Versions differ: US coalition attacked Syrian militias

Versions differ: US coalition attacked Syrian militias MOSCOW, 8 Feb — RIA Novosti. A major incident occurred in the East of Syria: the US-led international coalition carried out air strikes on Syrian Pro-government forces. Versions of what happened differ: the assurances of the United States, Pro-government militias attacked the positions of the “Syrian democratic forces” (SDF). According to the defense Ministry, the attack was carried out on positions of the terrorist group “Islamic state.”* There are differences in the data on losses. Version of Americans According to U.S. Central command (CENTCOM), the incident occurred about eight miles East of the demarcation line between the government forces of Syria and SDF. “Syrian government forces carried out on 7 February unprovoked attack on the SDF command center… For the protection of the coalition forces and its partners were inflicted air strikes on the attacking units, to reflect the aggression against partners, members

Bush stated that Putin wants to return to the “hegemony of the Soviet Union»

Bush stated that Putin wants to return to the “hegemony of the Soviet Union» Former US President George Bush accused Russia of meddling in elections in 2016, writes The Independent. He stated this at the conference of the research center Milken Institute in Abu Dhabi. According to him, is “very clear evidence” of Russian intervention. It is not clear whether it affected the election results. “The fact that a foreign government interfered in our election, it is a problem,” Bush said, calling Moscow’s actions “dangerous for democracy”. Also former US President spoke about Vladimir Putin. “Putin is a brilliant tactician who is able to recognize a weakness and exploit it,” said Mr. Bush. He said that the Russian President “held a grudge”, because dissatisfied with the collapse of the Soviet Union and would like to restore the “Soviet hegemony”. That is why, in his view, NATO is playing a very

RBC: Suleiman Kerimov arrived in Russia

RBC: Suleiman Kerimov arrived in Russia The Senator from Dagestan Suleiman Kerimov arrived in Russia. About it told RBC a source close to Mr Kerimov. Information was confirmed by a source in the Federation Council. “Kerimov in Moscow, but his business (arrested in France),” said a source close to the Senator. According to another source, Suleiman Kerimov may meet with Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko. The representative of mister Kerimova has not responded to a request to RBC. Before that Suleiman Kerimov visited Russia in January. The trip was “personal” and lasted three days. Recall that in France, the Senator is accused of tax evasion. The case against him is being investigated from November 20 last year. Reuters: Suleiman Kerimov is in talks to buy the Bank “Revival»

Nebesa called it shameful attempts to accuse Russia of involvement in gimatecan in Syria

Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS UN 8 Feb. /TASS./ Permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia called Thursday’s shameful attempts to accuse Russia of involvement in chemical attacks, which allegedly make the Syrian government forces. In an interview with reporters the diplomat drew attention to the fact that allegations of such attacks begins to flow when there is progress in the political settlement of the conflict.

The members of the Council of young diplomats held the evening before the Day of diplomatica

Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Mikhail Bogdanov and the President of the Council of young diplomats of the MFA of Russia Konstantin Kolpakov © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MOSCOW, February 8. /TASS./ The members of the Council of young diplomats was held Thursday at the cultural center of the Main Directorate for servicing the diplomatic corps at the foreign Ministry gala evening on the eve of their professional holiday – diplomatic worker’s Day (February 10). In the event, which included both formal and cultural center, was attended by special representative of the President of Russia on the Middle East and Africa, Deputy foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov, Chairman of the Duma Committee on international Affairs Leonid Slutsky, as well as young diplomats from various countries, including the United States. During the official part the representatives of the Council of young diplomats summed up the results of their work for

Matvienko considers unacceptable the transformation of diplomacy into a component of information warfare

The Speaker Of The Federation Council Valentina Matvienko © Press service of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation MOSCOW, February 9. /TASS./ The speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko opposes the transformation of diplomacy into a component of information warfare and consider the merit of our country and Russian diplomats that in the current situation has not yet sparked a full-scale war. She wrote about this on Friday in his blog on the official website of the Federation Council.

The state Duma has saved 6.2 million rubles

The state Duma has saved 6.2 million rubles The state Duma in January 2018, has saved more than 6 million rubles. On Thursday the journalists said the head of the Committee for the control and regulations of the lower chamber Olga Savastyanova. “At the end of January 2018 budget savings on wages through unpaid leaves and sick leave amounted to 6 million 200 thousand rubles”, — she said. Talking about the dynamics of the visits of plenary sessions, Savastianova reported that last year the average was absent for 17 deputies. “Regarding visits to the plenary sessions, I want to say that by the end of 2017 plenary sessions were absent, as a rule, an average of 17 people. The maximum number was 35 people”, — said the head of the Committee. She recalled that it was due to business trips, vacations, including at its own expense, as well as temporary

Reporters caught Sobchak on the word

Reporters caught Sobchak on the word Ksenia Sobchak, who is now in USA and performs in various American universities, yesterday I made a mistake, which instantly took advantage of the journalists “First channel”. In the evening news block on the course of the campaign, journalists were told about what is now engaged each of the candidates, Zhirinovsky speaks in Ekaterinburg, Titov receives the identity of the candidate, Grigory Yavlinsky talks about his election campaign, and Sobchak in the midst of election campaign in the United States. In the story the journalists reported that “the first thing Sobchak went for a walk at the White house”. Moreover, the authors of the plot took a small piece of video from her instagram, where between Sobchak and Krasovsky occurred following dialogue: — Anton, well, go to their overseas owners, right? — Yes, you am, Ksenia A., for salary. If you watch the entire

In France, spoke about the creation of “digital police»

In France, spoke about the creation of “digital police» MOSCOW, 8 Feb — RIA Novosti. The Minister of internal Affairs of France Gerard Collon in an interview with Point told about the program for the creation of a “digital police”, in which the members of the French police and gendarmerie will get a special tablets, and smartphones with instant access to a database of law enforcement. According to Collon, the French interior Ministry makes a “real revolution”. We are going by 2020 to give tablets and smartphones Neo to thousands of 60 gendarmes and 50 thousand policemen. On these devices we install new applications with direct access to the files.Gerard Collumnist of internal Affairs of France The Minister explained that the applications will reduce the time for gathering information about the person. “The police and gendarmes can, for example, in the case of an identity check directly to know, figured

Sobchak: neither the United States nor Russia should interfere in the internal Affairs of other countries

Candidate for the post of President of the Russian Federation from party “Civil initiative” Ksenia Sobchak © Artyom Geodakyan/TASS NEW YORK, 8 Feb. /TASS./ The candidate in presidents of the Russian Federation Ksenia Sobchak finds it unacceptable for the US and for Russia to interfere in the internal Affairs of other States. The candidate from the party “Civil initiative” said, answering questions from CNN.