In the state Duma will introduce a bill to legalize private military companies

In the state Duma will introduce a bill to legalize private military companies Within a month the state Duma will be introduced a bill that would legalize the activities of private military companies (PMCs), reports RT with reference to the first Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the lower house on state construction and legislation Mikhail Emelyanov. “The situation in Syria has demonstrated the relevance of private military companies — they are perfectly suited for use in such local conflicts. The law will allow to involve employees of PMCs to participate in counterterrorism operations abroad, to protect the sovereignty of the allied States from external aggression. And the protection of different objects, including oil and gas, Railways,” said Mr. Emelyanov. According to him, the activities of such organizations must be licensed by the relevant authorities. The document elaborates the concept and objectives of private military companies, works and services, as

Lavrov stood up for Russian mercenaries

Lavrov stood up for Russian mercenaries To protect the rights of Russians working for private military companies (PMCs) in other countries, it is necessary to create a legal framework, said the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov. It is reported by RIA Novosti. The diplomat reminded that this practice is prevalent in many States, particularly in the US, where there is a PMC Academi, better known under its former name of Blackwater, whose staff have fought in Iraq. “I think here we need to clearly define the legislative framework to ensure that these people (citizens of Russia — approx. “Of the”) was also in the legal field and protected,” Lavrov said. According to Reuters, in Syria, where the official presence of the Russian military contingent, from January to September 2017 killed at least 131 the citizen of Russia. All of them, as reported, soldiers of private military

Matvienko urged to prevent violations and provocations during the presidential elections

The speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko © Sergey Fadeichev/TASS MOSCOW, January 17. /TASS/. The speaker of Council of Federation Valentina Matvienko urged to avoid provocations and violations during Russia started in the election campaign of the President of the Russian Federation. She stated this on Wednesday at the opening of the spring session of the upper house of Parliament.

Kazakhstan and the USA signed an agreement for $2.5 billion

Kazakhstan and the USA signed an agreement for $2.5 billion Kazakhstan has signed agreements on the purchase of products US for a total of $2.5 billion, according to the Department’s website. “During the visit was signed many commercial contracts and documents, including a new agreement between Boeing, GE Transportation, GE Digital, Chevron, Air Astana, air company “Kazakhstan passenger transportation”, the SCAT airlines and the national welfare Fund “Samruk-Kazyna” to purchase products and services from the USA worth more than $ 2.5 billion”, — stated in the text of the official message. The President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev will stay in the US until January 18. Earlier it was reported that Nazarbayev invited trump to Kazakhstan.

Sphere — into the future. The government proposed reform of the social institutions support

Sphere — into the future. The government proposed reform of the social institutions support Change the operation scheme of the social sphere after the elections of 2018 has suddenly become the main theme which opened in Moscow Gaidar forum. The most radical ideas presented by the head of audit chamber Tatyana Golikova is a consolidation of three of the social Fund into a single “exchange of power” with the regions, involving the solution of problems of non-payment for the unemployed the Federal government. The idea of the Center for strategic research (CSR) in the growth of social spending 1.5−2% of GDP unopposed — but judging by the discussions in the Ranepa, in April the government will discuss not so much the growth as the reform of institutions and the entire system of social support. Gaidar forum, an annual conference of the Russian Academy of national economy and public administration (Ranepa),

The Georgian President refused to pardon Saakashvili

The Georgian President refused to pardon Saakashvili The President of Georgia Giorgi Margvelashvili has no plans to pardon Mikhail Saakashvili, in absentia, the convicted person at home. He stated this in an interview with TV company “Rustavi 2” reports RIA Novosti. “By what logic should I pardon Saakashvili? Prosecutors can decide how to charge, how to form an investigation, a judge may not determine the boundary of the illegal use of the article of pardon. And that the Georgian President should pardon and thereby correct their mistakes?”, — outraged Margvelashvili. “Pardon is not a correction of judicial error, it is an act of pity. Standing in front of such a reality can I show the emotion in the attitude of Saakashvili?” asked the President. He blamed Saakashvili for the current system in which prosecutors and the court, “operate on the old traditions” and the new government is not able to

France refused demands to Russia to recover the king’s debts

France refused demands to Russia to recover the king’s debts The Ministry of economy of France stated that it could not require Russia to pay compensation to the Russian pre-revolutionary bonds. The Ministry recalled that the debate on the “Russian loans” was liquidated by agreement in 1997 under which France and Russia mutually renounce all financial debts that have arisen between them prior to may 9, 1945. Then, in accordance with the agreement, Russia paid France $400 million. however, the agreement does not allow you to deprive “the French individuals, even received compensation, the right to put the debt requirements”, reports “RIA Novosti”. It was previously reported that about 400 thousand people are going to demand payments on bonds that were purchased even their grandfathers. The total amount paid ranges from €10 to €30 billion.

The salaries of teachers have increased with the load. The experts evaluated the kindergarten economy

The salaries of teachers have increased with the load. The experts evaluated the kindergarten economy In the Russian kindergarten teachers less time to devote to individual work with children receive higher than before the salary. Such conclusions were made by experts of the Institute of education, national research UNIVERSITY “Higher school of Economics” in the course of the monitoring the Economics of education in the 2016/17 academic year. This happens against the background of rising kindergarten groups (sometimes up to 40 children) and reducing, in particular, speech therapists and music workers, which “dramatically reduces the overall effect is a huge investment” in early childhood education. In the state Duma said that already preparing amendments for the establishment of the maximum load on caregivers. Monthly income of caregivers in 2017 rose 9% in municipal kindergartens and 15% in the private sector. Thus, the salary of a teacher in a state institution

The physician assessed the health status of the trump

The physician assessed the health status of the trump WASHINGTON, 17 Jan — RIA Novosti. The President of the United States Donald trump in General good health, said Tuesday his doctor, Ronny Jackson. “The President has a good performance and overall good health. Most likely, it will remain so for the entire duration of his presidency,” Jackson said at a briefing for journalists. According to him, it is connected including with the fact that he “all his life does not smoke and does not drink”. The doctor of the head of state stressed that he is “extremely good” passed the test on the psyche. Also, according to him, the President takes the drug Propecia, reduces hair loss. The doctor said that he would like to lower your patient’s cholesterol levels. As it turned out, trump weighs about 108 pounds. Jackson noted that the head of state would like to lose