Abbas has called for a review of non-performing Palestinian agreements with Israel

Abbas has called for a review of non-performing Palestinian agreements with Israel GAZA, January 14 — RIA Novosti. Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas called for a review of the agreement with Israel, which he does not. Speaking at an emergency meeting of the Central Council of the Palestine liberation Organization, accused Israel that its settlement policy, put an end to the Oslo accords, on the basis of which organs function Palestinian government plans a middle East settlement. “We call upon the Central Council to review the agreements signed with the Israeli government, because Israel does not comply with them,” said Abbas. Abbas refrained from direct threats to the dissolution of the Palestinian national authority, but made clear it would not agree to continue to operate “without real powers.” The meeting in Ramallah held to discuss the consequences of the decision of the President of the United States Donald trump on the

The Palestinian leader accused Israel of torpedoing the Oslo accords

The Palestinian leader accused Israel of torpedoing the Oslo accords GAZA, January 14 — RIA Novosti. Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas accused Israel that its settlement policy “completed the” peace Oslo accords, who 25 years ago launched the middle East peace process. He speaks at the emergency meeting of the Central Council of the Palestine liberation Organization, which discusses the consequences of the December trump statements about recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. “It is Israel completed the Oslo accords of their settlements in the West Bank and Jerusalem,” said Abbas, whose performance in the live broadcast of Palestinian TV. The agreement became the basis for the establishment of Palestinian self-government on the part of the territories occupied by Israel in 1967, and suggest a solution through direct negotiations between the conflicting parties to a final settlement based on the formula “two States for two peoples.” Abbas refrained from direct threats

In the reception of United Russia came to 200 thousand people to put signatures in support of Putin

© Sergey Maligawa/TASS MOSCOW, January 14. /TASS/. Public reception of “United Russia” was visited by over 200 thousand people to sign in support of participation in presidential elections of the Russian Federation acting head of state Vladimir Putin, who goes on elections as the independent candidate. On that Sunday reported in a press-service of the party with reference to the Secretary of the General Council of United Russia Andrei Turchak. To open several hundred public receptions in 85 regions of the country, the party decided after this request she was asked by activists and collecting signatures in support of Putin.

The coalition of States began to establish in Syria “forces border security”

The coalition of States began to establish in Syria “forces border security” WASHINGTON, 14 Jan — RIA Novosti. The coalition headed by the USA against the group “Islamic state”* began to establish a so-called “security forces of the border” in Syria, the territory under its control, said a Defense Post, the representative of the press service of the Thomas Fork. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий The Alliance works in conjunction with the “Syrian democratic forces” (SDS). “Currently, the first phase trained approximately 230 people, the ultimate goal is to create a force strength of approximately 30 thousand people”, — said the representative of the coalition. According to him, the new force will be along the valley of the Euphrates river on the Western outskirts of the Syrian territory controlled by the SDS, as well as along the Iraqi and Turkish borders. “Syrian democratic forces” was formed with the active support of the United States

Bastrykin has proposed the extrajudicial order of closing down of extremist websites

Bastrykin has proposed the extrajudicial order of closing down of extremist websites The head of the Investigative Committee of Russia Alexander Bastrykin said that it is necessary to strengthen the fight against terrorist and extremist organizations on the Internet. However, he urged to take into account the departure of extremist youth from Russian regions to hotspots. “For blocking extremist sites I have at the operational meetings held in the Federal districts, instructed to work more closely with the Prosecutor’s office and Roskomnadzor, promptly send received the investigation materials, confirming the spread of the Internet illegal information,” — said the “Russian newspaper” Alexander Bastrykin. According to the head of the TFR, the activities of international terrorist organizations-mainly text and audiovisual material on the Internet. They often appeal to provide financial assistance to terrorist groups with the indication of mobile phone numbers, e-wallets and other payment details, said Mr Bastrykin. The head

