The conservatives lost their absolute majority in the British Parliament

Theresa May The conservative party of great Britain has lost an absolute parliamentary majority necessary to form government. These are the preliminary results of the early elections, reports BBC News. While the opposition labour party has increased the number of its representatives in Parliament. BBC News reports that this result can be regarded as a humiliation of the Prime Minister Theresa may, who announced the holding of early elections for the sake of strengthening of positions of the conservatives in the period of Brexit (British exit from the European Union). The leader of the labour party Jeremy Corbyn has already called upon may to resign. However, the head of the Cabinet of Ministers in a statement said he would remain at his post for the sake of stability in the country. Mae, who was the initiator of early elections, explained the idea of a desire to stop the opposition of

Japan refused to consider the recent launch of the North Korean missile threat

Fumio Kishida North Korean missiles fired on Thursday morning, June 8, did not affect the security of Japan. This was announced by the Minister of foreign Affairs of Japan, Fumio Kishida, his words RIA Novosti reported. “Anything that could threaten Japan’s security in the near future, is not fixed. But such provocative actions are unacceptable,” said Kishida told reporters. Previously, June 8, the DPRK military has launched several anti-ship missiles from its East coast. They flew about 200 kilometers before he fell into the waters of the sea of Japan. 29 may North Korea conducted a successful test of a ballistic missile, and June 5, the country’s air force carried out review combat missions, aimed at practicing strikes on the American aircraft carriers. The situation on the Korean Peninsula is one of the most intense topics of international politics. The USA demand from the Republic of the cessation of nuclear

British pedophile with a “set a thief” was sentenced to a prison term

British citizen Patrick Berezovskogo was sentenced to four and a half years in prison for attempting to have sexual intercourse with a girl under the age of consent. About it reports BBC News. The attacker was detained in November 2016 in his car, investigators found a “set a thief”: a Balaclava, condoms, duct tape, women’s leggings, Mace spray, two knives and an ax. In addition, the “kit” were used by the special services flashing light. Brezovsko explained that it had contacted the 14-year-old girl through Facebook she told him that she was suffering from depression and humiliation in school, as well as prone to self-mutilation. The man calmed her down and persuaded to come to him to have sex in the car. The girl sat in the bus and went with him to the city. Word got out and her friend told the mother of the girl — she contacted

In the Chinese city introduced the rule “one family — one dog”

Authorities in the Chinese city of Qingdao has introduced restrictions on the content of the residents dogs. About it reports The South China Morning Post. It is noted that now every family should have no more than one animal. In addition, prohibited content is about 40 breeds of dogs. Among them Tibetan mastiffs, Dobermans and pit bulls. From June 8, dog owners must register their Pets by age, color and breed. With those who have more than one dog, will levy a fine in the amount from 500 to 2000 yuan (from 74 to 295 dollars). If the offense continues, a pet confiscated. Those who already have more than one dog will be allowed to keep all of your Pets. In China, there are about 100 million Pets, two thirds of them are dogs. Previously in other cities of the PRC has already introduced restrictions on dogs. So, in Harbin

ISIS has threatened eight countries with new attacks

Terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia) issued a statement that contained threats against a number of countries. On Thursday, June 8, according to Belgian newspaper The message, written in broken English, encourages the Muslim to keep away from places of a mass congestion of people: markets, lively streets and squares, because “soldiers of the Caliphate will blow up, crush and cut the throat of enemies.” The threatening letter addressed to the Muslims in eight countries: Belgium, USA, Russia, France, UK, Canada, Australia and Italy. Belgian expert in the field of combating international terrorism Peter van Ostayen believes that the statement of radicals can have serious grounds. Now it is the study performed by analysts from the Belgian administration for analysis of threats. June 6 on the square in front of Notre Dame Cathedral 40-year-old citizen of Algeria, shouting “This is for Syria!” was attacked with a

In Israel have discovered the remains of the missing priest from Russia

Vasily Varlamov The remains of a missing four years ago, the priest from Russia Vasily Varlamov discovered near Jerusalem. This information was confirmed by the head of the police Department to work with the Russian media, major Michael Zingerman, reports Zingerman said that in late April of this year, near the Arab village of Hizma, North of Jerusalem, on the territory of the Palestinian authority, have been found human remains, which were handed over for examination. Study based on DNA analysis showed that they belong to the citizen of Russia Vasily Varlamov. The test results also clearly indicated that the death was of a violent nature. The case of the disappearance and death of Varlamov Israeli Prosecutor’s office closed. According to the police, since the disappearance of the priest law enforcement agencies were in constant contact with his family living in Russia and with representatives of the Russian Orthodox

Putin said about the immutability of the US policy under different presidents

Vladimir Putin and Oliver stone Russian President Vladimir Putin said that change of heads of state in the United States does not affect the political process in the country. He told this in an interview with the American Director Oliver stone, the cut of which was published on the official Showtime channel in YouTube. “Curiously, the presidents in your country are changing, and policy is not” — said Putin. Previously, stone said, asked Putin about Russian-American relations. According to him, this interview he set himself the task of stopping the deterioration of the situation between Washington and Moscow. Documentary stone “Interview with Putin” (The Moscow Interviews) is divided into episodes which will be released on 12-June 15 on Showtime. The Kremlin said that looking forward to publishing the interview. “We wonder how, how did Oliver stone put together the material. He is a talented man a very, well, shall we

The state Department has named a self-defense strike by government forces in Syria

Archive photo Another blow to US-led coalition Pro-government forces in Syria was in the interests of self-defense and is not a sign of escalation of the situation. On Thursday, 8 June, said the official U.S. state Department spokesman Heather Nauert, reports RIA Novosti. Earlier on June 8, the official representative of the coalition Colonel Ryan Dillon reported that the coalition forces attacked several jeeps that tried to get close to the 55-kilometer zone around the city of TANF. Here is the location of the American instructors, and a training base for the training of armed Syrian opposition groups. “The coalition needs to protect itself, and we believe this (beat) so,” — said later about this Nauert. June 6, the coalition reported the destruction of tanks and artillery of the government army cap, “which posed a threat to allied forces.” The first blow was struck on may 18. Then the coalition

Putin noted the patriotism of McCain

John McCain Russian President Vladimir Putin said in sympathy for John McCain. During an interview with famous Director Oliver stone, an excerpt from which is published on the page of the Showtime channel in YouTube, he noted the patriotism of a U.S. Senator-a Republican. “Actually he’s a little cute I his patriotism and consistency in the protection of the interests of their country”, — Putin said in response to a request by stone to comment on the initiative McCain, known for his anti-Russian position, to prohibit the possible lifting of sanctions against Moscow. According to the President, “people with such beliefs as the Senator that you mentioned, they still live in the old world and don’t want to look to the future, do you want to understand how fast the world changes, do not see the real threats and can’t get over your past, it always pulls them back.” Putin

Qatar expressed unwillingness to give up and to sacrifice their independence

The Qatari authorities are not ready to make concessions for the sake of improving relations with neighbors in the region. This was announced by the Minister of foreign Affairs of the Emirate Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman al-Thani, his words are reports Reuters. “We are not ready to give up, and never will be ready to sacrifice the independence of our foreign policy,” — said al-Thani. According to him, the authorities of the Emirate have never seen this level of hostility, even by military opponents. Al-Thani also said Qatar’s troops remain on the bases. Monday, June 5, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain and the UAE announced the rupture of diplomatic relations with Qatar. They accused Doha of supporting terrorist organizations, including prohibited in Russia groups “Islamic state” and al-Qaeda, and destabilizing the political situation in these Arab States. On the same day their decision was joined by Yemen, Libya, the Maldives and