Sobchak has declared its intention to participate in elections to the state Duma in 2021

Candidate for the post of President of the Russian Federation from party “Civil initiative” Ksenia Sobchak © Peter Kovalev/TASS SAINT PETERSBURG, 3 Feb. /TASS./ The candidate in presidents of the Russian Federation Ksenia Sobchak said at a meeting with voters on Saturday in St.-Petersburg of their intention to participate in elections to the State Duma which will pass in Russia in 2021. “When will the election [of the President], I will begin to shape their movement. I have already joined the party “Civil initiative” – if we agree, I’ll do it with her, if not, I’ll make the motion. I will go on elections in the Duma – that is my next goal, 2021,” said Sobchak, asked about the future plans.

Grudinin promised “the Left front” to fulfill received from the motion orders

Candidate for the post of President of the Russian Federation from the Communist party Pavel Grudinin © Vadim Massalimov/TASS MOSCOW, February 3. /TASS./ The candidate in presidents of the Russian Federation from the Communist party Pavel Grudinin assured the delegates of the Congress of the “Left front”, which implements mandates received from this movement. Congress called the organizers of “recovery”, as this is the first forum held after the liberation in August 2017 from prison of the leader of “Left front” Sergei Udaltsov. “I’ve read your orders, which is the “Left front” was put on the site, and I can tell you that all of your orders, I and the Communist party have placed in the program. If you will come to the polls and win, then these orders will be fulfilled,” promised the candidate. Grudinin made at the Congress for the elimination of microfinance institutions, the nationalization of banks

MFA found in the nuclear doctrine of the United States “outright fraud»

MFA found in the nuclear doctrine of the United States “outright fraud» MOSCOW, February 3 — RIA Novosti. Washington claims that Moscow refuses to further nuclear arms reductions, are outright fraud, said on Saturday the Russian foreign Ministry in connection with the publication of the new US nuclear doctrine. “Another example of outright “fraud” — the paper’s assertion that Russia refused from further nuclear arms reductions,” — said in comments the Russian foreign Ministry. In Russian depodesta recalled that Russia “has repeatedly stressed commitment to our article VI obligations under the NPT (non-proliferation Treaty of nuclear weapons)”, also Moscow “repeatedly noted the openness to discussing any issues related to the strengthening of international security”. “Pay attention, including Americans, to establish appropriate conditions for progress towards nuclear disarmament would contribute to the solution of key problems in the context of ensuring strategic stability, such as the unilateral and unlimited deployment of

In China, Muslims were herded into concentration camps

In China, Muslims were herded into concentration camps In China, about 120 thousand Muslim Uighurs sent to political and educational camp in the city of Kashgar in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous region (XUAR). About it reports CNN with reference to Radio Free Asia. In one of the largest regions of China, where the main religion is Islam, the government has created a political camp, which re-educate tens of thousands of Uighurs. There they sing revolutionary songs, learn the ideas of Chinese President XI Jinping, speak Chinese, which they are not native. The locals speak the Uighur language. Such actions of the Central government caused a sharp condemnation from the activists of the struggle for human rights and local residents. “From each household, each family taking three or four people, says Kenat Omer (Omer Kanat), Chairman of the Committee of the world Uyghur Congress. In some villages, on the streets there

Russian oligarchs forced to explain a life of luxury in London

Russian oligarchs forced to explain a life of luxury in London Rich foreigners suspected of corruption, will have to explain your “luxurious lifestyle” in the UK. About it The Times said the head of the British Ministry of security of Ben Wallace. British authorities are preparing to apply to join last week because of the rule of organized crime. They, in particular, suggest that Supervisory authorities can freeze suspect assets of more than 50 thousand pounds sterling (about 70 thousand dollars) as long as the owner did not adequately explain their origin. Checks will concern investors from Russia, China and the Middle East who have invested, for example, billions of pounds in property in London. In conversation with BBC News Wallace recalled the withdrawal from Russia of hundreds of millions of dollars through foreign, including British banks (Global scheme Laundromat, “world of Laundry”). “We won’t let that happen,” said the

Nebesa believes that Congress for Syria in Sochi will give new impetus to the Geneva process

Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MOSCOW, February 3. /TASS./ Congress of the Syrian national dialogue in Sochi should not “crush” the Geneva process, and to give it new impetus, said in the program “Vesti on Saturday” on TV channel “Russia-1”, Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia. He spoke during filming of collecting material for the script of the film to the anniversary of the death of his predecessor Vitaly Churkin, who died 20 Feb 2017.

Erdogan said about the imminent attack by Turkish troops on the Syrian Afrin

Erdogan said about the imminent attack by Turkish troops on the Syrian Afrin ANKARA, February 3. /TASS./ The Turkish army will soon take the offensive on the town of Afrin, located in the North of Syria. This was stated on Saturday, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, speaking in the town of Bitlis. “The mountains [the Syrian region] Afrin step by step stripped from the terrorists our soldiers. Troops are moving in the direction of [the city] Afrin, left a short time”, — quotes Agency Anadolu. The General staff of the Turkish armed forces announced on 20 January on the beginning of “operation Olive branch” against the troops “the forces of national self-defense” (part of an armed coalition “Forces of democratic Syria”) and the party “Democratic Union” in Afrin, home to some 1.5 million Kurds and refugees from other areas of the Arab country. These organizations Ankara considers a terrorist.

Putin discussed with Nazarbayev the outcome of the Syrian Congress in Sochi

The President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev and President of Russia Vladimir Putin © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, February 3. /TASS./ Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed by telephone with the President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, held in Sochi on 30 January, the Congress of the Syrian national dialogue. This was reported on Saturday the press service of the Kremlin. “N. A. Nazarbayev congratulated Vladimir Putin on the successful hosting in Sochi a 30 January Congress of the Syrian national dialogue. Stressed that the implementation of the Congress decisions will contribute to the achievement of a political settlement in Syria under the auspices of the UN. In this context, noted the relevance of the continuation of the work in format”, – stated in the message.

Russia’s Ambassador to the US gave an assessment of the new nuclear doctrine of Washington

Russia’s Ambassador to the US gave an assessment of the new nuclear doctrine of Washington MOSCOW, February 3 — RIA Novosti. To justify the increase in military spending and nuclear build-up in the Americans need a “horror story” in the form of Russia. This opinion was expressed by Ambassador to the USA Anatoly Antonov, commenting on the new nuclear doctrine of the Pentagon. “We understand that behind this willingness to pour huge amount of money in the military-industrial complex, we understand what a huge trillions of dollars are behind this,” said Antonov. He added that the Russian side managed to see only with the open part of this document, and the first comments and remarks from the U.S. Secretary of defense James Mattis. The document requires careful study and analysis and conclusions would be unprofessional, said the Ambassador. “But even these first remarks, I like a man who has long