The state Department approved the sale of Ukraine Javelin for $47 million

The state Department approved the sale of Ukraine Javelin for $47 million The US state Department approved the sale of Ukraine 37 anti-tank Javelin and 210 missiles to them by $47 million, reports RIA “Novosti” with reference to the statement of the Pentagon. It is noted that now the parties may enter into a contract. “The state Department has decided to approve the potential sale Ukraine anti-tank Javelin approximate cost $47 million”, — stated in the message. The Pentagon added that a notification sent to the U.S. Congress. In December, the White house officially endorsed to supply Ukraine lethal weapons, particularly anti-tank missile systems Javelin.

The United States called new types of weapons of the Russian Federation in violation of international treaties

The United States called new types of weapons of the Russian Federation in violation of international treaties Moscow. March 1. INTERFAX.RU — the US Administration believes that the new weapons, the videos of which showed in the Message of Russian President Vladimir Putin to the Federal Assembly, demonstrates Russia’s violations of its international obligations, said on Thursday state Department spokesman Heather Nauert. 7фотографий7фотографий7фотографий “Russia more than a decade developing destabilizing weapons systems, and this is a direct violation of its obligations under the contracts,” she said at a briefing, adding that in particular, the Treaty on the elimination of intermediate range (the INF Treaty). “In 2014 they do not comply with the (Treaty — if): they develop a cruise missile ground-based medium — range- in clear violation of the INF Treaty”, she continued. While Neuert stressed that the information on the Russian weapons received Thursday, is not new to Washington.

Putin for the first time in 14 years came for seasonal cars.

Putin for the first time in 14 years came for seasonal cars. Russian President Vladimir Putin visited the game of 1/8 finals of the highest League of Club cheerful and resourceful (KVN), which takes place in Russian army Theatre, the correspondent “Газеты.Ru”. He was welcomed by Alexander Maslyakov. Also in the game there are players Ivan Telegin and Cyril Whims. On the air the game will be released on March 9, it will compete with the team’s “Fighters” (Surgut), “Maritime Academy” (Murmansk), “Napoleon Dynamite” (Tyumen), “Raisa” (Irkutsk) and “Russian road” (Armavir). It is noted that this is the first time since 2004, when Putin visited the seasonal game of KVN.

Antonov: Russia is developing nuclear capabilities in accordance with international obligations

Russia’s Ambassador to the U.S. Anatoly Antonov © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS WASHINGTON, March 2. /TASS/. Russia has not violated any agreement in the field of disarmament and arms control, developing its nuclear capability. This is stated in a statement on Thursday the statement of the Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Anatoly Antonov. “Once again I will emphasize that Russia is developing its nuclear capability, has not violated any agreement in the field of disarmament and arms control. All that is done, the Ministry of defense of Russia, the Russian military-industrial complex, is in strict accordance with our international obligations,” he said. According to Antonov, Russia considers the allegations by the American government in Moscow of violating the Treaty on the elimination of intermediate and shorter-range missiles (INF Treaty) are unfounded and not supported by any specifications.

Satan, dagger and others: what kind of weapons Putin has shown to the Federal Assembly

Satan, dagger and others: what kind of weapons Putin has shown to the Federal Assembly Today, the message to the Federal Assembly Vladimir Putin spoke about the cutting-edge weapon that created in our country. 7фотографий7фотографий7фотографий Indicator.Ru will not discuss the military-political aspect of this broad mention, but a little talk about what Putin presented Russia and the world. The Reincarnation Of “Satan” First Putin presented an Intercontinental ballistic missile “Sarmat”. The video presents footage from the shooting of her tests and animation work of the warhead. During the download an error has occurred. RS-28 “Sarmat”, or (in NATO terms) Satan-2, heavy liquid-fuel ballistic missile launch weight of over 200 tons of “unlimited” range. In fact, the range of the missile sufficient to attack the enemy at any trajectory, for example, over the North or South pole. Rocket created including in order to be able to use mine ballistic missiles R-36M2,

