The court of appeal found the immigration decree trump unconstitutional

The court of appeal found the immigration decree trump unconstitutional Moscow. 15 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — the court of Appeals of Virginia (USA) declared unconstitutional the latest version of the immigration decree of the American President Donald trump, announced Thursday the American newspaper the Hill. We are talking about immigration decree prohibiting entry into the United States to citizens of some Muslim countries as well as Venezuela and North Korea. The publication noted that representatives of the court explained the decision by saying that this decree is illegal discriminare Muslims. It already the second case when the U.S. court of appeals decides against the immigration Ordinance by the American administration. In October of last year a Federal judge a number of us States have bans on the latest version of the Ordinance, thereby not allowing him to come into force. If the decree came into effect, entry into the United States

Putin: fair elections and observance of the law during the time of their Deposit the confidence of citizens

Putin: fair elections and observance of the law during the time of their Deposit the confidence of citizens The head of state urged “to fully ensure the constitutional rights of Russian citizens for free and democratic expression of will”. MOSCOW, February 15. /TASS./ The constitutional rights of citizens in the presidential election on March 18 should be provided in full. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin at the enlarged meeting of the Collegium of the Prosecutor General. I ask you in preparation for the upcoming elections of the President of the Russian Federation to fully ensure the constitutional rights of citizens in a free, democratic expression of will. Fair elections and strict observance of the law during their conduct is the basis of legitimacy of state power, the guarantee of citizens ‘ trust.Vladimir Putin The President, summing up the results of work of the Prosecutor’s office over the

The President has instructed prosecutors to follow salary

The President has instructed prosecutors to follow salary Vladimir Putin called the priorities in the work of the office. Protection of citizens ‘ rights, primarily labour and social security, prevention of violations of the laws against minors and rid the business from pressure of law enforcement agencies has been ranked among the priority tasks of the Supervisory authorities of the Prosecutor’s office today on the expanded Board of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin. In turn, the Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika noted that due to the intervention of his Department over the past two and a half years managed to repay more than 86 billion rubles of debts to businessmen working under government contracts. The head of the Supervisory Department also noted the need for strict control over the process of humanization of the penal system. Of course, in the center of your attention should be

Lavrov will take part in Munich security conference

© Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MUNICH /Germany/, February 16. /TASS./ The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov will take part in the next meeting of the Munich conference on security to be held from 16 to 18 February. The head of depodesta will hold talks with colleagues from other countries, will meet with representatives of business circles of Russia and Germany, will speak on the issue of relations with Russia and the European Union. The Russian foreign Ministry noted that the Munich forum is a leading discussion platforms “on topical problems in the field of Euro-Atlantic and global security.” “The event is planned to discuss the current state and prospects of European security, countering international terrorism, the situation in the middle East and the Korean Peninsula,” – said in Russian depodesta. Upcoming meetings The participants of the Munich conference traditionally use this site and to hold meetings in bilateral and

Smartphones fired from military service

Smartphones fired from military service The Russian army may abandon cellular phones with navigation and cameras. As it became known””, the defense Ministry is considering the option of limiting the exploitation of modern means of cellular communication in the Central office, management bodies and troops (up to units). Instead of smartphones to all military personnel — including the governing of the units — it is proposed to use the simplest models of push-button phones that do not have the function of a photo and video and do not track geolocation, but it can send SMS and has a built in flashlight. According to “Kommersant”, the management Agency decided therefore to deal with leaks of information, including in the media. The new measures may begin to operate as of 1 March. About innovations in the use of personal cellular in the armed forces, “Kommersant” was told two sources close to the

Russian future soldier sketched with a computer game

Russian future soldier sketched with a computer game The concept of equipment of the Russian soldier of the future, developed by the enterprises of state Corporation rostec, was like a soldier from the computer game Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Future Soldier. Attention is paid to users of social networks. During the download an error has occurred. Nick pointed out that the pose, outfit, glasses, and weapons of the character depicted on one of the Boxing-art shooter, strongly reminiscent of the concept of “Rostec”. I have to wait God knows how many years, and we soldiers will begin to equip, as in Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Future Soldier. It is a success, I think. — Mark (@March3llo) February 15, 2018 During the download an error has occurred. The concept was introduced on February 13. As reported by “Interfax”, according to the draft, the future of Russian soldiers armed with AK-12

The foreign Ministry confirmed the death of five citizens of the Russian Federation under attack the us-led coalition in Syria

The foreign Ministry confirmed the death of five citizens of the Russian Federation under attack the us-led coalition in Syria The dead were not soldiers. Moscow. 15 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — According to preliminary data, as a result of air strikes inflicted of the US-led coalition on government forces in Syria killed five Russians, we are not talking about servicemen, said Thursday the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. According to preliminary data, as a result of armed clashes, the causes of which are now being investigated, we can talk about the death of five people, presumably citizens of Russia. There are victims, but all of it requires validation, in particular in the first place, their nationality (…) I want to reiterate that we are not talking about Russian soldiers.Maria Saharanafrican foreign Ministry spokesman The news about the death of “many of the Russian military” in the impact of

The U.S. army has accelerated preparations for a major ground war, the media are writing

The U.S. army has accelerated preparations for a major ground war, the media are writing The armed forces of the United States placed a bid to buy about 150 thousand shells for 155-millimeter howitzers, informs a portal Task and Purpose. The order volume increased by 825% in comparison with previous applications. The list includes rockets “Excalibur” (Excalibur), designed for use in melee. A quantity of ammunition necessary for the soldiers to practice the skills of ordinary ground operations. “We are ready to fight in conflicts that require special determination”, — quotes the portal words of the Director of the U.S. army budget major General Paul Chamberlain. The military stressed that the armed forces do not feel the lack of shells, and restore and upgrade an Arsenal of weapons. Earlier, the White house has asked Congress for $ 6.3 billion in their “European initiative deterrence” — a program aimed at curbing

Poroshenko three days later told, spoke with Putin by phone

Poroshenko three days later told, spoke with Putin by phone Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, three days after the conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin said on its content. On Tuesday, the Ukrainian media citing sources reported on Monday telephone negotiations of Poroshenko with Putin. On Wednesday, the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, answering journalists ‘ questions, confirmed the conversation and said that the leaders of Russia and Ukraine, Putin and Poroshenko discussed the continuation of the process of exchange of prisoners between Kiev and Donbass, and also noted there is no alternative to the Minsk agreements and the need for their implementation. “The purpose (of the conversation — ed) consisted mainly of two parts. The first part that was made exactly three years ago at the beginning of 2015 at the conclusion of the “Minsk-2”. We, as the air needs peacekeepers”, — quotes Poroshenko his press service. In

Sergey Kovalev has refused to be a Trustee of Ksenia Sobchak

Sergey Kovalev has refused to be a Trustee of Ksenia Sobchak Well-known human rights activist Sergei Kovalev refused to be a Trustee of the candidate in presidents of Russia Ksenia Sobchak. He told this in an open letter published on the website of the “Yabloko” and social networks. According to him, his decision was hasty and erroneous. This job is too much for him, and the main factor that forced him to take this decision was the pressure the team Sobchak: “Suddenly, without warning, without knocking, without calling the group out of nowhere who took people with cameras and microphones. With me it was not the first time, and I said usually, “get out!”. But it was Your people! This is probably professional techniques policy and showwomen,” Kovalev wrote in his letter. Scandal the immediate advantage of opponents Sobchak. Criticism in its address has acted as the representatives of Yabloko