Ukraine will rename two areas

Ukraine will rename two areas MOSCOW, may 3 — RIA Novosti. Director of the Ukrainian Institute of national memory Volodymyr viatrovych announced the renaming of two regions of the country. He stated this in an interview with “Obozrevatel”. Viatrovych noted that at the moment the government “dekommunizirovali” about a thousand place names in the near future will change the names 9 more settlements. “It’s obvious the names are subject to renaming. In addition, the queue renaming the two regions”, — he stressed. Kyiv has to amend the Constitution, said viatrovych. According to him, necessary to start this process, the number of deputies ‘ signatures are already collected. Viatrovych is known for his fight against “Communist past” of Ukraine. He is one of the initiators of the so-called law on de-communization, prohibiting propaganda of Soviet symbols. After its adoption in Ukraine there was a wave of renaming of cities and streets

The Pentagon has banned the sale of Chinese smartphones on military bases

The Pentagon has banned the sale of Chinese smartphones on military bases MOSCOW, may 2 — RIA Novosti. The Pentagon has banned the sale of smartphones from Chinese companies Huawei and ZTE on US military bases, writes the newspaper the Wall Street Journal. “Huawei device and ZTE can introduce unacceptable risk to employees, the data and activities of the Ministry,” said Pentagon spokesman Dave Eastburn, adding that “in light of this, to continue to sell them in the military stores of the Ministry of defence employees would not be prudent”. It is noted that the order to stop selling devices Huawei and ZTE were given on Friday. The ban also applies to modems for mobile Internet and other products for mobile communications. However, according to the newspaper, employees of the Ministry can still use devices from Chinese companies, including in the work.NewsU.S. intelligence agencies banned the use of Chinese smartphones

Conversations — not in service

Conversations — not in service The defence Ministry changes the order of conducting telephone conversations on lines of General use. As it became known “Kommersant”, the Ministry of defence tightened the rules for the use of telephone networks being shared with their employees — from the senior ranks of the General staff of the armed forces to civil servants of Central office and servicemen of military units. They are divided into five categories, each of which has time and financial limits on telephone conversations, the violation of which is fraught with administrative investigation. Officially, these measures due to the need for effective spending. According to unofficial information, it is about the suppression of information leakage. On changing the defense Ministry rules regarding the use of telephone networks to “ensure effective use of funds” reported by “Kommersant” a source close to the leadership of the General staff of the armed forces.

Lavrov: experts from U.S. and France can be involved in the investigation of the OPCW on the Syrian Duma

© Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS TASS, 3 may. Russia expects from the experts of the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) an independent investigation of the incident in the city Council and invites experts from U.S. and France to join him. This was stated by Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in an interview with Italian magazine Panorama. He reiterated that there was no chemical attack in the Duma on 7 April was not, and was “another dirty provocation, concocted by those who are not interested in peace in Syria.”

The mayor of Izhevsk resigned

The mayor of Izhevsk resigned MOSCOW, may 3 — RIA Novosti. The mayor of Izhevsk Yuri Tyurin resigned at his own request, reported the head of Udmurtia Alexander Brechalov in his microblog on Twitter. “Today, the head of Izhevsk Yuri Tyurin has written a resignation at own will. We worked with him for more than a year, and I am grateful for this experience. I wish Yuri Alexandrovich realize its vast professional experience in new projects for the benefit of the Udmurt Republic!” — he wrote.

CNN: DPRK authorities intend to release three prisoners of the Americans

CNN: DPRK authorities intend to release three prisoners of the Americans According to TV channel, this decision was taken in Pyongyang about two months ago. NEW YORK, may 3. /TASS/. DPRK authorities have agreed to release three Americans who are in the country in prison. This was announced on Wednesday the American TV channel CNN. According to sources, the decision was taken in Pyongyang about two months ago. The source of the number of officials it is assured that this step of the authorities will not change Washington’s position regarding the necessity of refusal of Pyongyang of nuclear weapons. Previously, the Agency Yonhap reported that three U.S. citizens convicted in North Korea on charges of espionage and hostile acts in the beginning of April were transferred from the camp to the hotel, located in the outskirts of Pyongyang. It was noted that the negotiations for their release are underway with

China has deployed missiles on disputed Islands in South China sea

China has deployed missiles on disputed Islands in South China sea Moscow. May 3. INTERFAX.RU — Rockets of a class “earth-ship” and “earth-air” posted by China on three Islands of the archipelago and the Nansha (Spratly), territorial affiliation, which is challenging a number of countries in the region, reported the American TV channel CNBC. The TV station cites sources who claim that U.S. intelligence data show about the location of Chinese missiles on the Islands, Fiery Cross Reef, Subi Reef and Mischief Reef in the last 30 days. The report said that the Pentagon refused to comment this information, referring that it is the nature of intelligence. The Chinese authorities also declined to comment. The territory of the Spratly Islands dispute six States: China, Vietnam, Taiwan, Malaysia, the Philippines and Brunei. Read also: China’s foreign Ministry rebuked the US for its interference in the internal Affairs of other countries

The source said the details of the process of the inauguration of the President of Russia

The source said the details of the process of the inauguration of the President of Russia MOSCOW, may 3 — RIA Novosti. The inauguration of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, which will take place on 7 may in the Moscow Kremlin, may pass without the traditional passage of the presidential motorcade in Moscow, told RIA Novosti source familiar with the organization of training activities. Informed sources told that the final script of the inauguration has not yet been approved, however, the program was planned to agree in the near future. On past inaugurations Putin traveled to the Kremlin by car accompanied Honorary escort of Federal security service of the Russian Federation. “Maybe this time will refuse a solemn motorcade of the President in Moscow to the Kremlin,” — said the Agency interlocutor. Read more: Peskov denied recommendations to the government “to lower media activity”