The head of the SVR Sergey Naryshkin spoke about his trip to the United States

The head of the SVR Sergey Naryshkin spoke about his trip to the United States The head of the foreign intelligence Service (SVR) Russia Sergey Naryshkin said during his visit in the United States engaged exclusively in the work within the framework of their professional activities. “Short answer: in the United States of America I did my professional work of the head of Russian intelligence, period,” said Naryshkin reporters on Tuesday. So the head of the SVR responded to the question of Interfax about whether there was a connection between his recent trip to the US and the subsequent publication of the so-called “Kremlin report.” Earlier the New York Daily News reported that Naryshkin during his visit to USA met with the Director of National intelligence Dan Coates and other members of the us intelligence community. In the press Bureau of the foreign intelligence service refused to comment on reports

The CEC registered Putin as a presidential candidate

The CEC registered Putin as a presidential candidate Representatives of the headquarters of the incumbent head of state handed over to the CEC about 315 thousand. The Central election Commission of Russia at session on Tuesday has made the decision on registration of the acting head of state Vladimir Putin as a candidate in presidents of the Russian Federation, he participates in elections as the independent candidate. “To register a candidate for the office of President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin”, — stated in the decree of the CEC. The certificate was a candidate for Putin received the head of the legal service of the electoral headquarters of Sergey Kabyshev. A member of the CEC Alexander Klyukin said that were declared invalid signatures 232 of 314 thousand 837 delivered. “Invalid signatures is not revealed”, — he stressed. Putin has become the third registered candidate for the presidency. Previously,

Putin signed the law on classification of hotels

Putin signed the law on classification of hotels MOSCOW, 6 Feb — RIA Novosti. Vladimir Putin signed the law on the phased introduction of obligatory classification of hotels according to the principle of awarding them “stars”. Approve the classification of hotels, ski slopes and beaches are the state bodies responsible for tourism sector. The law will come into force from January 2019. The project envisages compulsory acquisition of the hotels a number of stars. From 2019 under the rules will be subject to the hotels more than 50 rooms, in 2020 — more than 15 rooms, and from 2021-th — all hotels. The status information will be posted on the website of the Ministry of culture. Now such classification is voluntary. The law also prohibits the hotel to work, if she was not given a specific category. Violators will face penalties. The certificate that will be engaged in classification of

Expert: detention officials in Dagestan speak about strengthening of control over the region

MOSCOW, February 5. /TASS./ Detention of local officials in Dagestan testify to the decision of the Federal centre to strengthen control over the Republic, believes the Caucasus Konstantin Kazenin, senior researcher of the Russian Academy of national economy and public administration (Ranepa) and Gaidar Institute. On Monday, senior officials of the government of Dagestan, among which, the acting head of the government of the region Abdusamad Hamidov, was arrested on charges of fraud in the implementation of social programs in the Republic and delivered by a special flight of the FSB in Moscow. The investigation plans to bring charges against them and to request their arrest.

China conducted a test of intercepting medium-range missiles

China conducted a test of intercepting medium-range missiles BEIJING, 6 Feb — RIA Novosti. China on Monday conducted a successful test to intercept medium-range missiles, land-based, said Tuesday the Ministry of defense of the PRC in your account in WeChat. “The fifth of February in the limits of the territory of China conducted a test of the technology of intercepting missiles, medium-range, ground-based,” — said in a statement. The Ministry said that “the test failed to achieve the goal”. “The test was defensive, it is not directed against any countries”, — said the defense Ministry. Other details the military of the PRC does not.

