The diplomat reported attempts by the U.S. to break into the residence of the Consul General of the Russian Federation

The diplomat reported attempts by the U.S. to break into the residence of the Consul General of the Russian Federation WASHINGTON, April 25. /Offset. TASS Dmitry Kirsanov/. U.S. officials are trying to open the door to the residence of the Consul General of Russia in Seattle (Washington), left on Tuesday at the request of Washington, but which is the property of the Russian side. This was reported to TASS by phone from Seattle, head of the consular Department of the Russian Embassy in the United States Nikolai Pukalov located at the scene. “We are now witnessing that the American side is trying, in violation of all of our diplomatic and consular conventions and its own legislation protecting the right to private property, to penetrate our territory, as evidenced by the attempt of breaking the lock of the entrance door on the territory [of the residence],” said Pukalov. US special services

The United States refused to believe in getting their “Tomahawk” in Russia

The United States refused to believe in getting their “Tomahawk” in Russia The US did not believe the statements of Moscow about two American missiles delivered to Russia from Syria. This was stated by Pentagon spokesman Eric Pachon (Eric Pahon), reports CNBC. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий In his opinion, it “another example of the Russian campaign of disinformation” and “propaganda smokescreen” aimed at diverting attention from the “moral involvement” of Moscow to the actions of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and the death of civilians. “The allegations concerning our chosen purposes, is absurd,” he said. Pachon added that the American side had not seen any evidence that a cruise missile “Tomahawk” has not reached the target and was handed over to the Russians. Previously, on 25 April briefing on the defense Ministry of Russia was shown the warhead “Tomahawk”. It was reported that Moscow has received from Syria, two rockets fired during an American

Armenia has not found a way out of political crisis

Armenia has not found a way out of political crisis The way out of the political crisis in Armenia has not been found yet, despite the resignation Monday of Serzh Sargsyan from the post of Prime Minister. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий The ruling Republican party has said it is ready to hold early elections, implying that the current government will continue to perform their duties. But that was not accepted by the leader of the street protests MP Nikol Pashinyan, who on Tuesday expressed his willingness to personally occupy the post of Prime Minister and announced his intention to seek the resignation of all the functionaries of the ruling party, including acting Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan. Wednesday’s meeting with Karapetian Pashinyan did not take place. Supporters in addition to continued in Wednesday’s mass protests, which are now in the conditions declared by the police of neutrality. Protesters repeatedly blocked the main thoroughfare of

Putin announced the second set in the training program of the Ranepa

Putin announced the second set in the training program of the Ranepa MOSCOW, 25 APR — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the second set in the program of development of administrative talent pool of the Higher school of public administration at Ranepa, the Russian Federation. Putin congratulated the first edition of the program with the completion of the refresher course managers. He recalled that among the graduates of the first set of seven persons already appointed as acting governors of large regions. “We will continue to work, and in June will be carried out a second set. I would really like to not only seven people were appointed (the acting Governor — ed.) and started to work, but all you would have found yourself in the profession, in a career,” he said. The President promised continued support. I hope that the time you spent to school, the gift

In Armenia the ruling coalition fell apart

In Armenia the ruling coalition fell apart Armenian revolutionary Federation “Dashnaktsutyun” (ARF) announced the withdrawal from the agreement on a coalition partnership with the ruling Republican party. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий As reports “Interfax” with reference to the statement of the ARF, the party believes that the crisis should not be delayed. “There may be a serious threat. The expected resolution of the situation exclusively within the framework of the Constitution and the law”, — noted in party. The ARF notes that the National Assembly should elect the Prime Minister, “credible people”. The party also said that the new Prime Minister formed the government needs to develop a program whose aim should be to defuse the political tension, political crisis, guaranteeing the solution of the existing problems and the preparation and holding of early parliamentary elections in democratic conditions. From April 13 Aravanopoulos protests. The demonstrators opposed the election of former President, member

Half of Americans support U.S. strikes in Syria

Half of Americans support U.S. strikes in Syria MOSCOW, 25 APR — RIA Novosti. Half of Americans support a missile strike by the United States and its allies on Syria. This is evidenced by data from the center for public opinion research Gallup International. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий The survey also showed that 43 percent of respondents have a negative attitude to strike, and the remaining 7% admitted that they do not have a definite opinion on this issue. Approval of Washington’s actions in Syria among Republicans was much higher than among Democrats, 80 percent against 36. As noted on the center’s website, public support for the recent airstrikes in General corresponds to similar indicators in a situation with other cases of US military intervention. The US, Britain and France on the night of April 14 have launched missile attacks on Syrian government facilities, where, they claim, is a chemical weapon. In all

The government of Armenia has denied the resignation of interim Prime Minister Karapetyan

The government of Armenia has denied the resignation of interim Prime Minister Karapetyan Moscow. April 25. INTERFAX.RU. Press Secretary of the Prime Minister of Armenia Aram Araratyan denied reports about the resignation of interim Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan. “Reports about the resignation of the President are untrue,” wrote the press Secretary on Facebook. Earlier Wednesday, the Deputy of Armenian Parliament from the faction “EFC”, one of the leaders of the opposition movement against the current authorities of Ararat Mirzoyan said on his Facebook page that Karapetyan resigned. “I want to be the first to report this great news. Resignation. Victory,” wrote Mirzoyan. Resignation Karapetyan on Facebook also said several political analysts. On 17 April, the Armenian Parliament has elected ex-President Serzh Sargsyan to the post of Prime Minister of the Republic. However, on April 23 at the background of multi-day protests of the opposition, he resigned. On the same day,

“There will be no interruption to the logical conclusion of our revolution”

“There will be no interruption to the logical conclusion of our revolution” The leader of the protests in Armenia Nikol Pashinyan marched instead of negotiating. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий After the resignation of the Prime Minister of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan on April 23 protests in Armenia has reached a new level: the protesters are residents of Yerevan believe that in the period up to the early parliamentary elections the country has to manage the “candidate of the people”. Now the responsibilities of the Prime Minister shall be temporarily performed by a member of the ruling Republican party Karen Karapetyan, who refused to negotiate on the change of Prime Minister with opposition leader Nikol Pashinyan. Instead, Mr. Karapetyan invited the opposition to go to elections as “the candidate of the people” is selected there. In protest Wednesday morning, people marched from Republic square to the office of the ruling party. The marchers were chanting