That said, the heads of regions the President’s message

© Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, March 1. /TASS/. Heads of Russian regions who were present on Thursday at the presidential address of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin to the Federal Assembly, I believe that the head of state outlined the key points of development for the coming years aimed at addressing the concerns of the population. This, in particular, lack of nurseries, the situation of roads and availability of medical care, garbage dumps and polluted air in cities. Regional leaders noted that, overall, the message was aimed at improving the quality of life of people and the development of strategic for the regions industries. Especially proud of some regional leaders called President demonstrated samples of the latest military equipment. Roads remain a problem The President in the message, in particular, has set a task to increase financing of road construction and maintenance in the next six years. This

“Nobody listened to us”. Putin presented the new developments of Russian nuclear weapons

“Nobody listened to us”. Putin presented the new developments of Russian nuclear weapons In the message to the Federal Assembly the President discuss in more detail not only on the traditional issues of economic and social development. Great attention was paid to the new types of weapons designed to be protected from the actions of Western countries. 7фотографий7фотографий7фотографий Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a message to the Federal Assembly. Only on the second hour of his speech he presented the latest developments of Russian military-industrial complex. One of the brightest Prime Minister became a hypersonic aircraft complex, which was named “the Dagger”. The system has been tested at the end of 2017 and put into service. During the download an error has occurred. “Important was the creation of high-precision hypersonic air-missile system, also not having analogues in the world, the test is successfully completed, and moreover, since 1 December last

Siluanov said the rate of growth of expenditures on the state armament programme

Siluanov said the rate of growth of expenditures on the state armament programme MOSCOW, 1 Mar — RIA Novosti. The cost of RF for the defence under the state armament programme will grow at a rate feasible for the budget, said Finance Minister Anton Siluanov on the results of the President’s address to the Federal Assembly. The message of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin to the Federal Assembly, which was announced Thursday, March 1, was a record, it lasted 1 hour and 57 minutes. In part of the message, dedicated to providing homeland security, demonstrated the latest development of weapons. NewsPutin showed the latest rocket: “Nothing in the world no one” “The President has just approved the state program of armaments for several years. This program is not planned in nominal terms, the decline in defense spending. On the contrary, they will increase in those amounts and limits that

Tatiana Moskalkova against Russia’s withdrawal from the jurisdiction of the ECHR

Tatiana Moskalkova against Russia’s withdrawal from the jurisdiction of the ECHR The Commissioner for human rights in Russia Moskalkova Tatiana commented on the possible termination of cooperation between Russia and the ECHR. “I am an official of such statements from the lips of the authorized persons have not heard, but I think that the ECHR is an integral part of international cooperation, one of the most important parts of the human rights of elevators, when people maybe being dissatisfied with decisions at the national level, to reach the level of international protection. Legally, in my opinion, out from under the jurisdiction of the ECHR means the exit of the Council of Europe that it would probably be a step backwards today,” leads her words TASS. That the Russian authorities are studying the possibility of denunciation of the European Convention on human rights and the termination of cooperation with the ECHR,

The residents of Eastern ghouta are asking human rights defenders to help them leave the region

© REUTERS/Omar Sanadiki DAMASCUS, March 1. /TASS/. The civilians of Eastern ghouta mass contact with representatives of the Syrian human rights organizations with a request to assist in their withdrawal from the territories captured by the militants, said by Russian journalists the representative of the Centre for reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria the General-major Vladimir Zolotukhin.

Putin’s message to the Federal Assembly. The main thing

Putin’s message to the Federal Assembly. The main thing The theses, which will be the basis of the election program of the incumbent. Moscow. March 1. INTERFAX.RU. On Wednesday, two and a half weeks before the presidential election, the current President of Russia Vladimir Putin addressed a message to the Federal Assembly. Annual address of the leader of the government to the Parliament is a policy document that expresses the President’s vision of strategic directions of development of Russia in the near future. Earlier, the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov confirmed that the basic ideas of development, laid down in the letter would coincide with the electoral program of the candidate of Vladimir Putin. Subsequently, they can fix in one or another legal form, perhaps in the form of decrees, as it was for the last presidential elections (the so-called “may decrees” of 2012). The message had a

Putin’s message to the Federal Assembly: the main

Putin’s message to the Federal Assembly: the main The Russian President delivered a message to the Federal Assembly. RTVI is watching that is important, said Vladimir Putin before the presidential election. — The basis of all — saving people. In the near future coming technological revolution and Russia needs to understand what is happening around. The speed of technology grows dramatically. Who does not have time for technology, in order to cover a wave of lag, hence the loss of sovereignty, the blurring of human potential. The young people leave and the company will lose life ability. “We must expand the space of freedom in all spheres, strengthen the institutions of democracy, the independence of the company and the courts. Need to cut everything that hinders our movement. Do not do this, there will be no future children we have in our country. The lag is the biggest enemy of

“Will not tolerate”: Minsk, commented on Moscow’s ban on the supply of milk

“Will not tolerate”: Minsk, commented on Moscow’s ban on the supply of milk MINSK, 1 Mar — RIA Novosti. Russian plans to restrict the supply of dairy products from Belarus unanswered will remain, said Thursday the President of the Republic Alexander Lukashenko. The Rosselkhoznadzor on February 26 was planning to impose temporary restrictions on imports from Belarus of milk, cream and other dairy products. The ban does not apply to milk in consumer packages. The Belarusian delegation headed by Deputy Prime Minister Mikhail Rusyi held talks in Moscow on the resolution of issues with deliveries to Russia of some types of dairy products manufactured in Belarus. According to their results, the Rosselkhoznadzor has postponed the introduction of the ban from February 26 to March 6. “I want to say that without an answer, such things will remain. We just tolerate it will not” — said Lukashenko during a working meeting