Media reported on the operating status of the polygon for nuclear tests of the DPRK

Media reported on the operating status of the polygon for nuclear tests of the DPRK Moscow. April 24. INTERFAX.RU. Polygon Pungere in which North Korea conducted a series of nuclear weapons tests, is fully operational, said on Tuesday the Agency EFE with reference to the data of experts. Despite the fact that the location of five of the six known nuclear test of the DPRK, the so — called Northern portal, looks abandoned, was recorded active work on the laying of the tunnel in the vicinity of the Western portal, the Agency reports citing the website 38 North, which specializes on North Korea. While work has slowed considerably in mid-March that follows from the data of satellite imagery, experts say. Experts believe that the slowdown may be due to the completion of construction of the tunnel, or the “current political developments”. According to the site, at the site, in addition,

Klintsevich: Saudi Arabia pushes Qatar on the illegal actions of their statements

Member of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security Frants Klintsevich © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, April 25. /TASS/. Member of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security Frants Klintsevich has expressed the opinion that the statement of the foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia Adel al-Jubeir that Qatar should send troops to Syria in response to U.S. military aid, is a real blackmail.

The foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan announced position on the situation in Armenia

The foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan announced position on the situation in Armenia Against the backdrop of mass protests in Armenia is a growing tension on line of contact in Karabakh. The parties to the conflict exchanged mutual accusations of provocations, though, and keep a mindset for peace negotiations. How can the development of the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh after the resignation of the Prime Minister of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan, to understand “Газета.Ru”. Protests in Armenia coincided with the growing tension on line of contact in Karabakh. Over the past few days, the defense Ministry of the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic States that Azerbaijan tightens to the contact line military equipment. Each message is accompanied by videos, which depicted the movement of manpower and equipment. Such action was expected and fully fit into the tactics employed by the military and political leadership in Baku.The message of the Karabakh defense Ministry In response Baku

Israel promised to destroy s-300 in Syria in case of attack on their aircraft

Israel promised to destroy s-300 in Syria in case of attack on their aircraft Moscow. April 24. INTERFAX.RU. Israel will destroy the air defense system s-300, which may be supplied to Syria from Russia, if they will be used by Damascus against the Israeli air force, said the defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman. “It’s important for us to have defensive weapons which the Russians passed Syria, was not used against us,” said Lieberman, the Israeli online edition of Ynetnews, commenting on reports about possible deliveries of s-300 to Damascus. “If these weapons will be used against us, we will act against them,” said the Minister. He described as “untrue” reports that Israel has asked Moscow not to supply Syria With s-300. Clearly must be one — if someone will shoot at our planes, we will destroy it.Avigdor libertarianists the Israel defense He recalled that Israel and Russia “there is an open

Russia stops government funding of GLONASS

Russia stops government funding of GLONASS Russia 2018 terminates state funding operator of GLONASS, said the Vice-Premier Dmitry Rogozin at a meeting with President Vladimir Putin. According to Mr. Rogozin, the company moved to self-sufficiency. “This is very important, highlights the success of the policy of commercialization of opportunities that the Russian orbital system,” — quoted Deputy Prime Minister press-service of the Kremlin. NewsEco-friendly smart town in Japan began to receive its first residents Dmitry Rogozin added that the government believes is technically possible to combine the system ERA-GLONASS, “Safe city” and “System-112”. “This will be a one-stop call centers, unified navigation “Safe city” to “Smart city”. That is, GLONASS will be introduced including in these technologies”, — said Deputy Prime Minister. About the possibility of merging hardware systems ERA-GLONASS call center 112 and a “Safe city” to create the “Smart city”, “Kommersant” became known in March. About combining systems

Source: information on the transfer of Syrian s-300 systems is not true

Anti-aircraft missile system s-300 © Vitaly Nevar/TASS MOSCOW, April 25. /TASS/. Information about the transfer of Syrian anti-aircraft missile systems s-300 does not correspond to reality, said a military-diplomatic source, commenting on the statements of Syrian Ambassador to Russia Riyad Haddad. “Armed Syrian government troops have different defenses as development of the Soviet and modern Russian “Pantsir”. They all effectively showed in the reflection of a missile strike USA, UK and France in Syria on the night of 14 April. However, the Russian anti-aircraft missile system s-300 in Syrian government troops there”, – said the Agency interlocutor.

Chizhov: the EU and the US are not empowered to change the nuclear agreement with Iran

Russia’s permanent representative to the EU Vladimir Chizhov © Ruslan shamukov/TASS BRUSSELS, April 25. /TASS/. The EU and the US are not empowered to change the nuclear arrangement with Iran, no one can speak on behalf of the “six” of mediators of the United Nations (Russia, China, USA, France, UK, Germany). On Wednesday said Russia’s permanent representative to the EU Vladimir Chizhov on arrival at the international donor conference on Syria in Brussels.

“Nikol Pashinian leads to legitimized through extraordinary parliamentary elections”

“Nikol Pashinian leads to legitimized through extraordinary parliamentary elections” A journalist from Armenia about the situation in the country after the resignation of the government. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий The Armenian President signed the decree on the eve of the dissolution of the government, stated that the cause of the protests in the country have “accumulated discontent” and “a lack of faith in the future”. Armen Sargsyan made an appeal to the people. The resignation of Prime Minister Sargsyan, he called a wise decision, which “opened the dialogue with society and different political forces”. Mass protests in Armenia turned into festivities. Read more about the situation in Yerevan live stream of the presenter “Kommersant FM” Marat Kashin told the chief-the news editor PanARMENIAN.Net Nicholas Tarosan. — The news of the resignation of Serzh Sargsyan on the eve was the occasion for a national holiday — people walk around, lit bonfires, sang and danced.

The Committee of the Federation Council criticized the initiative to ban imports of American medicine

The Committee of the Federation Council criticized the initiative to ban imports of American medicine Moscow. April 24. INTERFAX.RU. The Federation Council Committee on social policy considers untimely and in need of further discussion norm kontraktilnogo bill to ban or restrict the importation into Russia of drugs produced in the United States or other countries. “The Committee considers that the measure of exposure to unfriendly countries, set out in paragraph 15 of article 2 of the bill is late and needs additional discussion of public organizations and relevant ministries, as their impact affects a wide range of citizens of the Russian Federation”, — stated in the opinion of the Committee on the bill. As noted in the document, paragraph 15 of article 2 kontraktilnogo of the bill, which is currently in the state Duma, proposes to impose a prohibition or restriction of import on territory of the Russian Federation of

From the Ministry of Finance to the Department of state: anti-Russian sanctions persons

From the Ministry of Finance to the Department of state: anti-Russian sanctions persons Officials who oversaw sanctions policy of the United States. “Storm” tells the story of OFAC, the powerful us intelligence agencies on sanctions, and its head is a little civil servant (probably you never heard of), in whose hands was the fate of Russian officials and oligarchs. Remember and those who in the state Department oversaw the sanctions activities. The last three years, the main official of the US sanctions was John Smith. He led the Agency for foreign assets control of the U.S. Treasury (OFAC) is the Agency responsible for the majority of the sanctions campaigns. Under the leadership of Smith, OFAC has imposed some of the most potent sanctions in the history of America, including against Russia, Iran, Syria and North Korea. In early may 2018 Smith retires. Tell who he is and how he became