An unexpected beneficial property of pumpkin seeds has been named

Nutritionists talked about the benefits of pumpkin seeds and nuts in the fight against diabetes/p> Diabetes affects people whose bodies cannot respond or produce insulin. The hormone absorbs blood sugar for conversion into energy. An increase in sugar levels can cause serious harm to health. Biologists talked about the unexpected benefits of pumpkin seeds. The polysaccharides contained in them have demonstrated a sugar-regulating effect. High in protein and fat, seeds can be used by diabetics to combat high blood sugar after a meal. Eating 60 grams of pumpkin seeds lowers sugar levels by up to 35 percent. Diabetes is also less common among people who include magnesium-rich foods in their diets. It is found in whole grains, nuts and green leafy vegetables. Scientists have previously stated that blood levels of the protein follistatin can predict whether a person will develop type 2 diabetes 19 years before the onset of the

Russia announced the “disappearance” of asymptomatic carriers of COVID-19

Immunologist Bolibok: there are fewer asymptomatic patients in Russia due to the “delta” strain patients with COVID-19 during the last wave of infection in Russia decreased. The doctor explained the “disappearance” of such patients in an interview with Sputnik radio. According to the doctor, there are fewer asymptomatic carriers of coronavirus in Russia due to the speed with which the “delta” strain attacks the human body. Bolibok stressed that more and more Russians are experiencing signs of illness and are turning to doctors for help. “This is due to the fact that the” delta “strain of the coronavirus is more aggressive. It is not only transmitted faster from person to person, but also spreads faster from cell to cell inside a person. The immune system does not have time to ward off the infection, so more people experience symptoms, “Bolibok explained. The specialist added that statistics do not include all

Four countries condemn Iran's refusal to pay compensation for Ukraine's Boeing

Britain, Canada, Ukraine and Sweden condemned Iran’s refusal to pay compensation for Boeing compensation for the downed Boeing plane of Ukraine International Airlines, according to a joint statement of the four countries, quoted by TASS. Citizens of these countries were on board flight PS752, which crashed. Deep disappointment was expressed over Tehran's refusal to meet on 22 November 2021 to discuss the issue of reparations. “We remind the Islamic Republic of Iran that, in accordance with international law, it is obliged to pay reparations in full group of countries, and we reiterate our call to begin negotiations in good faith before the end of this year, ”the ministers of the four countries said in a statement. The UK, Canada, Ukraine and Sweden will continue to pursue Iran's accountability and will consider the issue on possible measures to resolve the issue within the framework of international law if Tehran continues to

The Russian Defense Ministry announced the launch of the Soyuz rocket

Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: the Aerospace Forces successfully launched the Soyuz-2.1b launch vehicle from the Plesetsk cosmodrome Aerospace Forces (Aerospace Forces ) Russia launched a Soyuz-2.1b carrier rocket with a military vehicle from the Plesetsk cosmodrome. This was reported by the press service of the RF Ministry of Defense, TASS reports. “On Thursday, November 25, at 04.09 Moscow time, from the launcher No. 4 of the site No. 43 of the State Test Cosmodrome of the RF Ministry of Defense (Plesetsk) in the Arkhangelsk Region the combat crew of the Space Forces of the Aerospace Forces have successfully launched, “the department said. According to the Ministry of Defense, all prelaunch operations and the launch of the rocket took place in the normal mode. In addition, the means of the ground-based automated control complex monitored the launch and flight of the rocket. It is also specified that the

Russian burned his friends after a feast

In the Kurgan Region, a man burned down a house with his friends after a quarrel during a feast In the village of Olkhovka, Kurgan Region, a Russian burned down a house with his friends after quarreling with one of them during a feast, according to the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the region. Two men, born in 1999 and 1988, were killed in the fire. A villager born in 2001 was detained on suspicion of committing a crime. According to the investigation, the suspect was visiting one of the victims. The company drank alcoholic beverages. A conflict arose between acquaintances, after which two of the participants of the feast went to bed, and the third spilled gasoline on the floor of the room of the house where the owner of the house and his guest slept, set it on fire and ran away. The attacker