Vyacheslav Volodin has called into question the legitimacy of the ECHR

Vyacheslav Volodin has called into question the legitimacy of the ECHR The Chairman of the State Duma of Russia Vyacheslav Volodin said that the legitimacy of the European court of human rights (ECHR) is questionable. “What a third of judges are formed, elected without the participation of the Russian side, our delegation is, of course, is to cast doubt and raise questions under the legitimacy of the decisions taken by the ECHR”, — quotes its words “RIA Novosti”. Thus mister Volodin considers what to speak about Russia’s withdrawal from ECHR “probably not entirely correct”. We will remind, that the Russian authorities are studying the possibility of ending the cooperation with the ECHR, previously reported by “RIA Novosti” with reference to sources in the relevant departments. According to them, the ECHR does not take into account peculiarities of the Russian legal system. Depriving Russia of voting rights in the parliamentary Assembly

“His words can be seen as a message to Washington”

“His words can be seen as a message to Washington” On 1 March the President of Russia Vladimir Putin has addressed to Federal meeting with the annual message. This year, his performance lasted almost two hours, most of which Mr Putin has devoted to the story of the last achievements of Russia in the latest types of weapons. What was the reaction of foreign media to the speech of the President of Russia — in the compilation of “y”. The Washington Post (Washington, USA) Putin’s speech, which began with the enumeration of the internal projects, quickly turned into a hard retelling of the conflict between the East and the West and praise the achievements of Russia’s Arsenal, such as a cruise missile with a nuclear engine that can hit a target anywhere. Putin did not indicate any ally of Moscow, whom she will protect… His words could be seen as

The European Parliament has supported a sanctions procedure against Poland

The European Parliament has supported a sanctions procedure against Poland The European Parliament supported the European Commission’s decision on launching a sanctions procedure against Poland started in the country’s judicial reform. This was reported on the website of the European Parliament. For this decision voted 422 deputies, against — 147, abstained — 48. The European Parliament has confirmed that the adopted in Poland, the laws violate the principles of separation of powers and independence of the court. Now the European Council must determine whether breaks Polish the reform of the European values. In December 2017, the European Commission launched a sanctions procedure against Poland for judicial reform. For Poland, this may lead to loss of votes in the EU Council. Despite this, the President of Poland Andrzej Duda signed a law on the National judicial Council and the Supreme court.

The fifth generation fighter, the su-57 was successfully tested in Syria

The fifth generation fighter, the su-57 was successfully tested in Syria Two Russian fifth generation fighter, the su-57 were successfully combat tested in Syria, said the Russian defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. 6фотографий6фотографий “They were really there. Was a long two days. During this time completed a series of tests, including combat. There were two aircraft,” — said the Minister to journalists on Thursday. “I can say that the tests were successful. The aircraft returned home a week ago,” — said Shoigu. According to the Minister, the work of the su-57 in Syria, accompanied the aircraft-laboratories and the aircraft that monitored all the parameters of the weapons.” “As for the various satellite photographs, I can say that it is not the 95-th year, these planes never stand together. Photos that have been published — I do not know where — because all the planes were in shelters all the time,” said

The Deputy Slutsky about the allegations of harassment: never been

The Deputy Slutsky about the allegations of harassment: never been The Deputy of the state Duma from LDPR Leonid Slutsky denied allegations of sexual harassment. “Never been,” — reports the words of the MP, “RIA Novosti”. “Women never complained and I think will not complain about a wrong action on my part,” said the MP. Answering the question about the possible polygraph test, the Deputy Slutsky said that this device “has a large margin of error.” In this case, we should not cling detectors, polygraphs, we just have to make it zakazuha went out, over, and work from this day on, constructively, positively and no one in no blame.Leonid Lucidata of the state Duma from LDPR On specifying question, whether he refuses the test, the Deputy did not answer, pass “Vedomosti”. Accusations from the Deputy editor-in-chief of RTVi Catherine Kotrikadze Leonid Slutsky explained by the nationality of the journalist. “Georgian