Assange has been granted citizenship of Ecuador, told the media

Assange has been granted citizenship of Ecuador, told the media MOSCOW, January 10 — RIA Novosti. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been granted citizenship of Ecuador. About it reports El Universo, citing sources. On the newspaper’s website shows the number of the given out passports. Earlier on Twitter Assange appeared the picture of him wearing the uniform of the national team of Ecuador football. Assange 2012 is the Embassy of Ecuador in London. He then appealed to the Ecuadorian authorities for political asylum because of the possible extradition to the United States in connection with his activities in WikiLeaks. Recently Assange kept in touch with the outside world via Twitter, where he regularly published his comments.

Trump wants to tighten US law on defamation after the release of the controversial book about him

Trump wants to tighten US law on defamation after the release of the controversial book about him WASHINGTON, January 10. /TASS/. The US President Donald trump on Wednesday pledged to explore the possibility of strengthening its national laws on defamation after the publication caused great repercussions in the country of books, journalist Michael Wolfe’s “Fire and fury: inside the White house trump” (Fire and Fury. Inside the Trump White House). “We will carefully study the laws of our country on libel in order for the person about whom someone says something false and defamatory, was able to protect in our courts, — said the head of state before the first in this year meeting of his Cabinet. — You can’t lie, speak false things and smile at the same time, when the money comes into your Bank account”. “Our current libel laws — a fraud and a disgrace and do

Saakashvili began searching for “the 300 Spartans”

Saakashvili began searching for “the 300 Spartans” A former Governor of the Odessa region Mikhail Saakashvili said he will seek personnel for the management of Ukraine. He stated after the interrogation in SBU briefing video he posted in his Facebook. “I start tomorrow to travel around the country, start recruiting people for the new government. I’m going to find the 300 Spartans. We need to find new people who will rule the country other methods, which will not be stealing our money, will not destroy Ukraine and will build it,” he said. Earlier, on 10 January, Saakashvili testified regarding the shootings on the Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence square) in Kiev in early 2014. He “thanked” President Petro Poroshenko that provides the disgraced policy of “thrill”, in particular, sends him “on alert commandos in three hours of the night.” The 300 Spartans — ancient Greek squad king Leonidas I at Thermopylae battle

Media-registered as a foreign agent unable to recognize the bloggers that receive money from foreign governments

Vice-speaker of the state Duma of the Russian Federation Pyotr Tolstoy © Marat Abulhasan/photo Department of the state Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, January 10. /TASS/. Vice-speaker of the state Duma Pyotr Tolstoy said that the media-invagent in Russia may be recognized as including the blogger, receive money from a foreign government in the presence of relevant evidence.

Putin expects from its election headquarters of informal work and correct signature collection

The collection of signatures in support of nomination of Vladimir Putin in the presidential elections of 2018 © Alexander Alpatkin/TASS MOSCOW, January 10. /TASS/. The work of the election headquarters does not have to be formal, otherwise it will be ineffective, said the candidate in presidents of Russia Vladimir Putin. On Wednesday, he visited the Gostiny Dvor, a part of the premises which was occupied by his campaign headquarters.

Putin left a note “Thanks for trust” on the Board at campaign headquarters

Putin left a note “Thanks for trust” on the Board at campaign headquarters President Vladimir Putin while visiting his campaign headquarters in Moscow left on the wall inscription “Thanks for trust”. So he thanked the young activists, mostly students. Students during the conversation, Putin asked him to be photographed with them. Before performing that request, the President also left a note on the Board in the headquarters, thanking everyone for their trust. “Thank you for your trust and for working together. President Of Russia Vladimir Putin. 10.01.2018,” wrote the President under the red hashtag “#Gotowkowego”. As reported by the portal in one shift in staff working more than 30 volunteers, including students from Moscow and other Russian cities. Those who came from regions located in hotels. Previously, the VZGLYAD newspaper reported that at the meeting of the electoral headquarters of Vladimir Putin, said that it was important to inform

The state Duma rejected a bill to aid are below the poverty line

The state Duma rejected a bill to aid are below the poverty line MOSCOW, January 10 — RIA Novosti. The state Duma rejected the bill of fraction of the Communist party on assistance to persons in poverty included in the number of documents available to priority consideration during the spring session of 2018. The bill proposed to introduce a monthly assistance at the expense of the Federal budget. The recipients of the payments proposed to consider individuals whose income is below the subsistence minimum multiplied by a coefficient of 1.3. The document stipulated that the funds can be spent on purchasing food, non-food items, medicines, medical products, payment of services, the composition and the lists are determined by the government of the Russian Federation. While these funds were not supposed to be in the form of cash. In the opinion of the responsible Committee noted that the bill is contrary

Bloggers can recognize the media-registered as a foreign agent

Bloggers can recognize the media-registered as a foreign agent Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Pyotr Tolstoy said that blogger can be recognized by the media-noagents. “We are talking about individuals that operate as media, including this can be bloggers — in the presence of proven foreign funding and characteristics, which equate it to the media-registered as a foreign agent”, — said Mr. Tolstoy at a meeting of the Duma Committee on information policy, information technologies and communications, which considered the bill. Under the proposed rules will be subject to blogger, “which receives money from a foreign government, for example, through the Fund, which is in the United States, or receives money for the dissemination of information from their sources”, he said. “That is, if he gets the money not from a private person and a foreign state” — leads TASS words of Mr. Tolstoy. We will remind, Peter Tolstoy

The speaker of the legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, the first signed in support of Putin in the elections

The collection of signatures in support of nomination of Vladimir Putin in the presidential elections of 2018 © Alexey Pavlicek/TASS SAINT PETERSBURG, 10 Jan. /TASS/. The Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, Secretary of the St. Petersburg regional branch of the party “United Russia” Vyacheslav Makarov, Russia’s first put the signature in support of nomination of Vladimir Putin in the presidential elections of the Russian Federation. He reported about it on Wednesday to journalists.

Moscow welcomes agreement between Seoul and Pyongyang

The Chairman of the Committee for the peaceful reunification of Korea Ri son Gwon, and Minister of South Korea for unification Cho Myung-Gyun © Korea Pool via AP MOSCOW, January 10. /TASS/. Russia welcomes the agreement on the high-level talks in Panmunjom between representatives of the DPRK and the Republic of Korea. This is stated in a statement on Wednesday the comments of the Russian foreign Ministry.