Doctor Komarovsky warned about the danger of bed rest with ARVI

Doctor Yevgeny Komarovsky: bed rest with ARVI should be avoided in every possible way Doctor and TV presenter Yevgeny Komarovsky said that an ARVI patient should not lie in bed … The specialist warned about the danger of bed rest on the air of the program “Ask Komarovsky” on the channel “Ukraine”. According to the doctor, if a patient with an acute viral infection or any other respiratory disease is in a horizontal position, then his the lungs expand much less. In this case, as Komarovsky noted, the patient's risk of complications associated with insufficient ventilation of the lungs increases. “Therefore, it is not surprising that there is a standard recommendation by most doctors in the world, most modern treatment protocols:“ Bed rest should be done in every possible way avoid “”, – he stressed. The doctor added that there is only one disease that requires bed rest – diphtheria.

An overdose-saving wearable device has been created

A prototype of a wearable gadget has been created that can save a patient from an opioid overdose An international group of scientists has created a device that can save a patient from an opioid overdose. The principle of operation of the gadget is described in the journal Scientific Reports. Experts from Canada and the United States have created a wearable gadget that analyzes the concentration of opioids in the blood in real time and prevents overdose. If the lethal dose is exceeded, the device will inject naloxone into the blood. This antidote is used for overdose of opioids, primarily heroin. Scientists have compared the work of the gadget with an insulin pump, which is worn on the stomach and is used in the treatment of continuous subcutaneous insulin administration. The prototype device, which has the potential to save the lives of patients, is equipped with an accelerometer to measure

For the sake of the Russian megaproject, it was proposed to demolish part of St. Petersburg

“Fontanka”: for the construction of the high-speed rail they wanted to destroy the historic quarter in St. Petersburg ) Moscow – St. Petersburg will have to demolish the historic quarter in the city center. The plan of one of the main Russian megaprojects was discussed at the Council for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage, Fontanka writes. The developers wanted to destroy part of the buildings in the area of ​​Ligovsky Prospekt, the Galereya shopping and entertainment center, the railway and Transportny Lane – this area is protected by the city authorities, and it is forbidden to dismantle houses there. The architects proposed to amend the legislation – to add a section allowing the demolition of the quarter without restoration within the framework of the program “Development of the transport system of St. Petersburg.” the Bliegken & Robinson chocolate-biscuit factory. In addition, five pre-revolutionary buildings of the Farforovsky post station and

Octopuses have unique intellectual abilities

Scientists at the University of Queensland have linked octopuses' behavior to unique brain properties To do this, the researchers analyzed tomographic images of the central nervous system of four species of cephalopods, which made it possible to compare the unique structures of the brain and associate them with behavior. The results of the scientific work are presented in an article published in the journal Current Biology. Biologists have found that the brains of octopuses differ depending on where the species lives, how it interacts with other animals and at what time of day it is active. They analyzed the central nervous system of a deep-sea octopus, as well as a nocturnal mollusk and two reef dwellers awake during the day. It turned out that mental abilities significantly affect the anatomy of the brain. The octopus, found in deep waters, had a smooth brain, like the brain of marsupials and rodents,

Dynamo made a statement about the state of the 16-year-old hockey player who was put into a coma

Dynamo said they took over the medical expenses of 16-year-old hockey player Rodionov Dynamo Moscow made a statement about the situation with the defender of the youth team Valentin Rodionov, who is in a medical coma. This was reported on the club's website. Dynamo said that during the match of the Moscow Open Championship with CSKA, 16-year-old Rodionov returned to the bench after a shift and lost consciousness. The hockey player received first aid, then he was taken to the Morozov children's clinic and urgently operated on. The club noted that they took all the medical expenses on themselves. The introduction of Rodionov into a coma became known earlier on November 23. The hockey player was diagnosed with a head injury. The condition of Rodionov, who underwent surgery, is assessed as stable. The police began an investigation into the incident. In September 2020, the death of a 16-year-old hockey player

The employees of the fake medical center, suspected of kidnapping 37 Russians, were detained

Ministry of Internal Affairs: employees of a fake medical center, suspected of abducting 37 people, were detained in Penza center in Penza. They are suspected of kidnapping 37 people. This was reported on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Media. The police received information that a fake rehabilitation center is operating in the region. According to preliminary data, the cybercriminals posted information on the treatment for alcoholism and drug addiction on the website. Russians began to turn to the organization's employees for help. They gave money and information about their relatives who needed to be cured. “After receiving the funds, the members of this organization forcibly abducted a person and held him in a rented room,” the message says. The imprisonment lasted from several months to a year. In addition, the employees of the pseudo-medical center morally and psychologically put pressure on those held in captivity. They allowed

The streets of Anapa were decorated with tulips and viols

Zelenstroy planted 50 thousand violas and 47 thousand tulips in Anapa Zelenstroy planted about 100 thousand flowers in Anapa … This is reported on the official website of the administration of the municipal formation of the resort city. Thus, experts have decorated the city embankment, Gorky Street, Military Glory Square, Avanesov Square and Lenin-Omelkov road junction with tulips and viols. In addition, the plants will appear on one of the resort's symbols – the flower clock. The planting process took about three weeks. Observing agrotechnical terms, we managed to plant 50 thousand violas and 47 thousand tulips in open ground. Earlier in November, 250 thousand new pines were planted in the Ust-Ilimsky district of the Irkutsk region. The new trees are spread over a total area of ​​109 hectares. Before the direct planting of the plants, they were grown for two years in the nursery to form the root system.

Thugs made life of lottery-winning kindergarten employees hell

A Mexican kindergarten that won a large sum was persecuted by criminals pesos (over 70 million rubles). This is reported by the BBC. It is reported that a preschool from the town of Okosingo in the state of Chiapas in the south of the country, became one of the winners of the government lottery, the results of which were announced in September 2020. The tickets were bought by anonymous donors and donated to the poorest schools and kindergartens across the country. The employees of the institution and the parents of 20 wards were very happy to win a large sum and decided to spend it on the improvement of the institution. However, they were soon harassed and threatened by the local Los Petules gang. The criminals demanded that the money be spent on arming the gang, as it is at war with a criminal clan from a neighboring city. The

Estonia predicted a confrontation with Russia with a very serious military force

Estonian Permanent Representative to NATO Luik: Russia will face a serious military force military force in the event of an attack on Ukraine, reports According to the diplomat, the West has cause for concern. “If the US Secretary of State and NATO Secretary General are extremely concerned about the movement of Russian troops along the Ukrainian border and very seriously and openly warn Russia, then there is reason for concern and increased vigilance,” Luik said, noting that “such statements are not made just like that.” The Permanent Representative assured that both the US and NATO remain vigilant and ready to use all available means. At the same time, the Ukrainian army is now much stronger than in 2014. “If Russia opposes Ukraine, it must take into account that it will be opposed by a very serious military force,” concluded Luik. Earlier, Bloomberg reported that, according to US intelligence, Russia