Map fitness app has helped calculate the US military bases

Map fitness app has helped calculate the US military bases MOSCOW, 29 Jan — RIA Novosti. The experts found on the map app Strava military bases in several countries, including the United States. The movement of troops to the places of dislocation was given fitness trackers, and mobile devices, writes The Verge. In November last year, the fitness app Strava, which allows users to track the distance traveled using data from satellites, published a map with information about the movements of the owners of millions of devices. The Network has paid attention to unusual activity in war zones, including Afghanistan and Syria. There, a significant distance from settlements and other places where they can be used in fitness trackers, users find cyclical routes, for which, apparently, move military patrols. “Strava has published a global map… Looks nice, but it is a problem to maintain the secrecy of the operations. US

Rospotrebnadzor warned about the vectors of zika fever in Turkey

Rospotrebnadzor warned about the vectors of zika fever in Turkey The Federal service for supervision of consumer rights protection and human welfare (Rospotrebnadzor) warned the Russians about the emergence in Turkey mosquito vectors of zika fever. Bolezners Zeke: infection, which is underestimated “According to the Ministry of health of Turkey the coastal areas of the provinces of Artvin, Rize, Trabzon mentioned the presence of a vector of zika fever in October last year identified the four people infected with the virus after a visit to Cuba,” reads the website of the Department.

Media: customs began to track the purchase of Russians abroad

Media: customs began to track the purchase of Russians abroad Custom became quickly learn about purchases of Russians abroad, and has strengthened control over the transportation of goods to Russia, according to “Vedomosti”. As has informed the edition a law enforcement officer, information about expensive purchases, the customs officers receive through the Tax Free system and from foreign law enforcement agencies. Both channels of information earned in November and December 2017. According to the source newspaper, from December of 2017 was thwarted by a few dozen attempts to smuggle across the border expensive watch, clothes, jewelry and accessories. It is noted that duty-free to Russia it is possible to import things with a total value of up to €10 thousand If the total cost of the purchase exceeds this amount, you must pay tax of 30%. If you violate this rule may face a fine, confiscation of goods or criminal

Glazyev: the Russian economy brought more than $1 trillion over 30 years

Glazyev: the Russian economy brought more than $1 trillion over 30 years The outflow of funds from Russian economy amounted to more than $1 trillion over the last 30 years. This was stated by Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation Sergey Glazyev at the Blockchain and Cryptocurrency World Summit, held in Moscow. “You know, Russia is the richest country in the world. We have over 30 years brought the global financial system more than $1 trillion that flowed from Russia. We honestly do not know where they are, we know that approximately half a trillion dollars rotates between offshore companies and the Russian economy — the circuit is on the order of hundreds of billions of dollars annually. And the other half trillion generally disappeared in an unknown direction. This, of course, concerned about our tax service. It turns out that the more we flee the country, the

Of the Turkish armed forces have destroyed 557 opponents in the course of the operation in ‘ Afrīn

Of the Turkish armed forces have destroyed 557 opponents in the course of the operation in ‘ Afrīn ANKARA, January 28. /TASS./ Turkish armed forces had “neutralized 557 terrorists” in the framework of operation “Olive branch” in the area of Afrin in Northern Syria. This is stated in a statement on Sunday statement from the Turkish General staff. “Sun in the course of “operation Olive branch” over the past day destroyed 73 goals, including shelters, caches of ammunition and firing positions of terrorists from units of the “forces of the people’s protection units” (SNA), the Kurdistan workers ‘ party, the party “Democratic Union” (DS) and the extremist group “Islamic state” (IG banned in Russia — approx. TASS.) Since the beginning of operation “Olive branch” destroyed 557 terrorists”, — the document says. The General staff of the Turkish armed forces announced on 20 January on the beginning of “operation Olive branch”

Turkey does not seek to capture the Syrian territories, said Erdogan

Turkey does not seek to capture the Syrian territories, said Erdogan MOSCOW, January 28 — RIA Novosti. The aim of the Turkish military operation “Olive branch” in Syria is not the seizure of the territory of the country, said Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий “We are not seeking to capture the Syrian lands, however, I want to help to return of 3.5 million refugees currently in Turkey”, — quotes the Turkish leader, Anadolu Agency. The locals thank the Turkish military that with their arrival in the region, “there will be security,” Erdogan said. According to him, the operation in ‘ Afrīn is aimed at protecting the interests of the civilian population of Syria. Opponents of “operation Olive branch” “turn a blind eye to the activities of terrorists in the region”, stressed the head of state. Turkey on 20 January announced the beginning of “operation Olive branch” against the forces