A stratolet will appear in Russia for traveling between continents

Rospatent: KAI scientists have designed an apparatus for intercontinental flights in the stratosphere a device for intercontinental flights in the stratosphere, RIA Novosti reports with reference to the Rospatent document. The device, which will appear in Russia, will consist of a fuselage with wings, horizontal control surfaces in front and behind, a combined missile or air-missile an oxygen engine, as well as an upper stage, to which two gas turbine engines and a fuselage engine fairing will be fixed. At the same time, the unit has an oval wing, attached through two fuel tanks to the ends of the wings of the strat. Technical solutions will make it possible to create an apparatus with an increased payload and a shorter take-off time in comparison with foreign competitors. The stratolet is designed for travel between continents. The closest analogue of the development, scientists indicated the project of the British reusable unmanned

In Russia announced the exit to the plateau of the coronavirus

Infectious disease specialist Pozdnyakov: the fourth wave of coronavirus reaches a stable plateau on the plateau of the fourth wave of coronavirus, despite the fact that a decline has not yet been observed. “This is happening because another non-immune layer has encountered the infection, and the remaining non-diseased ones have“ dissolved ”among the immune, that is, vaccinated and recovered … That is why the coronavirus is not spreading so actively and there is a slowdown in the incidence rate, “the expert explained. He added that the spread is calculated by the number of detected cases, and not by mortality. In general, according to the doctor, there is a natural course of events in Russia, which is also influenced by vaccination. Pozdnyakov added that stabilization does not depend on the actions of people, on the contrary, if citizens were more actively vaccinated, the rate of morbidity would decline faster. He noted

Rospotrebnadzor commented on the self-destruction of the delta strain

Epidemiologist of Rospotrebnadzor Khafizov: the words about self-destruction of the delta strain sound like a miracle Kamil Khafizov, in an interview with RIA Novosti, commented on the news of the self-destruction of the delta strain. According to the expert, such words sound like a miracle, but the reality is still completely different. “I'm afraid the reality looks very different. So far, we note that the “delta” line in all countries is constantly mutating and dissociating into daughter sub-lines, ”said the epidemiologist. As an example, he cited the emergence of the subline AY.4.2, which is now detected in the UK in 18 percent of all new infections. He noted that it is rather difficult to imagine a situation described by Japanese scientists in which the virus mutated in such a way, that he suddenly lost the ability to reproduce, but at the same time he multiplied widely among the population in

Anti-aging foods named

Nutritionists have named avocado, spinach and fish the secret of men's youth after 50 Nutritionists have named foods that help men slow down aging writes Eat This Not That !. According to nutritional consultant Rachel Fine, one such food is avocado, which can be used in a variety of dishes, from sandwiches to scrambled eggs. “High in monounsaturated fat, avocados help reduce blood sugar spikes,” she explained. Vitamins B, C and fat are beneficial, as well as anti-aging antioxidants, she says. “Folic acid and magnesium, lutein and beta-carotene are just some of the main anti-aging nutrients,” the expert recalled. The secret of youthfulness in men after 50 years is asparagus. It is used to prevent certain types of cancer. “It is also one of the best dietary sources of prebiotics that promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut,” said nutritionist Kara Landau. A healthy gut helps to delay

Best age to start playing esports

The Computer Sports Federation recommended starting e-sports from the age of 14 The Computer Sports Federation (FCS) of Russia named the best age for teens when they should start playing esports. It is believed that it is best to start training at the age of 14. “We recommend starting computer sports at the age of 14, from this age it is also allowed to participate in competitions. Cybersport is a sport of young people, this is due to the speed of reaction, which slows down with age and the onset of “sporting old age”, ”the organization said. 19-20 years of age in disciplines where reaction speed is the key. The organization stressed that there are exceptions when players over 30 show decent results, however, they explained that the average age of esports players is approaching 30 years, mainly in those disciplines where strategic thinking plays the main role, not