the daughter of former President Sasha can’t graduate in Washington. It is known that earlier this house belonged to the press Secretary to bill Clinton Joe Lockhart. In the mansion’s eight bedrooms and ten bathrooms. The mansion of the former President of the United States is the second largest cost in the area of Kalorama, second

The U.S. Congress sent intelligence agenda for hearing on “Russian business”

The intelligence Committee of the U.S. house of representatives sent seven official summons to testify in the case of “Russian interference in the presidential election of 2016,” reports the Wall Street Journal. To testify was caused by the leaders of the national security Agency (NSA), Federal Bureau of investigation (FBI) and Central intelligence Agency (CIA). Members of the Committee are interested in, “why the names of the employees of Donald trump was edited and hidden in the secret reports of the administration of Barack Obama (the former President of the USA — approx. “Of the tape.ru”) during the transitional period of transfer of power”, said the newspaper. In addition, subpoenas were sent to employees of the Obama administration — former national security adviser, Susan rice, former Director of the CIA, John Brennan and former permanent US representative to the UN Samantha Power. Reuters specifies that subpoenas directed to former US

Media reported about the wounding of the Iranian Ambassador in the explosion in Kabul

Iranian Ambassador to Afghanistan, Mosammat red Barhami was wounded in the explosion in Kabul. On Wednesday, may 31, according to news portal Erem News. It is noted that the rest of the Embassy staff Iran has not suffered. A powerful explosion occurred in the Afghan capital on Wednesday morning close to the presidential Palace and Embassy buildings. It is noted that many facilities were damaged. According to preliminary data, the bomb was planted in a tanker for transportation of water. So far none of the terrorist groups operating in the country, has claimed responsibility for the incident. In total, the attack killed 90 people, another 380 were injured. Among the victims — guard the German Embassy. According to BBC News, killed one of the journalists, the Afghan news Agency Tolo and the driver of the local branch of the BBC Afghan. Four more officers “bi-Bi-si” has suffered. The Russian foreign