The Russian Ambassador in London offered to meet with British parliamentarians on Victory Day

Russian Ambassador to the UK Alexander Yakovenko © EPA-EFE/NEIL HALL MOSCOW, may 3. /TASS/. The head of the British all-party parliamentary group on Russia, Chris Bryant suggested that the Russian Ambassador in London Alexander Yakovenko to meet with members of the British Parliament on may 9, that in the Russian diplomatic mission said that on 9 may the Russians celebrate the Day of Victory, and suggested to organize a meeting the other day. The appropriate response, the Embassy gave in his Twitter.

The Embassy of the Russian Federation in the United States are outraged by the silence of Washington about the tragedy in Odessa House of trade unions

The building of the Russian Embassy in the United States © Anatoly Bochinin/TASS WASHINGTON, may 3. /TASS/. The Russian Embassy in the United States on Wednesday expressed indignation at the fact that the us administration is silent on the tragic events in Odessa on 2 may 2014 and “freeze” their investigation Kiev. This is stated in comments released by the Embassy.

The price of essential drugs will keep new fines

The price of essential drugs will keep new fines First monetary penalty planned to be introduced for manufacturers. For pharmacists and drug manufacturers, overstate prices for essential medicines, will impose sanctions. Health Ministry proposes to penalize officers for 50 thousand rubles, and legal — for the sum of unduly received revenue double. The government regulates prices of essential drugs, but monetary penalties for manufacturers for incorrect pricing is still not there. NewsThan the Russians face a ban of American medicine Health Ministry proposes to introduce penalties for overestimate of the prices for vital and essential drugs (VED). The draft Federal law has already been prepared, he is now at the stage of interdepartmental coordination, and prepared for shipment to the government, have informed “news” in the Ministry. Fines for officials will make from 40 thousand to 50 thousand rubles, for legal entities — in the double size of unduly received

“In modern terms to talk about the one-party system is simply impossible”

“In modern terms to talk about the one-party system is simply impossible” The Secretary of the General Council of United Russia Andrey Turchak about the rebranding of the party and the ideas to revive political information. “United Russia” intends to develop a document for their supporters and voters, which will provide answers to questions about the ideology of the party, told “Izvestia” in an interview with the Secretary of the General Council of United Russia Andrei Turchak. According to him, citizens support the basic values of the party, but they have a request “on detail”. He stressed that the EP will change and the main point of the update is to effectively solve the problems of citizens and provide the breakthrough strategy, which was designated by the President. — Since your appointment as the Secretary of the General Council “United Russia” took six months. What has been done during this

For the execution of sanctions for criminal liability

For the execution of sanctions for criminal liability The Federation Council supported the proposal of the state Duma on the introduction of liability for compliance with legal norms of other States. The Federation Council is ready to support the introduction of criminal liability for companies, working in Russia, performed by the US sanctions. This “Izvestia” said the Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Yevgeny Bushmin. That in the criminal code it is necessary to add such an article, and said the head of the Federation Council Committee on constitutional legislation and state construction Andrey Klishas. Such measures should apply to all banks, mobile operators and network companies, which, for example, don’t work in the Crimea. Experts believe that now there is “abnormal situation”: the US decision is guided not only foreign, but also some Russian companies. Previously, for the introduction of a ban on the execution of sanctions of the

Kumirova win

Kumirova win As the street became Nikol Pashinian expensive in the premiere. Armenia joined on Wednesday the decisive phase of the revolution. The protests have acquired unprecedented scale: people once paralyzed traffic throughout the country. The current government does not control neither the country nor the situation. However, her opponents power and control only the street. However, on may 8 the opposition leader Nikol Pashinian could occupy the post of Prime Minister. With details from Yerevan — the special correspondent of “Kommersant” Vladimir Solovyov. Barbecue revolution Early in the morning on may 2, Yerevan turned into a pedestrian zone. Poured into the streets tens of thousands of people, and the intersections of the city turned into a dance floor. At the pedestrian Zebra, blocked by cars or trash cans the streets to the music of the radio danced by adults, students, pupils, their teachers and even preschoolers. The protest became

The congressmen asked the Nobel Committee to give Trump the award

The congressmen asked the Nobel Committee to give Trump the award WASHINGTON, may 2 — RIA Novosti. A group of 18 members of the house of representatives of the U.S. Congress, representing the Republican party, officially asked the Nobel Committee initiative to honor U.S. President Donald trump peace prize for his efforts to resolve the DPRK nuclear issue. “Since taking office, the President trump has worked tirelessly to exert maximum pressure on North Korea to cease its illegal program of weapons (of mass destruction) and to bring peace to the region,” — said in a published letter to the congressmen. “Despite the fact that North Korea decades ignores the demands of the international community to stop its aggressive (actions), the policy of President trump “peace through strength” works and brings peace on the Korean Peninsula. We believe that no one is worthy of recognition (Nobel) Committee in 2019 than President

The military budget began to decline

The military budget began to decline Reduction in Russian defence spending was the largest in the world in 2017. Russia’s spending on arms has declined in 2017 by 20%, which in absolute terms was most significant decline in the world. This is stated in a new report by the Stockholm Institute for peace studies (SIPRI). The decrease in expenses of Moscow on arms is due to planned reductions in this area, and with the fall of the ruble. Overall defence spending in the world increased by 2.2%. The main contribution made by China, Saudi Arabia, India and other Asian States. Most active in relative terms militarized bordering Russia beginners of the European Union. Romania, for example, has increased its military budget by 50%. According to SIPRI, military expenses of Moscow in 2017 fell for the first time in 19 years (since 1998) and 20% ($13.9 billion), to $66.3 billion Thus,

Ukraine has introduced a similar us sanctions against Russia

Ukraine has introduced a similar us sanctions against Russia The national security Council and defence of Ukraine (NSDC) under the chairmanship of the President of Petro Poroshenko has decided to introduce a similar us sanctions against Russia and to extend already introduced. According to the report on the website of the national security Council also imposed sanctions against individuals involved in information and cyberaggression against Ukraine, illegal actions against the citizens of Ukraine who are “illegally detained in Russia”, state Duma deputies and Federation Council members. The scandal around the poisoning of former GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal started in March, London was accused of attack using a nerve agent in Moscow. The new US sanctions were imposed in early April, against 38 Russian companies, businessmen and politicians for “a variety of malicious activities of Russia”. Now Moscow is preparing a response to sanctions — 15 may, MPs will consider the

The leader of the Armenian opposition opened the way to power

The leader of the Armenian opposition opened the way to power The ruling Republican party of Armenia (RPA) will support the opposition candidate for Prime Minister. This was stated by the head of the faction in Parliament, Vahram Baghdasaryan, said on Wednesday, may 2, According to him, for this is one condition. “The RPA will vote for the candidate for Prime Minister, who will have the support of one third of deputies of the Parliament. We will not have own candidate,” said Baghdasaryan. Prior to this decision, the party held a meeting with his head of and a former President of the country Serzh Sargsyan. The vote on the election of the Premier is scheduled for may 8. New condition put forward by the Republicans, corresponds to the opposition leader, Nikol Pashinian, which the Parliament failed to elect on 1 may. Pashinyan was the only candidate, but he refused