The man was preparing the execution of investigators involved in the case of the Kazan shooter

TASS: an attempt on the life of investigators involved in the Galyaviev case was prevented in Kazan are investigating the case of an armed attack by 19-year-old Ilnaz Galyaviev on a school. This was reported to TASS by a law enforcement source. According to him, the suspect arrived in the city from another region and settled in an apartment opposite the educational institution, which was attacked by the Kazan shooter. The detainee is 20 years old, he came to Kazan from Yakutia, specifies “Tatar-Inform”. He rented an apartment, the windows of which overlooked the main entrance of gymnasium No. 175. The young man followed the investigators. He also took out a loan for the purchase of weapons and was preparing to shoot them. The detainee is mentally unwell. He was sent for a psychological and psychiatric examination, after which he will undergo compulsory treatment. Galyaviev staged a mass execution on

The Russians named the main reasons for dissatisfaction with domestic resorts 73 percent of domestic tourists are dissatisfied with the high cost of recreation in Russia is the overpriced vacation. This became known from a study of the accommodation booking service, the results of which appeared at the disposal of the editorial board of Thus, 73 percent of respondents said that they would gladly travel around the country five or six times per year, if not for too high prices for flights, accommodation and transfers in the regions of Russia. 13 percent of respondents are outraged by the negligent attitude of local authorities and vacationers to maintain cleanliness in coastal cities. As another reason for dissatisfaction with domestic resorts, seven percent of Russians named poor service in hotels and catering places. Least of all, according to the survey, tourists are worried about the developed infrastructure and safety – they were voted for by six and 1.4 percent respectively.

Europe proposed to create a “black list” of migrant carriers

The head of the EC proposed to create a “black list” of persons who transport migrants to Belarus Head of the European Commission (EC) Ursula von der Leyen in connection with the aggravation of the migration crisis at the border of Belarus and the countries of Eastern Europe, she proposed to create a “black list” for illegal carriers. Her words are quoted by Reuters. Today, on November 23, the EC put forward a proposal to include in a special list all persons involved in transporting refugees to the borders. It is assumed that special measures will be taken against them, which will further reduce the migration flow. Von der Leyen added that the countries of the European Union (EU) agree on the main culprit of what is happening. She is confident that Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko is deliberately provoking an aggravation of the crisis. “Thus, the EU is testing its

The State Duma adopted in the second reading the draft three-year budget

The State Duma adopted the draft budget for 2022-2024 in the second reading The State Duma adopted the draft federal budget for second reading. This is reported by RIA Novosti. According to the draft three-year budget, in the next two years the budget will be in surplus: in 2022, revenues will exceed expenditures by 1.33 trillion rubles, and in 2023 – by 0.3 trillion rubles … In 2024, a deficit of 0.52 trillion rubles is planned. The third reading will take place on November 24. The deputies also approved amendments by Russian President Vladimir Putin to increase the living wage to 12,654 rubles and the minimum wage to 13,890 rubles. “For the second reading, at the initiative of United Russia, an additional 107 billion rubles have been found, which will be directed to support families with disabled people, purchase housing for disabled people. Significant money is additionally allocated for regional

Anna Kuznetsova commented on the draft federal budget

Kuznetsova: budget articles confirmed the proposals of the United Russia people's program State Duma Vice-Speaker Anna Kuznetsova noted that the draft federal law, which was adopted in the second reading, is supposed to allocate more than 18 trillion rubles for social policy. “Costs will increase every year. If we compare 2021 and 2024, then the growth will be 13.5 percent, “she said. The document provides for an increase in the size of the subsistence minimum, maternal capital at the birth (adoption) of the second, third and subsequent children. “The amendments that we proposed earlier have been adopted – to increase the cost of housing for people with disabilities who were on the waiting list until 2005, to expand funding for the project on long-term care for people with disabilities, elderly people,” Anna said. Kuznetsova. According to her, there are still areas in which to work further. “The social block is

The ex-director of Comedy Club Production spoke about the conflicts of Will with the audience

