Jared Kushner has lowered the level of security clearance

Jared Kushner has lowered the level of security clearance Several employees of the White house, including son-in-law and senior adviser to the President of the United States Jared Kushner, has lowered the level of access to classified information. The tolerance level was lowered from “top secret” to “secret”. This was done by decision of the head of the White house of John Kelly. He ordered that those employees who have applied for permanent permission for a security clearance until June of last year and still didn’t get it because of the protracted verification of personal data, took their temporary permits, which was done. Commenting on changes in the status of Mr. Kouchner, a spokesman for the White house Sarah Sanders said he was “a valuable member of the team” and “will continue its important work.” The head of the White house, John Kelly, expressed his confidence that Jared Kushner is

Putin: Russia can not indefinitely endure the strikes of the militants of the East Guta

Federal Chancellor of Austria, Sebastian Kurz, and the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin © Alexei Druzhinin/press-service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, February 28. /TASS/. Russia will not endlessly tolerate the attacks of the militants of the East Guta, which are applied even by the Embassy and the trade representation of Russia. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin on a press – conferences following the results of negotiations in the Federal Chancellor of Austria Sebastian Kurtz.

In the Kremlin denied the connection of Patrushev’s visit to Thailand with the arrest of the Russians

In the Kremlin denied the connection of Patrushev’s visit to Thailand with the arrest of the Russians The Kremlin believes that it is absurd to associate the visit of security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev in Thailand by the recent detention of Russian citizens there. Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov noted that the official visits are worked out in advance. Patrushev on Wednesday at the government house in Bangkok received the Prime Minister of the Kingdom General prayuth Chan-OCHA. During the download an error has occurred. Illegal “sex training” On Monday at Pattaya detained ten Russian participants of the “sex-training”. They are accused of illegal entry into the country, the presence there of after the expiry of visas and work without official permission. Among the detainees — Alexander Kirillov and Anastasia Vashkevich, better known under the alias Alex Leslie and Anastasia Rybka. It is reported that all the detainees

The Tragedy Of Kosovo. How Serbia lost its heart

The Tragedy Of Kosovo. How Serbia lost its heart February 28, 1998, the “Kosovo liberation Army” had launched the armed struggle for independence from Yugoslavia. 15 June 1389, the Serbian army led by Prince Lazar Hrebeljanovic took the battle with the army of the Ottoman Sultan Murad I at Kosovo field. In the bloody battle died the best Serbian soldiers who even their lives are unable to prevent the onset of Ottoman rule, spanning five centuries. Kosovo is not a geographical, but the historical heart of Serbia, the spiritual center of Serbian Orthodoxy. Today it is the heart ripped out of the Serbs. The “great migration”: how it all began The tragedy that is now facing the Serbian people, was determined by the whole chain of historical events. At the end of XVII — beginning of XVIII centuries the Serbs, trying to relieve themselves of the chains of Ottoman rule,

The HRC questioned the possibilities to mathematically describe the behavior of the voters

The HRC questioned the possibilities to mathematically describe the behavior of the voters Co-chair of the monitoring working group on election observation of the Council under RF President on development of civil society and human rights (HRC) Igor Borisov said that doubts the possibilities of mathematical methods to describe the behavior of voters. “Come to the conclusion that, unfortunately, these attempts to present any [mathematical] model description of electoral behavior of voters we do not find any connection. My attempts to find research to back up your theory did not succeed”, — he said on Wednesday during a round table meeting in the Public chamber of the Russian Federation, which discussed the articles of scientists that the data of mathematical analysis of evidence of the violations at elections in Russia. Borisov said that analyzed the results of the elections in the United States and found areas in which for one

Putin: radical improvement of crime did not happen

© Alexei Druzhinin/press-service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, February 28. /TASS/. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin noted the strengthening in the 2017 number of positive trends in the Ministry of interior, but the improvement is across the Board. “In 2017, the Ministry of internal Affairs has strengthened a number of positive trends: increased detection of certain types of crimes, including murders, assaults, burglaries,” said it at the enlarged session of the Collegium of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia. According to Putin, was also able to reduce street crime and provide an appropriate level of security for major international events.

Lavrov: US is preparing armed forces in Europe to the use of tactical nuclear weapons against Russia

The Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov during a speech at the Conference on disarmament © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS GENEVA, 28 Feb. /TASS/. The US military are preparing armed forces of European countries to use tactical nuclear weapons against Russia. This was stated on Wednesday by the Russian foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov at the Conference on disarmament.

Lavrov accused the US of Europe to a tactical nuclear strike on Russia

Lavrov accused the US of Europe to a tactical nuclear strike on Russia The presence of USA in Europe ready to use tactical nuclear weapons is a manifestation of aggressive positions, said Wednesday the Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. “Russia, once again, has deployed tactical nuclear weapons, does not conduct testing of its application. The Board concentrated at Central storage facilities on their national territory”, — he said, speaking at the conference on disarmament in Geneva. Lavrov stressed that in these circumstances “the availability of ready to use tactical nuclear weapons in Europe, the US is not just a vestige of the cold war, and clearly aggressive stance.” “Nuclear disarmament and prevents the preservation of U.S. nonstrategic nuclear weapons in Europe, accompanied by a destabilizing practice of “joint nuclear missions,” he said, speaking Wednesday at the conference on disarmament in Geneva. Lavrov stressed that their “flagrant violation of the NPT

Sands: Russia is doing everything possible to gumpus in Eastern ghouta, they tear the terrorists

Sands: Russia is doing everything possible to gumpus in Eastern ghouta, they tear the terrorists The representative of the Kremlin said that Moscow and Damascus “continue to strive to provide the necessary humanitarian conditions” in the region. Russia is doing everything possible to ensure humanitarian pauses in Eastern ghouta in accordance with UN security Council resolution, but provocation by terrorists continue. This was stated to journalists the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. “Russia in pursuance of the resolution [UN security Council] shall make every effort to provide appropriate humanitarian pause and to unblock the situation in Eastern ghouta. However, provocations that continue by the terrorists, unfortunately, do not give an opportunity to properly get this situation resolved,” — said the representative of the Kremlin. He stressed that Moscow and Damascus “continue to strive to provide the necessary humanitarian conditions” in the region. Humanitarian pause The UN Security Council

Sobchak said that Russia should lead a civilized society

Sobchak said that Russia should lead a civilized society Vladimir Zhirinovsky suggested to send the candidate “against all” in a psychiatric hospital. Ksenia Sobchak during a debate with six other candidates in presidents of Russia on the First channel reiterated that Russia forgets that a European country. According to the candidate “against all”, RF must return to “civilized society, and then to lead it”. Position Sobchak, has caused a sharp reaction from Vladimir Zhirinovsky, who offered to send her “the loony bin”. In response, the presenter explained why on the Federal TV channel instead of a debate “staged masquerade raging clowns” and what prevents Russia to build a harmonious relationship with other countries. Publication of Ksenia Sobchak (xenia_sobchak) Feb 27, 2018 10:45 PST During the download an error has occurred. “The main problem of our foreign policy is our domestic policy. Why are we not allowed without a visa in