Rammed the van of the gendarmerie in Paris attacker died

The man, who was driving rammed the van of the gendarmerie in Paris of the car, died. It is reported BFMTV. According to the source channel, the attacker was 31 years old, his name is not disclosed. Earlier, he had come to the attention of the security services as potentially dangerous Islamists. The Minister of internal Affairs of France Gerard Colomb qualified the incident as an attempted terrorist attack. “The French forces were once again under attack. The threat is extremely high,” he said. Earlier, on 19 June on the Champs Elysees in the centre of the French capital, the man who drove the car crashed into the van of the gendarmerie. After collision the car of the attacker on fire. According to preliminary information, was driving people were found machine. In a burned car discovered the gas tank and ammunition. The sappers carried out mine clearing cars. None of

A fire at a French nuclear power plant “Bugey” extinguished

The fire which started on the roof of the fifth unit of the French nuclear power plant “Bugey”, extinguished. About it reports Reuters referring to the statement of representatives of fire protection. As a result of incident there were no injuries, releases of radiation into the environment is not fixed. Earlier, on 19 June it was reported that the fire occurred on the roof of the unit in 2015 are under construction. Despite this, the operator has introduced a plan of activities in emergency situations: from potentially hazardous areas was launched the plant personnel, about the incident informed the local authorities and the Office for nuclear security of the country. 9 February at a nuclear power plant in the French town of Haubourdin (Basse-Normandie region, North-West of the country) in the engine room of one of the units exploded, then the fire started. Reactor area received no damage. Injured five

In Iran banned Zumba in contradiction to the Islamic rules

Representatives of the Iranian authorities banned the country dance Zumba, declaring that it “contradicts Islamic laws”. About it reports The Independent. According to Sharia dancing is prohibited. In this regard, for several years, the instructors held classes Zumba, calling them “advanced aerobics” or “rhythmic gymnastics”. Recently, however, gyms are open to advertising class with the original name. In the last few years the energetic Colombian dance has become quite popular around the world, including in Iran. According to the newspaper, many of the teachers are not going to stop training, and only intend to rename them. According to one of the attendees of a course of Zumba in the final Safavieh (Zohre Safavizadeh) the ban was the authorities ‘ reaction to the freedoms that they were given a fairly liberal President Hassan Rouhani. “The hardliners in our politics, I want to undo everything he promised us President Rouhani. We, women,

In Germany for setting fire to the cables by the anti-globalization movement disrupted the movement of trains

At least 13 of arson of power cables in different regions of Germany led to failures in work of railway transport of the country. About this reports Deutsche Welle. Irregularities in the movement of trains occurred in Berlin, Hamburg, Cologne, Dortmund, Leipzig, and, in at least three places in the Federal state of lower Saxony. Police say on the coordinated actions of intruders. Law enforcement agencies began a search for the suspects. Investigators do not exclude that the incident involved-globalization — opponents of the G20 summit in July in Hamburg, scheduled for July 7-8. May 27, Italian police used tear gas to disperse opponents of the summit “the Big seven” in the Sicilian town of Taormina. After one and a half thousand demonstrators demanding from the leaders of “seven” to pay more attention to the interests of ordinary people peacefully marched through the streets of the resort suburb of Giardini

Mogherini spoke about the EU extended sanctions against Russia

Federica Mogherini Economic sanctions of EU against Russia are likely to be extended. This was stated by EU high representative for foreign Affairs and security policy Federica Mogherini on Monday, June 19, RIA Novosti reported. According to the head of European diplomacy, Brussels is watching developments in the implementation by Moscow of Minsk agreements. “I have decided to extend the existing sanctions,” she said. Mogherini added that this issue will be discussed after the EU summit, which will take place on June 22-23. She added that the decision “has until the end of July.” Earlier on Monday the foreign Ministers of member countries of the European Union without debate on a year extended sanctions against Crimea and Sevastopol. Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov stressed that Moscow is negatively evaluate this decision. June 14, the U.S. Senate approved a bill to expand anti-Russian sanctions. The concern with

