The UN security Council initiated by Russia to discuss the situation in raqqa and al-Rogbane in Syria

© Alexander Shcherbak/TASS UN, April 17. /TASS/. Russia has requested to be held in UN Security Council open briefing on the humanitarian situation in the city of raqqa and the refugee camp of al-Rakban on the border with Jordan. As reported to journalists the press-Secretary of the permanent mission of the Russian Federation at the world organization Fedor Strzygowski, the meeting scheduled for the afternoon of Tuesday, April 17.

The US has accused Russia of concealment of traces of himataki in Eastern ghouta

The US has accused Russia of concealment of traces of himataki in Eastern ghouta The representative of Washington in the OPCW also said that the Syrian government is ruled by “using chemical terror”. 17фотографий17фотографий17фотографий The U.S. representative to the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons, Kenneth ward at a private meeting, accused Russia of planning to disrupt the investigation, the OPCW initiated because of reports of “White helmets” about the chemical attack in the city of Duma in Eastern ghouta. According to ward, the Russians were able to destroy the evidence when you visit places where Bashar al-Assad allegedly used chemical weapons. “We understand that the Russians could visit the scene of the attack. We are concerned that they could cheat in order to prevent the efforts of the OPCW mission to establish facts in order to conduct an effective investigation,” ward said, according to Reuters. The representative of

In the center of Yerevan began clashes between police and demonstrators

In the center of Yerevan began clashes between police and demonstrators Moscow. April 16. INTERFAX.RU. The clashes began on Monday between the protesters and the police on Baghramyan Avenue in Yerevan, reported the correspondent of “Interfax”. The demonstrators gathered to protest against the nomination of ex-President Serzh Sargsyan as Prime Minister of Armenia. #’arménie #Erevan #protests #իմքայլը — Izabella Abgaryan (@samayaiza) 16 APR 2018 The enemy of the candidacy of Sargsyan to the post of Prime Minister of Armenia, head of the opposition parliamentary faction “EFC” Nikol Pashinyan urged his supporters to go along to the Parliament building. “The road on the way to my work closed. You gave me this job. I urge you to join me on my work. Remember that the police are our brothers. We hold no rocks, no weapons. We go to the world,” said Pashinyan at a rally at the square of France

In the Duma, the Syrian are fighting

In the Duma, the Syrian are fighting In the Syrian city of Duma, located in the Eastern Huta, the largest suburb of Damascus, which retains pockets of armed resistance, there are armed clashes between fighters of the Syrian National guard and armed militias have killed and wounded, the correspondent of “RIA Novosti” and TASS from the event. It is reported that the clashes began in the quarter er-Rahman, where, according to local residents, hosts a large Arsenal of fighters. In the Duma, supposedly there was a chemical attack, which, according to some media reports, killed more than 70 people. The Syrian army announced the establishment of full control over the Eastern Ghouta on April 14. On the same day, the United States, Britain and France attacked objects, their data relevant to the production and storage of chemical weapons. In Moscow, these strikes are called “aggression against a sovereign state”, and

Fire reflection

Fire reflection Results of a rocket attack on Syria was satisfied all parties to the conflict. 16фотографий16фотографий16фотографий After Saturday’s air strike, US, UK and France on Syria all parties involved in the conflict, declared his victory and issued a diametrically opposed information about the incident. Data allies is completely at odds with reports from Damascus, as well as from the defense Ministry. They differ in that, how many rockets were shot down by Syrian air defense, who, how and what forces carried out the attack and that was her goal. The triumph of Russian arms According to the Russian version, most Western missiles were shot down, strikes mostly in abandoned buildings, and the Russian air-defense bases Hamim and Tartus reliably controlled the situation. According to “Kommersant”, the Russian military was preparing for rocket attacks on Syria by the USA and its allies throughout the week: part of this time was

The head of the MIA of Ukraine presented a plan for the return of Donbass

The head of the MIA of Ukraine presented a plan for the return of Donbass The Minister of internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov presented his plan for the return of Donbass under the control of Kiev. He believes that the territory should pass under the control of Ukraine gradually. “I don’t think you can just reintegrate the whole territory of the occupied Donbas. The “blue helmets” there is so much to the entire territory”, — he said, “Ukrainian truth”. According to the Minister, first in the area returned under the control of Ukraine needs to join the peacekeepers. “The border with the occupied territory immediately take control, and blue helmets, and Ukrainian border guards. Inside this returning to Ukraine territory to go Ukrainian authorities of justice and hold elections according to our law,” — said Mr. Avakov. This technique should be repeated in adjacent areas until the entire Donbass

The ruling coalition in the Armenian Parliament put forward Sargsyan as Prime Minister

The ruling coalition in the Armenian Parliament put forward Sargsyan as Prime Minister YEREVAN, 16 APR — RIA Novosti. Included in the ruling coalition Republican party of Armenia and Dashnaktsutyun has nominated former President Serzh Sargsyan to the post of Prime Minister, said to journalists the Vice-speaker of the Armenian Parliament, member of RPA Executive body Eduard Sharmazanov. “Under the current procedure, the RPA and the ARF has nominated Sargsyan, tomorrow the head of the faction of the Republican party of Armenia Vahram Baghdasaryan shall nominate on behalf of the faction, we’ll discuss it in the manner prescribed by law and vote,” — said Sharmazanov.

Lavrov said Johnson, as the British and Germans played football under Hitler in 1938

MOSCOW, April 16. /TASS/. The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov reminded the British foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, the British played soccer with the team to Nazi Germany in 1938. Johnson at the meeting of the British parliamentary Committee for foreign Affairs agreed that the upcoming world Cup in Russia can be compared with the Olympic games of 1936 in the Third Reich.

“Donald trump criticized President Vladimir Putin, even in private conversations”

“Donald trump criticized President Vladimir Putin, even in private conversations” The former head of the FBI James Komi told his version of the relations of the President of the United States with the Kremlin. James Komi told ABC News about the inner workings of US policy in the period when he worked as the head of the American FBI (2013 to 2017). The interview was timed to the release of the memoirs of Mr. Komi “Higher loyalty” in which he talks about the President of the United States Donald trump and his entourage. In the first after the dismissal of the journalists, James Comey, in particular, says that Russia intervened in the American elections, “to Sully American democracy” and “to help Donald Trump to become President.” Before the release of the full version of the interview, Mr. trump criticized his former subordinate, calling him a “bastard”, and a memoir is

Walker warned Italy about the consequences of lifting the sanctions against Russia

Walker warned Italy about the consequences of lifting the sanctions against Russia ROME, 16 Jan — RIA Novosti. The US special envoy to Ukraine Kurt Volker, warned Italian authorities that a possible unilateral lifting of sanctions against Russia create problems in relations with the EU, he stated in an interview published Monday in the Turin newspaper La Stampa. “Italy will not be able to take sanctions against Russia without serious consequences,” said Walker, Recalling that the anti-Russian sanctions are “not Italian, and European measures.” Therefore, the unilateral decision of Rome on this issue would lead to serious problems in relations with the EU, said the special representative of the United States. Leader of the Italian party “League” Matteo Salween, which is the outcome of the March parliamentary elections became the candidate of the center-right forces on a post of the head of the future government of Italy, known for his