Interview with new Zealand Prime Minister admitted “the worst in history”

Interview with new Zealand Prime Minister admitted “the worst in history” The network has criticized the behavior of the host during an interview with new Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern (Soraya Ardern). Hour conversation on the talk show “60 minutes” called “the worst in history” and “incredibly sexist”. A fragment of conversation published on the website of The Guardian. In the first part of an interview with presenter Charles Wooley (Wooley Charles) was surprising policy their compliments. Speaking about his experience with the other Prime Ministers, the journalist mentioned that “none was so young, so smart and never that attractive.” Next, Wooley moved to the topic of pregnancy Ardern and started asking her and her husband uncomfortable questions about the exact time of conception. According to the presenter, this question is of interest to citizens the most. The network behavior Wooley harshly criticized: users called him sexist, rude and unprofessional.

Turkey of Syrian Kurds deprived of access to the border, in mass media

Turkey of Syrian Kurds deprived of access to the border, in mass media Of the Turkish armed forces and the opposition “free Syrian army” has deprived the self-defense forces of Syrian Kurds in the Afrin opportunities of access to the Turkish border, reports on Monday, Anadolu news Agency, citing a military source. It is reported that the Turkish armed forces formed a line in the form of a Crescent around the town of Afrin, and the Turkish army and the forces of the Syrian opposition took on Monday under the control of the village lower and Upper Sinara in ‘ afrīn. Thus, the number of settlements in the North-West of Syria that have fallen under their control, reached 87. The General staff of the Turkish armed forces on 20 January announced the beginning of “operation Olive branch” against the forces of the Syrian Kurds in the Afrin. Simultaneously with Turkey,

Ryabkov: Russia is alarmed by the threats of force against Syria

Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergei Ryabkov © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MOSCOW, February 26. /TASS/. Moscow is extremely alarmed by threats of the use of force against Damascus by a number of countries, including the United States, it is contrary to UN security Council resolution 2401. This was stated on Monday by Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Ryabkov, answering the question TASS.

Rogozin said “the New newspaper” the Council “to examine the materiel”

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, February 26. /TASS/. Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin commented on the publication of “Novaya Gazeta”, which is featured in called his “nephew” a novel Rogozin. In a statement posted Monday on the page in Facebook Vice-the Prime Minister has denied the existence of such relatives. “Novaya Gazeta” recently made several attacks against me In today’s issue wrote that my “nephew” is included in the boards of Directors of several defense companies and it is very bad,” he wrote.

The Russian Federation has blocked the anti-Iranian UN security Council resolution on Yemen and achieved the adoption of its text

© AP Photo/Mary Altaffer UN 26 Feb. /TASS/. Russia on Monday blocked the adoption of uncoordinated draft resolution on the extension of the sanctions regime in Yemen, which contained accusations against Iran of illegal deliveries of weapons to rebels – Houthis. Immediately after this vote was passed the Russian version of the document, which was adopted unanimously.

Moscow and Damascus is targeting a turnover of $2 billion

Moscow and Damascus is targeting a turnover of $2 billion To restore the prewar level of trade turnover between Russia and Syria $2 billion over three years — such is the task set before the organizers of the business forum “Russian-Syrian business cooperation: opportunities and prospects”, who on Monday was held at the site of the chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation (CCI). Bets are placed not only on state-owned and private business. The main issues facing the Russian and Syrian businessmen — who guarantees the safety of investments and protection of the Russians, who will work in Syria. Saratov company “Construction technology and machinery” plans to build in Syria ten plants of reinforced concrete structures for the reconstruction of destroyed housing. The cost of each item will be $10 million, told “Kommersant” Vice-President TPP Vladimir Padalko. The agreement was reached in the framework of the business forum “Russian-Syrian

Expert: expect an apology from “the Voice” is not worth it

Expert: expect an apology from “the Voice” is not worth it MOSCOW, 26 Feb — RIA Novosti. To expect that the movement of “the Voice” will apologize for their statements is not necessary, the Director of Fund of research of problems of democracy Maxim Grigoriev. Previously, a number of activists of the movement “Victory Volunteers” demanded an apology from “the Voice”, who accused them that they were collecting signatures for nomination of Vladimir Putin as a presidential candidate for the financial support. “”The voice” in his work quite often not only uses unverified information that later turns out to be untrue. But fundamentally they even declare that they are not going to check this information. Is it possible from the organization to expect that they will apologize for their statements? I honestly doubt it,” — said the expert. He also stressed that such charges are absolutely outrageous character. According to

The time of the armistice in Eastern Guta entered the daily gumperz

The time of the armistice in Eastern Guta entered the daily gumperz In Eastern Guta district of Damascus, where government troops are engaged in operation against terrorists — from Tuesday on behalf of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin will impose a five-hour humanitarian pause declared the Board of the Russian defense Minister, army General Sergei Shoigu. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий”the day before Yesterday was the decision of the UN Security Council No. 2401 (all parties to the conflict call upon at least 30 days to stop fighting). On behalf of the President of the Russian Federation in order to avoid casualties among the civilian population of Eastern ghouta from the 27th of February, that is tomorrow, from 9.00 to 14.00 is entered daily humanitarian pause,” said Shoigu. According to him, for civilians wishing to leave the combat zone, will open a humanitarian corridor. Its coordinates have already been prepared and will be

The foreign Minister of Russia and Portugal, have discussed relations of Russia with the EU and NATO

The Minister of foreign Affairs of Portugal, Augusto Santos Silva and the Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov © Vyacheslav Prokofyev/TASS MOSCOW, February 26. /TASS/. The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov discussed on Monday with his Portuguese counterpart Augusto Santos Silva the relations of Russia with the European Union and NATO, as well as the development of cooperation in trade and investment sphere. As pointed out the Russian Minister, during the talks, both sides expressed interest in improving relations between Russia and the EU that the interests of the entire European continent.

Lavrov called for the introduction of the humanitarian pause in the area At TNFa and er-Ruksana

© Alexei Druzhinin/press-service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, February 26 /TASS/. The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov during a telephone conversation with the foreign Minister of Jordan Abdullah al-Safadi called for the introduction of a daily humanitarian pauses in the Syrian district of al-TANF and the refugee camp of al-Rakban. This was announced Monday in the Russian depodesta on the results of the conversation.