Trump called the victory the U.S. Supreme court’s decision in immigration decree

Donald Trump The US President Donald trump called the unanimous decision of the members of the Supreme court (SC) of the country’s immigration decree “a clear victory” in the field of national security. About it reports Reuters. “Today’s judgment allows me to use an important tool for homeland defense of our nation,” said the American leader. Earlier on 26 June it became known that the armed forces were allowed Trump to partially carry into effect the decree banning the entry into the country to citizens of the six predominantly Muslim countries (Iran, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Somalia, and Sudan) and all, without exception for refugees. According to the verdict, restrictions on entry to a particular group of citizens shall not affect the rights of Americans, and therefore can be introduced by the President. The exception would be those “forbidden” countries that have any relationship with the citizens of the United States:

The head of the German foreign Ministry expressed doubts about a quick settlement in the Ukraine

Sigmar Gabriel Foreign Minister of Germany Sigmar Gabriel said that is not optimistic concerning the settlement of the crisis in Eastern Ukraine in the near future. About it reports Reuters. According to the head of the German foreign Ministry, due to the fact that both sides violate the ceasefire. Earlier on June 26, the President of France Emmanuel macron said the need to hold negotiations in the format “Norman Quartet.” He said this after a meeting with his Ukrainian counterpart Petro Poroshenko in Paris. Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov confirmed to reporters that the Kremlin is discussing the possibility of holding a telephone conversation in the format “Norman Quartet.” May 20, Poroshenko said that Kiev does not see alternative to Minsk agreements and insist on their full implementation. The Minsk agreement is the document agreed in February 2015, the leaders of the “Normandy four” — Germany,

Trump has demanded an apology over allegations of collusion with Russia

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump demanded that he apologized for the allegations of collusion with Russia. This was the White house wrote in his Twitter. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 26, 2017, 12:37 “The reason why President [Barack] Obama has not done anything against Russia after it had been notified about the CIA intervention in elections], was that he expected the victory [of the democratic candidate Hillary] Clinton and “did not want to rock the boat”,” wrote the American leader. The President also added that for the last four months Russia, “examined under a magnifying glass but was unable to detect any evidence of collusion of people trump with Moscow.” In January was published the declassified version of the report of US intelligence, which claimed that hackers attacked American computer systems during the election campaign, are the Russian authorities are using the attack allegedly

Sweden has invited observers from Russia for military exercises, Aurora-2017

The Swedish government decided to invite foreign observers to military exercises Aurora-2017, which will be held in the Kingdom from 11 to 29 September 2017. This is stated in a special message posted on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers. The document stated that invitations sent to countries bordering the Baltic sea, as well as States, “which have interests in the region”: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Canada, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, UK, Germany, Russia, USA and Belarus. 6 June it was reported that the Belarusian authorities demanded an explanation from Vilnius in connection with the statements of the President of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaite, who called Belarus and Russia a threat to Poland and the Baltic States. Earlier in the day Grybauskaite called the main threat to the Baltic republics and Poland the existence of Russia and Belarus in the East. “Plus the militarization of the Kaliningrad region, plus

Al Qaeda released a hostage from Sweden after six years of captivity

The head of the Ministry of foreign Affairs Margot wallström Terrorist group “al-Qaeda” (banned in Russia) has released a Swedish citizen Johan Gustafsson. This was announced by the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Sweden in a specially released statement. “With great pleasure I can announce the release Johan Gustafsson”, — quotes BBC News the head of the Ministry of foreign Affairs Margot wallström. Currently, the man sent home. When and where was it released, not reported. The man together with two citizens of South Africa were captured by the group “al-Qaeda of the Islamic Maghreb” Mali in 2011. One of the South Africans in 2015 was accidentally discovered by French troops during a RAID in the business quarter in the North of the country. In Mali in 2012, the civil war began. It was attended by tribal militias of the Tuareg, Islamists, armed opposition groups and units of government forces.

