The new Cabinet of Austria, led by the youngest Chancellor was sworn in

The new Cabinet of Austria, led by the youngest Chancellor was sworn in VIENNA, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. The new government of Austria, headed by the youngest Chancellor in the history of the Republic, 31-year-old Sebastian Kurz on Monday sworn in. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий From 2017 to 2021 in Austria will rule the coalition government of the conservative Austrian people’s party, led by Sebastian Kurz and right Austrian freedom party, whose leader, Heinz-Christian strache became Vice-Chancellor and Minister of sports at the same time. Foreign Minister of the Republic appointed the 52-year-old independent candidate Dr. Karin Kneissl. The defense Ministry on the proposal “right-wing” was headed by a former military man Mario Kunasek, Ministry of internal Affairs of the country passed into the hands of the Secretary-General “sobolnikov” Herbert Cycle. The ceremony The ceremony was held in the Imperial Hofburg Palace. Austrian President Alexander van der Bellen addressed the audience at

The start of the campaign-2018: experts have called the main internal problem for the future President

© Sergey Maligawa/TASS MOSCOW, December 18. /TASS/. Improving the quality of public administration and promotion of new generation of managers, and strengthening of civil society institutions can become the main strategic tasks in the field of socio-political life for a politician who takes the highest office after the elections of 2018. Monday after the official start of the election campaign, TASS spoke with experts who identified possible key challenges for the future head of state. A solid Foundation Reflecting on the nature of the upcoming campaign, the experts agree that she will first pass through the referendum scenario and will serve as confirmation of the confidence of the head of the country and the course of its development, carried out in the last years. Accordingly, the political strategy for the next presidential term will be formed on the basis of the need to solve or find a solution to pressing

Foreign policy for the next President: what will face the winner of the election-2018

© Mikhail Tereshchenko/TASS MOSCOW, December 18. /TASS/. Development of new models of cooperation with the US and the EU, strengthening positions in Asia and find a lasting place in the world monetary system can become the main strategic task in foreign policy for the President of the Russian Federation, who will win the elections in March 2018. Such estimates of the future presidential “six-year” at the request of TASS that experts in the field of foreign policy the day of the official start of the election campaign in Russia. Crises and trends The modern world is undergoing a period of profound changes, often accompanied by a crisis that requires an adequate response, as was, for example, during the so-called Arab spring.

Putin dreams of the utopian socialists of the “cities of the Sun” will not come true

Putin dreams of the utopian socialists of the “cities of the Sun” will not come true MOSCOW, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. Dreams of the utopian socialists of the “cities of the Sun” is hardly ever fulfilled, says Russian President Vladimir Putin. “(Henry): Saint-Simon and other utopian socialists, and then other people who sincerely sought to do good, dreaming of the Sun cities, but these cities do not and hardly ever will be”, — Putin said. He also noted that in many countries rights are respected, but people don’t know about that, and cited an experiment conducted previously in the United States. “It’s no secret that in the United States conducted a street survey, a survey of passers-by, reading the article of the Constitution or the bill of rights of the United States. Someone promised to call the police, someone said that this is blatant propaganda and now they’ll call

Rogozin said about the moral right of Russian companies to earn in Syria

Rogozin said about the moral right of Russian companies to earn in Syria Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said after his visit to Syria that Russia has a moral right to develop their projects in the country, reports “RIA Novosti”. According to the Vice-Premier of the Russian business in Syria, “every penny, every ruble believes.” “Russian companies have a moral right, especially in the presence of our military, which persists in varying degrees for the retention of peace and stability, to develop major economic projects,” — said Rogozin, noting that, despite widespread destruction, Syria — “infinitely rich country.” You need to think “how to earn money in our budget, for our citizens, for people who are also waiting for a return from the great works of Russia in Syria”, he said. The restoration of the Syrian economy should be conducted as quickly as possible because even after the end of

The right to development

The right to development Political scientist Oleg Matveychev — how to get away from the specter of stagnation. The sense of stagnation brought the Soviet people to the 1990-th years — the time of self-destruction and breaking up of all social mechanisms. It is in the so-called era of stagnation, which, as is commonly believed, began under Brezhnev, the citizens of the vast Soviet Empire ceased to believe in their future. Ceased to believe that they themselves are the Creator of your life. The future saw them monotonous, like yesterday and the day before, and his continuing range become complex problem of lack of human, social and economic mobility. In the USSR, the young man finished College, got a job and life could remain in office, which came in his youth. On the same position in the same organization 40 years. How could he make a career, when there are

Rogozin in Syria held talks with Assad and visited the base Hamim

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin © Alexander Demyanchuk/TASS DAMASCUS, December 18. /TASS/. Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin has visited the Syrian Arab Republic (SAR) with a working visit. In Damascus, the Deputy Prime Minister discussed with President of Syria Bashar al-Assad’s post-war restoration of economy of the Republic and held talks with the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of SAR Imad Khamis. Also in the Syrian capital hosted a meeting of co-chairmen of the Russian-Syrian intergovernmental Commission Rogozin and Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers cap, Minister of foreign Affairs of Syria Walid Muallem.

Named the most dangerous events of the next ten years

Named the most dangerous events of the next ten years Bloomberg has published an annual overview of the most dangerous events that can happen in the next ten years. “A world on the brink. North Korea threatens to start a war. No one knows what else will get up to [US President] Donald trump (…). The scripts shown here should not be considered forecasts. On the contrary, this is a provocative idea, the purpose of which is to force you to think about how rapidly changing our world”, — reports the Agency. As the first of the dangerous events indicated the victory of Donald trump in the elections for the second time. “The economy is booming. As a result of investigation Robert Mueller (spectracolor investigating possible Russian interference in presidential elections in 2016 — approx. “Of the”) finds no evidence directly pointing to the involvement of trump,” notes Bloomberg.

The CEC approved the electoral calendar

The CEC approved the electoral calendar The document defines the terms of registration of candidates, the date of publication of election programs and the results of the voting. The election campaign was launched in Russia on December 18. The Central election Commission (CEC) approved the schedule for the presidential campaign. Candidates will be able to register to participate in elections until January 31, and the results of the vote will determine until March 29, 2018. This follows from the plan of the presidential campaign (there RBC), which was approved on 18 December at the meeting of the CEC members. The nomination of independent candidates is open from 18 December to 7 January, for the nomination of candidates by political parties is given a little more time, from December 18 until January 12, the presidential campaign plan of the CEC. Canvassing any member of the election with the date of nomination