A mother with a sick child received from the mayor's office a destroyed apartment with mold

A resident of Yaroslavl with a sick child received from the mayor's office a destroyed apartment with mold a destroyed apartment with mold. The woman told about this to “Such cases”. In November 2020, Rozomashvili turned to the Patronus Children's Human Rights Center for help. On February 15, 2021, she was included in the list of those in need of housing, and in May the woman filed a lawsuit. She received the apartment in September, but the new housing was covered with black mold. “It is harmful for a healthy person to live in such conditions, not to mention a child with cerebral palsy, epilepsy and deafness. I had to give up at my own peril and risk, “- said Rozomashvili. At the end of October, a woman with a sick child received an apartment in the same building, but with a smaller area. The new housing also has mold,

Myasnikov warned Russians about the dangers of snoring to health

Dr. Myasnikov said that snoring can lead to obesity, diabetes and impotence main “on the channel” Russia 1 “talked about the dangers of snoring for health. He warned that sleep apnea is a risk factor for diabetes and cardiovascular disease, and can also lead to obesity and impotence. The episode is available on YouTube. The doctor stressed that snoring does not always indicate a disease associated with this symptom. “There is snoring, which prevents our loved ones and neighbors from sleeping. And then there is a disease called sleep apnea – when snoring leads to unpleasant consequences. Especially [snoring appears] when you sleep on your back, “Myasnikov explained. At the same time, as the doctor noted, the following happens: the soft palate sinks and blocks the entrance to the airways – this leads to the fact that the sleeping person cannot breathe and, pausing, snores through the air. The TV

Russia assembled Tu-160M ​​from scratch

TASS: Tu-160M ​​aircraft assembled from scratch in Russia will be tested in December Tu-160M ​​bomber, TASS reports, citing a source in the aircraft industry. Tests are to take place at the Kazan Aviation Plant named after Sergei Gorbunov. “The plane is in the hangar ready, refueled. By the end of the year, the Tu-160M ​​will definitely jog along the runway. The flight is not planned, “the source said. The source added that the test date depends on the working schedule of the management who will be present at the event. In November, Izvestia wrote that Russian strategic bombers Tu-160M ​​and Tu-95M will receive non-nuclear stealth ammunition “product 506”. The newspaper notes that the ammunition is a miniature ultra-precise stealth missile capable of hitting almost any target from a distance of thousands of kilometers. In December 2020, the rating of world achievements of the year in the field of engine building,

Nurmagomedov assessed the next opponent of Makhachev

Former UFC champion Khabib Nurmagomedov spoke about Islam Makhachev's new rival who will become the next rival of Islam Makhachev in the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). The words of the Russian are quoted by ESPN MMA. 33-year-old Nurmagomedov is convinced that both Dariush and Makhachev deserve a fight for the UFC champion title. “They're both better than Dustin Poirier or Justin Gage. This is my opinion, “- said the ex-champion of the organization in the lightweight division. On November 27, it became known that Dariush will become Makhachev's new rival in the UFC. The fight is to take place in February 2022. In his last fight, Makhachev defeated New Zealander Dan Hooker. He extended his UFC win streak to nine fights. After the fight, he demanded a chance to fight for the title. The reigning UFC lightweight champion is Brazilian Charles Oliveira. Dariush last fought in May 2021. He managed

The Federation Council summed up the results of the first season of the “Clean Arctic” project

More than 2 thousand volunteers collected over 1,500 tons of waste in the Arctic “On the implementation of the public federal project” Clean Arctic “. The final figures were announced by the Minister of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic Alexei Chekunkov. In just a few months, over 2,000 volunteers have collected over 1,500 tons of waste in all Arctic regions of the country. The work took place in Taimyr and in the capital of the Yakut Arctic – Tiksi, on the Yamal island of Vilkitsky and the Novaya Zemlya archipelago. The territory was cleared in Komi – on the border of the Arctic Circle and at the White Sea petroglyphs in Karelia, at the ancient Novodvinsk fortress in the Arkhangelsk region and on Teriberka, near the Barents Sea. “In 2021, within the framework of the Clean Arctic project, more than 1,500 tons

