Ukraine should participate in the transit of gas, said Merkel

Ukraine should participate in the transit of gas, said Merkel MOSCOW, 12 APR — RIA Novosti. Ukraine should continue to play a role in gas transit, said the Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel, commenting on the construction of the gas pipeline “Nord stream — 2”. Merkel on Thursday held talks with Prime Minister of Denmark Lars løkke Rasmussen. “We also discussed the project that affects both our countries, it is the “Nord stream — 2″… We came to common opinion that here on the one hand we are talking about the economic project, and on the other, it is certainly for Ukraine and its future. In this issue we have made great unity that Ukraine as a transit country in the future must also play a role. In this direction, we will continue to work together,” said Merkel at a press conference following the meeting. Broadcast performances led videoagentstvo RT

The Russian foreign Ministry suspected London in the forcible retention Skrobala

The Russian foreign Ministry suspected London in the forcible retention Skrobala Moscow. April 12. INTERFAX.RU IN Moscow believe that Yulia and Sergey Skrypali may be forcibly held in the UK, said the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографийпоследнее development all the more strengthens in us the fear that we are talking about the isolation of the Russian citizen. We have every reason to believe that speech can go about the deliberate forcible detention of Russian citizens, or about their possible involvement in a violent on the fact of coercion in a re-enactment.Maria Saharanafrican foreign Ministry spokesman Zakharova also said that Moscow has every reason to present the London accusations of deliberate misinformation and manipulation of public opinion in connection with the “business Skrypalia”. “We have no official information about the presence, about the circumstances of what happened with Kripalani. We do everything we can to get this

The Russian foreign Ministry accused the West of fomenting feelings of impending war

The Russian foreign Ministry accused the West of fomenting feelings of impending war Moscow. April 12. INTERFAX.RU — Western countries have done everything possible to for the last two days to create a sense of the impending war in connection with the situation in Syria, said the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. “Who of you has asked yourself the question — is that war?! After everything was done to ensure that this decision was made,” she said at a briefing on Thursday, commenting on the aggravation of the situation around Syria. According to her, Washington’s statement about the threat of the use of force in connection with the alleged himachali in Syria is extremely dangerous, they are based on fakes. From Washington continue to sound bellicose statements, threatening a very dangerous escalation. The allegations made not only in Damascus, their object becomes and the Russian Federation, allegedly

The Embassy of the Russian Federation: Moscow not engaged in regime change in contrast to Washington

The building of the Russian Embassy in the United States © Anatoly Bochinin/TASS WASHINGTON, April 13. /TASS/. Russia is not involved in regime change, not interfere in the internal Affairs of other States, in contrast to the United States. This is stated in a Thursday statement, the Russian Embassy in the United States for the performance of ex-CIA Director Michael Pompeo at the hearings in the appropriate Committee of the Senate of the Congress on his confirmation to the post of Secretary of state.

Preference will be wrapped in the substitution

Preference will be wrapped in the substitution The government will support sanctions business guarantees. On the background of the entered USA of sanctions, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of PJSC “Power machines” Alexey Mordashov on Thursday during a meeting of the government Commission on import substitution has asked Dmitry Medvedev about support, in particular access to foreign markets, to go to which was much harder and the provision of holding preferences. After the meeting, the Minister of industry and trade Denis Manturov has promised that the government will support business. However, the scandal with the supply of gas turbines, produced “Power machines” together with Siemens in the Crimea for lessons learned — Alexey Mordashov expressed the readiness of Russian companies to develop gas turbine technology for public-private partnerships. The holding in St. Petersburg the meeting of the government Commission on import substitution, which took place on the territory

For what opponents have criticized the strategy of development Kudrin

For what opponents have criticized the strategy of development Kudrin The head of CSR Alexei Kudrin showed the Kremlin the way to the prosperity of Russia, and publicized the “Strategy-2024” in the form of the April theses. It turned out that the main thing — not to save the people and be able to develop their creative potential. Opponents believe that to realize this idealistic strategy impossible. And investment in human capital in the Russian reality can not become a driver of economic growth. Center for strategic research, headed by Alexei Kudrin finally announced the strategy of development of Russia until 2024. To begin with, was diagnosed country lives worse than they could. And all because not enough investing “in the main wealth of the country — people.” In their health, education, standard of living, creativity and opportunities for self-realization. To stimulate creativity as a basis of economic growth, Kudrin

France and Germany said the evidence of the use by the Syrian authorities of chemical weapons

France and Germany said the evidence of the use by the Syrian authorities of chemical weapons The President of France Emmanuel macron said in an interview with TV channel TF1 that France has evidence of use by the Syrian authorities of chemical weapons last week. “We have evidence that last week chemical weapons were used and that was used by the regime of Bashar al — Assad,” he said (quoted by “Interfax”). Mr. macron said that he supports the dialogue on Syria with US President Donald trump. We will remind, the situation in Syria escalated after associated with the Syrian opposition organization “White helmets” reported that on 7 April, the Duma, the Syrian chemical attack has occurred. The victims of the attack allegedly began to 70 people. Yesterday has expired term to which Mr. trump has promised to decide to bomb Syria or not. Blows followed, however, the American President

Merkel: Germany will not participate in strike on Syria

Merkel: Germany will not participate in strike on Syria German Chancellor Angela Merkel ruled out German participation in a possible strike on Syria. She stated this at a meeting with Prime Minister of Denmark Lars løkke Rasmussen, reports the Süddeutsche Zeitung. However, Merkel stressed that Germany considers it necessary to indicate that the use of chemical weapons is unacceptable. 9 April, the German authorities condemned the use of chemical weapons in the Duma. Berlin noted that “the circumstances of the attacks” indicate the involvement of the regime of Bashar al-Assad. The evidence indicates that the Syrian regime once again has access to chemical weapons, said in an official statement. Similar statements were made by the leaders of the United States, Britain and France. The US President Donald trump has promised to solve the issue of possible missile strikes on positions of government troops in Syria. The Syrian government and its

What mark Zuckerberg has admitted to Congress

What mark Zuckerberg has admitted to Congress The head of Facebook spoke at a public hearing in connection with the situation around Cambridge Analytica. Within two days nearly 100 congressmen and senators of the USA during 10 hours of questioning, the head of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg about the scandal with a major leak of personal data of users of the social network. 33-year-old entrepreneur had to answer questions about Cambridge Analytica, interference in American elections and “espionage” for users of other owned platforms such as WhatsApp and Instagram. TASS chose the most important points from the speech of Zuckerberg. Facebook is sorry and promises to reform Zuckerberg began his speech by saying that Facebook has become a tool that allows people to communicate with loved ones and actively participate in public life, thanks to the social network were such campaigns as #MeToo and “March for our lives” were also collected