Netanyahu believes that Iran is in no hurry to develop nuclear weapons because of the sanctions

Netanyahu believes that Iran is in no hurry to develop nuclear weapons because of the sanctions NEW YORK, January 28. /TASS./ Iran is in no hurry to develop nuclear weapons, not to be subject to new sanctions. This opinion was expressed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, responding to the questions of the host of CNN Fareed Zakaria. The latter served as moderator at one of the sessions of the world economic forum, which completed its work on Friday. “Iran is in no hurry to develop nuclear weapons because of the fear to be subjected to new sanctions,” said Netanyahu, the answers of which were shown Sunday on CNN. “If they will force the creation of a nuclear bomb, other States will stop them. In any case, we will do so,” warned the head of government. He was critical of the Joint comprehensive plan of action (SVPD) on the Iranian nuclear

Zhirinovsky campaigned for himself on the stock Bulk

Zhirinovsky campaigned for himself on the stock Bulk Several dozen activists involved in the “protest voters” politician Alexei Navalny, met on Tverskaya street in Moscow of the leader of LDPR, the candidate of the President of Russia Vladimir Zhirinovsky. Activists urged him to withdraw his candidacy, but he refused. It is reported by the correspondent of “b” from the event. Communicating with the participants, Mr. Zhirinovsky cited the example of American politicians Donald trump and Hillary Clinton, noting that the last of his age (in fact, Vladimir Zhirinovsky over Mrs. Clinton for more than a year: he was born April 25, 1946, she — 26 October 1947). He also spoke about his participation in protests. “I was same as you 30 years ago. Three times I was detained at Pushkin square,” — said the politician. In the end, came Zhirinovsky. ВНЕЗАПНО — MBH Media (@MBKhMedia) 28 Jan 2018 During

Share Bulk Kamchatka was visited by one person

Share Bulk Kamchatka was visited by one person At the protest of opposition leader Alexei Navalny in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky one person came. Data on the number of participants of rallies in support of it published on the website of the Council under the President of Russia on development of civil society and human rights (HRC) on Sunday, January 28. In Yekaterinburg, the opposition gathered 900 people, followed by Novosibirsk (600 participants) and Nizhniy Novgorod (550 participants). In Perm and Chelyabinsk the action was attended by at least 400 people. In Omsk, Saratov, Samara, Krasnoyarsk, Tomsk, and Vladivostok, the observers counted about 200-250 participants. In Irkutsk, Khabarovsk, Barnaul, Kemerovo, Izhevsk, Tyumen, Magnitogorsk and Orenburg stock Navalny called for 100-190. Less than a hundred participants came to the meetings in Barrow, Berezniki, Komsomolsk on Amur, Chita, Ulan Ude, Astrakhan, Bratsk, Yakutsk, Yuzhno Sakhalinsk, Tchaikovsky, Saratov, Balashov. Shares in Magadan, Novokuznetsk, Blagoveshchensk and Noyabrsk

The inhabitants of Siberia have ignored Sunday Bulk

The inhabitants of Siberia have ignored Sunday Bulk Protest blogger Alexei Navalny in the Siberian cities — Barnaul, Yakutsk, Irkutsk, Tomsk, Khabarovsk, Kemerovo, and Novosibirsk — have not collected a large number of people — each of them came to no more than 200 people, reported in the media. By noon Moscow time the protests took place in Siberian cities — Barnaul, Yakutsk, Irkutsk, Tomsk, Khabarovsk, Kemerovo, and Novosibirsk. In them, according to the interior Ministry was not involved more than 200 people. In Kemerovo the action was not coordinated, in the end, the police detained about 20 people, including the head of Navalny’s campaign staff Ksenya Pakhomov, according to “Vedomosti”. So, in Barnaul the Chapter of the Ministry of interior reported that a rally in support of Navalny was held on Sunday without violations, collecting a total of about 100-150 people, reports TASS. In Kurgan, as stated in the