The Taliban answered the question about the ownership of Crimea

Taliban representative Mujahid on the recognition of Crimea: residents of the peninsula have the right to vote Taliban movement (banned in Russia terrorist organization) supports the people who live in Crimea, they have the right to vote. This is how the official representative of the grouping Zabihulla Mujahid answered the question about the ownership of the peninsula in an interview with Octagon. “As for Crimea, I want to say that this is the case of Ukraine and Moscow. We hope this issue will be resolved soon. God forbid that because of this there was a war in the region and other countries used it for their own purposes. If people want to live in Russia, we agree with them, “Mujahid added. Speaking about the official recognition of Crimea as Russian territory, the Taliban representative said that if the inhabitants of the peninsula want to be with Russia, then the movement

Biden was predicted to repeat the mistakes of one of his predecessors

Allianz economist: stagflation could lead the US to a 1970s crisis US President Joe Biden may repeat the mistakes of one of his predecessors – 39th President Jimmy Carter – in the fight against the economic crisis. This was stated by the chief economic adviser of the international insurance company Allianz Mohammed El-Erian on the air of the Fox News TV channel. The new omicron strain of the coronavirus is causing concern in the markets, El-Erian said. It could add to record high inflationary pressures and drive the US economy into 1970s stagflation. “We travel less. We go to restaurants less, and we have additional restrictions and rules, ”said the economist. American markets are concerned that all of these circumstances will lead to increased inflation and exacerbated problems with global supply chains. “The combination of these two things, low [economic] growth and high inflation, is stagflation, and this is what

Russian Foreign Ministry blames NATO for the crisis on the Polish-Belarusian border

Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Grushko: NATO military operations caused a crisis on the Polish border to the Polish-Belarusian border. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Glushko accused the alliance of provoking the migration crisis, RIA Novosti reports Related materials 00:02 – July 14 He called himself the savior of Europe. ”A stream of refugees flooded Lithuania. What awaits the EU and how is Lukashenka involved in this? 00:01 – November 18 “They would rather die in Europe than return home” How migrants on the border with Poland have changed life in Belarus “We must not forget about the reasons for these migration flows. This is primarily the result of the military operations carried out by the allies either within NATO or separately, ”the diplomat said. Earlier, the human rights organization Human Rights Watch published stories of migrants about systematic violence by the Belarusian security forces. The refugees told

Omich received a sentence for bribing an FSB officer in favor of a casino

A Russian bribed an FSB officer for the safety of a casino and sat down for 5.5 years strict regime for giving a bribe to an FSB officer – the Russian believed that for money the security officer would not only warn of a possible police raid on an illegal casino, but even protect the gaming equipment from seizure or be able to return it. On Monday, November 29, the Prosecutor's Office of the Omsk Region reported to Lente.ru. In February 2021, a 37-year-old man handed over 300 thousand rubles to an FSB officer and announced his conditions for “protecting” the gambling business … But after the transfer of the bribe-giver, he was detained red-handed. At first, he was tried for bribing on a large scale, and he faced seven to 12 years in prison. However, later the case was reclassified as “large-scale mediation in bribery” – the man allegedly

The man secretly made his way onto the landing gear of the plane and flew unharmed to another country

A man flew from Guatemala to the United States in the plane's landing gear compartment and survived in the landing gear compartment of a Boeing 737-800, and survived. Details of the incident are published by The New York Times. The incident took place on Saturday, November 27, on an American Airlines flight. A resident of Guatemala, whose name was not disclosed, secretly made his way to the runway and hid in the landing gear compartment while preparing the liner for departure. It is clarified that the plane was in the air for about three hours. According to the carrier's spokesman Alfredo Gardugno, as soon as the plane landed, the US Customs and Border Protection officers detained the offender. Later, the man was taken to the hospital for medical examination. According to eyewitnesses, he was unharmed, despite the fact that he flew to another country in such a dangerous way. An