“Uralvagonzavod” will soon show developments on unmanned “Armata»

“Uralvagonzavod” will soon show developments on unmanned “Armata» NIZHNY TAGIL, February 9 — RIA Novosti. “Uralvagonzavod” will soon show to the public groundwork for an unmanned version newest tank “Armata”, said Friday the General Director of Corporation Alexander Potapov, without naming terms. “We are not standing still. Of course, we think, working on it. After a while you will see the results of our developments,” said Potapov reporters on Friday at the enterprise, where a visit to Deputy defense Minister Yuri Borisov. Previously it was assumed that the unmanned “Armata” can be created in 2018. A year and a half ago the chief of the head armored Directorate of the defense Ministry, Lieutenant-General Alexander Shevchenko said in an interview with RIA Novosti that “work set at two years.” According to him, it is necessary “to create a digital device that will solve the problem on the basis of the objective

The state Duma adopted the law on “Amnesty of capital»

The state Duma adopted the law on “Amnesty of capital» The state Duma meeting adopted in the third final reading a package of laws on carrying out in Russia from March 1, 2018 tax Amnesty. About it reports “Interfax”. The first bill establishes the second phase of the voluntary Declaration of “Amnesty of capital” in the period from 1 March 2018 to 28 February 2019. In turn, the second bill to extend the deadlines for the elimination of controlled foreign companies (CFC) for the period until 1 March 2019, and makes changes necessary to implement the first bill. The third bill extends the safeguards provided by the law on voluntary Declaration of assets by individuals and Bank accounts. Earlier it was reported that the government approved three bills on holding in 2018-2019 “Amnesty of capital”.

Kudrin spoke about the first effects of the “Kremlin’s list»

Kudrin spoke about the first effects of the “Kremlin’s list» “The Kremlin list” published by the U.S. Treasury in late January, despite the formal criteria, is already affecting the work of Russian companies. This was stated by the head of the Board Alexey Kudrin. “Of course, he is affected, and now those who made the list, too, is affected. Already companies put additional control measures on the part of Western partners and banks. So it’s not just the sanctions that will come later, unfortunately, it is now affected”, — told reporters the former Minister of Finance on the sidelines of the Congress of entrepreneurs in Moscow. But, of course, key factors still are our own organization and our own rules in our country. Just would like to see these features compensated for the partial loss that we have on the outside (the perimeter — if)Alexei Kudrin With regard to the

The mechanism of natural selection

The mechanism of natural selection The inauguration of the candidate who wins the election March 18, will take place on 7 may. By this time will expire on the third presidential term of Vladimir Putin. This will start the procedure of automatic rotation of the government, which will resign the day of the inauguration of the new President. In 2012, many government officials had received appointments in the presidential administration (PA) after the move of Vladimir Putin to the Kremlin. Six years later the situation has changed: it will be more likely on the rotation age of the officials of the AP. The deadline for determining presidential election results by the CEC on 29 March, to formally publish their will need for three days, to the calendar of the CEC. If elections are held in one round (i.e. one of the candidates gets more than 50% of the votes), the

The U.S. Senate approved the Federal budget

The U.S. Senate approved the Federal budget The U.S. Senate approved the Federal budget, including short-term government funding bill. About it reports Reuters. It is clarified that the decision of the Senate was delayed because of the Federal Department of the USA have already announced the termination of work due to lack of funding. Closure of Federal agencies has already become the second this year. Earlier it was reported that the Federal Department of the USA were closed because of lack of budget.

The builders spoke about the success in the construction of Crimean bridge

The builders spoke about the success in the construction of Crimean bridge The builders of the bridge Crimea told about the results achieved in two years, reports RIA “Novosti”. “After two years to February 2018, built the main structural elements of the road part of the bridge: submerged piles, formed of a support, installed the superstructure. Until December, the facility commissioning is on schedule — the builders will complete the asphalting of the road and build the roadway,” — said the press service. During the download an error has occurred. It is noted that more than half of the work performed on key elements of the railway part of the building. Shipped 95% of piles, formed 190 of 307 supports, collected more than 40 thousand of the 160 thousand tons of steel superstructures. Earlier it was reported that on the Crimean bridge, it began construction of the sea flown under

In defense of the suspected Pro-American forces in the bridge collapse in Syria

In defense of the suspected Pro-American forces in the bridge collapse in Syria MOSCOW, February 9 — RIA Novosti. Built by Russian military engineers the bridge across the Euphrates in Eastern Syria could intentionally destroy, writes the official organ of the Ministry of defense “Red star”. According to the publication, in early January, the water level in the river suddenly rose several meters, and the flow velocity is increased two times. However, no significant precipitation in the region was observed. The next day the bridge collapsed. “The investigation carried out by Syrian experts, showed that a sharp change in the water situation has occurred because of the deliberate opening of the locks on the hydroelectric dam at Tabqa, situated in the territory of opposition parties, controlled by the “international coalition” headed by the USA”, — the newspaper writes. According to experts, the technical need in a sudden discharge of water

Mutko commented on the CAS decision on non-admission of the Russians in the Game

Mutko commented on the CAS decision on non-admission of the Russians in the Game Moscow. 9 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — Russian sportsmen will examine options for possible responses to the non-admission to the Olympics, but while the time for the “Olympic truce”, said the Vice-Premier of the Russian Federation Vitaly Mutko. “Explore possible steps, no one will not allow it. Now the Games began, is the Olympic truce. The decision of CAS in a predictable and understandable, since they were considered not violated if the procedure invitations to the Games, but disappointing”, — Mutko told Interfax on Friday. According to him, the procedure of the IOC at the invitation of athletes “opaque, contradictory, adds no credibility to its authors, creating the illusion that this is a private party, and the admission criteria for her a lot”. Thus the CAS examined not the issue, the admission of athletes to the Olympics, and

Pentagon chief: US will not give Turkey, demanding to withdraw American troops from Manuja

Pentagon chief: US will not give Turkey, demanding to withdraw American troops from Manuja WASHINGTON, February 9. /TASS./ The US does not intend to yield to the pressure of Turkey, demanding to withdraw American troops from Syrian Manuja. This was stated on Thursday to journalists the head of the Pentagon James Mattis, responding to a question. “With regard to the pressure of Turkey [in the US] against Mabija, the situation has not changed, he said. We understand the anxiety experienced by the Ankara [against Kurdish groups in Syria]. But now our goal is to put pressure on the group “Islamic state” (IG banned in Russia — approx. TASS), to continue the military campaign against the militants.” According to Mattis, the U.S. is “concerned” that the fighting Turkey in the Syrian Afrin “distract attention from the fight against ISIS”. “We are working with Turkey on issues related to security in respect

Sobchak mentioned the main problems of Russia

Sobchak mentioned the main problems of Russia NEW YORK, February 9 — RIA Novosti. The candidate in presidents of Russia Ksenia Sobchak was named the country’s problems “is not hard-earned” oil money, poor protection of ownership and corruption. “Economic growth has not brought democracy to Russia. Fact three reasons. First of all, the oil money… We have not earned this money by hard work, need to learn to respect the dignity of work”, — said Sobchak, speaking at Columbia University in new York. In addition, this money goes into consumption, not investment, which remain at the level of 18-20% of GDP, i.e. significantly lower than in the late Soviet years, she said. “Economics will never flourish if not protected private property,” continued Sobchak and added that the protection of private property remains one of the main points of its program. “Third, and first, second, and all the other problems is