The Pentagon wanted to legalize their covert operations through the UN

United States advocate for inclusion of regional branches of extremist groups al-Qaeda and “Islamic state” (both banned in Russia) in the list of terrorist organizations of the United Nations. This was told by senior sources in the Russian diplomatic circles, according to “Izvestia”. “Sharply opposed, in particular, Egypt, which is struggling with “al-Qaeda” in the Sinai Peninsula. In Cairo believe that the inclusion of the regional offices of international groups in the list would mean the recognition of the inability of the authorities to cope with the threat on their own,” — said the source publication. He also added that skeptical to the idea and are in Russia as terrorist groups affiliated with “al-Qaeda” or “Islamic state”, as a rule, few and government is unable to cope with them independently. In the case of the adoption of this proposal Washington, in accordance with us law, will have the opportunity to

Times announced plans for Britain to deport offenders after Brexit

The British government is going to use the procedure of Brexit to deport criminals from other EU countries. About it reports The Times. As the newspaper notes, the country has up to 13 thousand offenders, the largest number of whom are citizens of Poland and Ireland. First of all, deportation threatens 6 thousands of prisoners who have served a prison sentence. According to the European legislation, it is impossible to forcibly deport criminals to their country of origin. This circumstance has caused dissatisfaction with the British government and became one of the main arguments used by the skeptics in the campaign before the referendum for the country’s exit from the European Union. It is planned that on Monday, June 26, the Prime Minister of Britain, Theresa may will present a detailed plan regarding the rights of EU citizens to the UK after Brexit. On 23 June the British government promised

The minimum set of products in Russia rose sharply

The minimum set of foodstuff in Russia has risen in price from January to may by 9.4 per cent to 4036 rubles. This is evidenced by recent data of Rosstat. The most rapid price increases occurred in April-may, amounting to 4.2 percent. Inflation in January — may amounted to 1.7 percent. Thus, the cost of consumer basket increased up to five times faster than the official inflation. Grocery stores, at least in Moscow in may was 4945 rubles, having increased since beginning of the year to 11.1 percent. In St. Petersburg the rise in prices since the beginning of January was 9.8 percent — up to 4888 rubles. According to industry experts interviewed by the newspaper “Izvestia”, the increase in the cost of the minimum set of products impacted by the substantial rise in prices of imported fruit and vegetable products for some items has already reached 80 percent. Executive

The death toll in the fuel tanker explosion in Pakistan has risen to 157

Representatives reported that the number of victims of explosion of a fuel tanker in Pakistan increased to 157 people, reports Associated Press. According to doctors, another 50 people in critical condition, remain in hospital. Earlier it was reported 148 casualties. Video: Viral India / YouTube The explosion occurred in the Punjab province on Sunday morning, June 25. Local residents gathered to collect fuel flowing from the capsized motorway tank. Eyewitnesses tell that some people were Smoking cigarettes could cause fire and explosion. The fire was covered by dozens of cars and motorcycles. The majority of victims have burns accounted for about 80 percent of the body. It was noted that some of the victims of the fire impossible to identify to identify the necessary genetic expertise.

The bus with the Cossack ensemble turned in Irkutsk region

In Slyudyanka district of the Irkutsk region happened accident involving a bus transporting artists of the state song and dance ensemble “TRANS-Baikal Cossacks.” According to “Baikal info” with reference to press-service GU MVD of Russia in the region, the incident happened on Monday, June 26. The vehicle during the descent along the serpentine crashed into a concrete barrier and overturned in a ditch. As told to “Interfax” head of press service of the interior Ministry of the German Struglin, the bus was carrying 31 passengers. Two of the victims in the accident were hospitalized, no fatalities. It is known that the bus was heading to the TRANS-Baikal region of Kuitun district of the Irkutsk region. Meanwhile, a representative of the press service of the Ministry of health of the Irkutsk region has told RIA Novosti that the accident really was not a Cossack ensemble, and children’s creative team. It also