Producer Burnosov: Pavel Volya had conflicts with Comedy Club viewers because of harsh jokes Former CEO of Comedy Club Production and producer Anatoly Burnosov said that comedian Pavel Volya had conflicts with the guests of the Comedy Club show. According to Burnosov, the audience made claims to Volya because of the harsh jokes in his early performances. The former director of the company shared his memories in an interview with YouTube blogger Andrei Predelin. Burnosov called Volya a revolutionary and pioneer in Russian humor. According to him, Volya was the first to start an honest dialogue with the audience sitting in the hall. At the same time, the producer described such guests as owners of expensive cars with inflated self-esteem. At the same time, during his performances at the Comedy Club, Volya joked about the status of the guests in the hall, added the ex-director of Comedy Club Production. Because

iPhone has risen in price in the secondary market

SellCell: iPhone 13 began to rise in price two months after the release of To the market. This follows from the report of the SellCell service for the sale of smartphones. The company's specialists studied the cost of new Apple smartphones, which users of the service sold a month and two months after the release of the line. It turned out that the iPhone 13 series of flagships showed a record level of shock absorption. As the experts explained, two months after the devices went on sale, their value in the secondary market decreased by only 25.5 percent relative to the original price. At the same time, some top models first fell in price, and then went up. “After the first and second months, the iPhone 13 lost up to 50 percent less value than the iPhone 12,” the authors noted, calling this a record trend in the lineup Apple

Finnish President recalled the importance of EU contacts with Russia

Finnish President Niiniste: refusing to contact Russia makes the EU look weak contacts with Russia. This was stated by Finnish President Sauli Niiniste, RIA Novosti reports. The politician stressed that a constructive dialogue with Moscow does not contradict the upholding of European interests and principles in foreign policy. “Refusal of contacts with Russia does not strengthen the EU, but only makes it look weaker and less significant,” he concluded. Earlier, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said that the German authorities want to improve relations with Russia subject to the settlement of the conflict in Donbass on the basis of the Minsk agreements. “Of course we want better relations with Russia. They can only get better, “said the head of the German Foreign Ministry.

Russian endocrinologist named signs of vitamin B deficiency

Endocrinologist Mikhaleva: hand numbness and gait disturbance indicate a lack of vitamin B Increased fatigue, dizziness, hand numbness and disturbance signs of deficiency of B vitamins. Oksana Mikhaleva, an endocrinologist at the “SM-Clinic”, Ph.D., told about this. Her words are quoted by Izvestia. The doctor noted that symptoms from the nervous system may indicate a lack of vitamin. They can manifest as chronic fatigue syndrome. Among them there is increased fatigue, drowsiness and dizziness. “Another group of neurological symptoms is the so-called neuropathic: numbness and tingling in the arms and legs, gait disturbance, muscle weakness, muscle pain, especially after exercise and even depression. In old age, a deficiency of B vitamins can be accompanied by cognitive dysfunction, memory loss, “said Mikhaleva. Increased bleeding of the gums, a tendency to bruising and thrombosis can also occur due to a lack of B vitamins, the specialist noted … In addition, gastrointestinal symptoms

Poland spoke about migrants swimming across the border

Polish Ministry of National Defense: migrants try to cross the border on pontoons Migrants from Belarus try to swim to Poland on pontoons across the border river to get to the Lubelskie Voivodeship. This was told to Radio Zet by the Deputy Minister of National Defense of Poland Voychech Skurkevich. Related materials 00:01 – November 18 “They would rather die in Europe than return home” How migrants on the border with Poland changed life in Belarus alien. Europe has taken in millions of refugees. Why are they now hated, considered terrorists and want to drive them out? “We see very dangerous cases. Migrants concentrate on the banks of the Bug. Attempts to cross the border on pontoons have been recorded, ”he said. Skurkevich also reported on the problems in the vicinity of Bialowieza. “Border crossings are storming groups of up to several hundred people,” the deputy minister explained. Earlier, Poland