Iran launched a missile attack on the bases of the militants in Eastern Syria

The Iranian military carried out a missile attack on terrorist bases in Eastern Syria. On Sunday, June 18, reports Reuters with reference to the Agency Tasnim. The blow was a ballistic medium-range missiles on targets of militants in the East of the country in response to terrorist acts in Tehran. “The shedding of (…) blood will not remain without response,” reads the statement, which was distributed by the Islamic revolutionary guard Corps. On the morning of 7 June, several people staged a shooting in the Parliament of Iran. It was also reported that one of the attackers managed to leave the building, after which he allegedly opened fire on the street. Around the same time two men and a woman opened fire in the building of the mausoleum of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, and another suicide bomber activated the explosive device fixed on the body. One of the attackers was poisoned

Makron party won the elections in France

Emmanuel Macron The party of the President of France Emmanuel Makron “Go Republic!” won a victory on elections of the deputies of the National Assembly. This is evidenced by the vote, posted on the website of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the country. Representatives of the party got 308 out of 577 seats in the lower house of the French Parliament, and a further 42 seats will go to members of the allied party MoDem (“Democratic movement”). Thus, “Go Republic!” will control an absolute majority in the national Assembly. The party “the Republicans” got 113 seats, the socialist party — 29, “the Union of Democrats and independent” – 18, “Rebellious France,” Jean-Luc Mélenchon — 17, the Communist party of France — 10, “national front” marine Le Pen — 8.

The foreign Ministry called the U.S. attack on the fighter with the Syrian air force using the terrorists

Sergei Ryabkov Moscow considers the U.S. attack on air force fighter Syria an act of aggression and support for terrorists. On Monday, June 19, said the Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Ryabkov, reports TASS. “This attack should be considered as a continuation of the American line on the neglect norms of international law (…) it is not an act of aggression?” the diplomat noted. Earlier, on 19 June, foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov urged Washington to refrain from unilateral action in Syria. The evening of 18 June, the Ministry of defense of Syria said that the coalition led by the USA shot down the plane air force in the area of Raqqa during the execution of combat missions against militants of the terrorist organization “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). The pilot of the plane is still not found. The coalition led by the USA, confirmed the

Navy Saudi Arabia reported on the intercepted arms shipment

The Navy of Saudi Arabia announced that they managed to intercept a boat carrying a cargo of weapons. Details reports Reuters. The incident occurred on the border marine oil deposits Marjan. Two other boats also allegedly carrying weapons, managed to escape: they are immediately unfolded after the firing of warning shots Saudi patrol ship. Confiscated in the occupied boat weapons, according to the authorities of the Kingdom, was intended for subversive purposes. The nationality of the boat are not reported, we only know that they carried white and red flags. On Saturday, June 17, Iranian media announced that the ship of the border of Saudi Arabia, on duty in the waters of the Persian Gulf opened fire on Iranian fishing boat. One person was killed. According to Iranian authorities, the boat was blown off course and happened to be in Saudi territorial waters.

The Philippine military captured the Islamists drugs for five million dollars

Philippine military during the assault in Marawi city seized drugs, five million dollars. About it reports Reuters. Having beaten the Islamists next house, the soldiers found in the kitchen four machines and 11 bags of “shabu” — so in the Philippines called methamphetamine. “This finding confirmed our assumption that the terrorists are involved in drug trafficking”, — explained the commander of the forces of the Western district of the province of Mindanao, major-General Carlito Galvez, the. Earlier on one of the left militants of the positions of the soldiers found sacks of banknotes and checks totaling $ 1.6 million. After President Rodrigo Duterte stated that Islamists who seized Marawi, receive support from drug lords Mindanao. Marawi city was captured by militants who have sworn allegiance to the “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia), may 23. The Islamists have fortified the city, there were warehouses of weapons, ammunition and food