At the St. Petersburg forum for the first time in 2014 will make us official

At the St. Petersburg forum for the first time in 2014 will make us official U.S. Ambassador to Russia John huntsman said on Twitter the American diplomatic mission that will take part in St. Petersburg international economic forum (SPIEF), which will be held in late may. According to Huntsman, in the work of the forum will be attended by many business representatives from the United States, and this is a great opportunity to discuss the future of economic relations between the two countries. The huntsman stated as one of the speakers at the traditional session of the “Russia — USA”, it follows from the preliminary programme. Except for Huntsman in the discussion of Russian-American relations will be attended by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of “Renova” Viktor Vekselberg, senior Vice-President “Norilsk Nickel” and “Interros” Andrey Bugrov, the President of IBS Group Anatoly Karachinsky, President of RSPP Alexander Shokhin,

RBC: Medvedev for the first time in 10 years, may be replaced by the chief of Protocol

RBC: Medvedev for the first time in 10 years, may be replaced by the chief of Protocol Chief of Protocol of the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev Maria Entaltseva plans to leave post after 10 years. It is reported by RBC with reference to sources close to the government. One of the interviewees said that Entaltseva out not because of conflict but because of the desire to change the scope of activities. In addition, according to the interlocutor of the edition, she has very good relations with Medvedev. According to RBC, the resignation will happen “not in the near future”. Entaltseva who will replace on a post of the chief of Protocol of the Prime Minister, the interlocutors found it difficult to say. Medvedev’s press Secretary Natalya Timakova information about her departure is not confirmed. “She continues to work in his place,” she said in the interview to RBC. Entaltseva working

The Sejm of Poland adopted a bill to reduce the salaries of parliamentarians by 20%

The Sejm of Poland adopted a bill to reduce the salaries of parliamentarians by 20% WARSAW, may 11 — RIA Novosti. The Sejm of Poland adopted a draft law reducing the salaries of MPs by 20%, the correspondent of RIA Novosti. Now the salary of the Deputy and the Senator will meet 80% of the salaries of Deputy Secretary of state. For the bill voted 240 members, 2 were against and 5 abstained. Did not participate in the vote of 213 deputies, including the opposition party “Civic platform”, “Nowoczesna”, and the Polish peasant party. At the same level will remain the amounts earmarked for the expenses of the deputies connected with the performance of duties in the country. These costs would be 25% of the salary of the Deputy Secretary of state. During consideration of the bill, the document was heavily criticized by opposition deputies. A bill to reduce the

An Israeli strike destroyed a complex “Shell” of the Syrian army

An Israeli strike destroyed a complex “Shell” of the Syrian army Moscow. May 10. INTERFAX.RU — the Israeli military during the night of the attack on Syria had destroyed anti-aircraft missile and gun complex “Carapace-C1”. In the message of the Israeli army stated that the attack on the system of SA22 (as NATO called the complex “Pantsir-S1”) was struck as part of a widespread attack on Iranian military facilities in Syria. The tweeter of the Israeli army published a video of the impact. The IDF struck an SA22 aerial interception system as part of a wide-scale attack against Iranian military sites in Syria — IDF (@IDFSpokesperson) on may 10, 2018. Air defense missile-gun complex “Pantsir-C” refers to the system middle cover. As reported in 2011, “Interfax” that Russia has supplied Syria with 36 such complexes. They have Russian military in Syria. Along with air defense systems long-range s-400 “Triumph”,

A gift from trump. That will enable Russia to deal with Iran

A gift from trump. That will enable Russia to deal with Iran MOSCOW, may 11 — RIA Novosti, Maxim Rubchenko. The decision of Donald trump to withdraw from the nuclear deal with Iran has brought Russia additional income to the budget due to a jump in oil prices. But winning will be much longer if the patience of Europe will implode and the EU will cease to participate in the sanctions wars of America. RIA Novosti considers possible scenarios of further developments. The US President announced the termination of the nuclear deal with Iran on Tuesday evening. All foreign companies must turn away business in this country in the period from 90 to 180 days (until August 6 and November 4, respectively). Otherwise, they will also be subjected to sanctions of the US government. It’s tough The intention to withdraw from the agreement with Tehran, Donald trump said during his

In the state Duma said that the draft of the counter-sanctions Russia could be adopted before the end of may

First Vice-speaker of the state Duma Alexander Zhukov © Marat Abulhasan/photo Department of the state Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, may 11. /TASS/. The project of Russian counter-sanctions can be adopted in final form before the end of may. This statement was made on Friday the first Vice-speaker of the state Duma Alexander Zhukov. “Until the end of may has all the chances to make the final version of the draft law,” he said following the meeting of the Council of legislation under the Chairman of the state Duma, devoted to the discussion of the respective initiatives.

Peskov said that the refusal to supply s-300 to Syria is not linked with visit by Netanyahu to Russia

Acting press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS SOCHI, may 11. /TASS/. Refusal to supply s-300 systems to Syria has nothing to do with the visit to Moscow Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu. This was stated to journalists by acting press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov, commenting on the words of the acting Russian presidential aide for military-technical cooperation Vladimir Kozhin in an interview to the newspaper “Izvestia”.

The dictator and the agent provocateur: on what terms will be able to reconcile the US and North Korea

The dictator and the agent provocateur: on what terms will be able to reconcile the US and North Korea The prewar rhetoric of the DPRK and the United States suddenly gave way to constructive dialogue. However, the issue of nuclear disarmament will remain the main theme of the upcoming talks between Donald trump and Kim Jong-UN. Us-North Korea summit held this spring — and it seems the world still can’t believe it. Side long shied away from the negotiations, but with the onset of 2018 made compromises. Especially intriguing for the preparation of the summit brought the leading role of the special services of the USA, South Korea and the DPRK. The intelligence agencies of the three countries acted in secrecy without the notice of the ministries of foreign Affairs and other national agencies found the New York Times. A sharp turn of events has generated a lot of questions

Kudrin may head audit chamber

Kudrin may head audit chamber The head of the Center for strategic research (CSR), ex-Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin made a proposal to head the audit chamber, told “Vedomosti” two people close to the leadership of the state Duma and confirmed by a former Federal official. The current Chairman of the chamber Tatyana Golikova was previously proposed by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev for the post of Deputy Prime Minister for social policy, and she has already declared that are ready to work in the new government. Consultations on the candidacy of the head of the accounting chamber (by law the state Duma to the President of three candidates from which he chooses one and submit for approval of deputies) began in the Duma on the morning of Thursday, said its Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin: “the chamber is the organ of parliamentary control and an expert structure. We attach great importance to the