Putin compared the Communist ideology with Christianity

Putin compared the Communist ideology with Christianity PETROPAVLOVSK-KAMCHATSKY, January 14. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin called Moral code of the Builder of communism “primitive excerpt from the Bible”, and the content of Lenin’s body in Mausoleum compared with the Christian tradition of the veneration of the relics. “Maybe I’ll say something that someone doesn’t like it. But I will say what I think. First, the faith she always accompanied us. She was strengthened when our country, people were especially hard, was very hard during the Soviet time, when he killed the priests, destroyed temples. But at the same time because he created a new religion,” he said in the interview with journalist Andrei Kondrashov. His film “Balaam” shows on 14 January, the TV channel “Russia 1”. According to Putin, “Communist ideology is very akin to Christianity.” “Liberty, fraternity, equality, justice is all laid out in Scripture, it’s all there. And

Public reception of United Russia for the collection of signatures for Putin opened across the country

© Yegor Aleev/TASS MOSCOW, January 14. /TASS/. Several hundred sites of public reception of the party “United Russia” in all regions of the Russian Federation granted on 14 January to collect signatures in support of the participation in presidential elections of the Russian Federation acting head of state Vladimir Putin. “Activists and collecting signatures in support of Vladimir Putin appealed to the “United Russia” with a request to provide 14 January the premises of public offices in order to collect signatures, and today the party has provided hundreds of sites of public reception offices in all 85 regions”, – stated in the message a press-services of the Central Executive Committee of United Russia, received on January 14 at the TASS. It clarifies that “receiving work from 9 to 19 hours.”

The lawyer told about the threats against Gregory by Rodchenkova

The lawyer told about the threats against Gregory by Rodchenkova The lawyer of the former acting Director of the Moscow anti-Doping center Gregory Rodchenkov Jim Walden said his client was threatened. “Rodchenkov is at the top of Russian hate list. At least one official called for to deal with Rodchenkova” — quotes bi-Bi-si Mr. Walden. According to the lawyer, Mr Rodchenkov preparing for the hearings suspended from Olympics for Russian athletes. These hearings will be held in the Sports arbitration court in Lausanne. “Once it gets on (hearing — “y), we need to make sure that he’s safe,” said Mr Walden. In late December, Jim Walden, called on the international Olympic Committee (IOC) to replace the head. The lawyer cited the IOC politicized structure and contrasted the actions of the Committee in the case of Russia’s policy towards Kuwait. Earlier, the IOC announced that it has completed a review of

Antonov and the huntsman outlined the joint steps to improve the relations of the Russian Federation and the United States

Russia’s Ambassador to the U.S. Anatoly Antonov © Sergey Karpov/TASS WASHINGTON, January 14. /TASS/. Russia’s Ambassador to the U.S. Anatoly Antonov and U.S. Ambassador to Russia John huntsman outlined the joint steps to promote the normalization of relations between Moscow and Washington. Antonov told the journalists held on January 13 at his residence a reception to mark Day of Russian press. He said that he considers good and constructive held him the other day meeting with Huntsman. “I think Huntsman is smart, sensible professional. The meeting was good the meeting was constructive, and I welcome the attitude of the Huntsman on the development of Russian-American relations,” – said Antonov.

The WikiLeaks informant Chelsea manning is running for the U.S. Senate

The WikiLeaks informant Chelsea manning is running for the U.S. Senate The WikiLeaks informant Chelsea manning is running for the U.S. Senate. Manning filed the appropriate documents with the Federal election Commission and wants to represent Maryland. It is reported RT with reference to the Associated Press. Chelsea Manning, the transgender former Army intelligence analyst convicted of leaking classified documents, is running for U.S. Senate in Maryland. — AP South U.S. Region (@APSouthRegion) January 13, 2018 During the download an error has occurred. The informant WikiLeaks Bradley manning was arrested in 2010, he confessed to the transfer of site documents about US actions in Iraq and Afghanistan. The officer was convicted of espionage and sentenced to 35 years in prison. While in prison, Bradley made a sex change operation and became Chelsea. In may 2017 Chelsea manning was released.