Izvestia: prescription drugs may grow by up to 16% because of the project about selling drugs

Izvestia: prescription drugs may grow by up to 16% because of the project about selling drugs MOSCOW, February 6. /TASS./ Pharmacy network predict price growth for prescription drugs at 11-16%, if the supermarkets are allowed to sell OTC drugs. About it the newspaper “Izvestia” was told in the Russian Association of pharmacy chains (RAPC). In the Association publication explained that the higher prices the business plans to compensate for the loss in the case of the bill of the Ministry on granting the right shopping free sale of drugs without a prescription. This is a free selling OTC drugs will only be possible after obtaining a license for carrying out pharmaceutical activities. Stores will be required to purchase medicines from the same suppliers, and pharmacy organisations to prevent the growth of counterfeits. As has informed the edition in the Ministry of industry and trade, the bill, drafted on behalf of

The Ambassador of the Russian Federation stated that the humanitarian situation in the DPRK deteriorates due to sanctions

Alexander Matsegora © The Russian Embassy in DPRK UN 6 Feb. /TASS./ The humanitarian situation in the DPRK deteriorates due to imposed sanctions against it, and the country is almost impossible to deliver food, medicines and medical equipment. This was stated to journalists on Monday in new York, Russian Ambassador to Korea Alexander Matsegora. He made a presentation at a closed meeting of the Committee of the UN Security Council, which monitors the implementation of restrictions against the DPRK. According to the diplomat, he informed the members of the Committee “on the impact of sanctions on the North Korean economy, to social life, as well as the military-industrial complex.” “The humanitarian situation is deteriorating. There are several aspects, including today it is almost impossible to deliver humanitarian aid, including food, for the suffering North Korean people,” Matsegora said.

Russian Ambassador to Pyongyang said on the difficult humanitarian situation in the DPRK

Russian Ambassador to Pyongyang said on the difficult humanitarian situation in the DPRK The humanitarian situation in North Korea is deteriorating due to the imposed UN sanctions. This was stated by Russian Ambassador to Korea Alexander Matsegora. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий “Today it is almost impossible to deliver humanitarian aid — including food — suffering North Korean population,” Matsegora said after the closed meeting of the Committee of the UN security Council on sanctions against the DPRK. The Ambassador noted that the restrictive measures impeding supply of medicines and equipment to treat cancer patients. Matsegora said that the meeting presented a “concrete proposal” regarding the assistance to the DPRK. “I asked the Committee for North Korea to be not only a COP, which controls, verifies what needs to be done, but also a structure that helps humanitarian agencies to deliver food, medicines, medical equipment,” — said the diplomat. Further restrictions against North Korea

Levashov’s lawyer called the detention conditions of the Russians in the insulator USA torture

Levashov’s lawyer called the detention conditions of the Russians in the insulator USA torture Russian Peter Levashov, accused the US of cyber crime, subjected to systematic pressure in an American prison. This “Izvestia” said his lawyer, Igor Litvak. According to the lawyer, Levashov forbidden to call the family, go for walks and socialize with other inmates, take a shower and read the newspaper. The accused was not allowed to go to the local store and was denied a pillow and towel (there is only a bed and a mattress). “He could barely beg for toothpaste and brush. Peter is forced to sit 24 hours a day in a cell without giving any reasons. This is illegal and I would call it torture,” said Litvak. A programmer’s wife Maria confirmed “news” that is unable to communicate with her husband since his extradition to the United States. “In Spain the past eight

Croatia return to Ukraine poor “upgraded” MIG-21

Croatia return to Ukraine poor “upgraded” MIG-21 Replacement of defective refurbished MiG-21 requires the Ministry of defence of Croatia from Ukraine. Local press is saying that speech can go about replacing at least four aircraft. TASS with reference to the Jutarnji list said that in 2016 it turned out that most of the 12 planes, renovated by the company “Ukrspecexport”, and to flying the. The Ministry of defence of Croatia has sent to Ukraine a corresponding service note last week that the Department requires replacement of defective refurbished aircraft new. One of the last flights of the MiG-21 nearly ended in the death of the crew. The Minister of defence of Ukraine Stepan Poltorak not so long ago during his visit to Zagreb, said that the agreement was “not quite done” to “damage to the Croatian side.” Earlier it was reported that Israel will sell decommissioned F-16 fighter jets Croatia.