Sky: in clashes in the Gaza strip killed 31 Palestinians

Sky: in clashes in the Gaza strip killed 31 Palestinians The TV station also reports that more than a thousand victims. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий CAIRO, may 14. /TASS/. The victims of clashes with Israeli soldiers on the Gaza border on Monday were more than 30 Palestinians, over a thousand injured. Such data leads the channel Sky News Arabia. According to the information received, about 100 victims received gunshot wounds. The dead included teenagers aged 12, 14 and 16 and also 30-the summer woman. Mass demonstrations in Gaza in the framework of the “March of return” does not end with the end of March, when the Palestinians marked land Day in memory of the six Arabs killed in 1976 during protests against exclusion by the Israeli authorities of hundreds of land. Seven Fridays in a row they turned around collisions and disorder at the border. Protests resumed on Monday morning in connection with

The Catalan Parliament approved Kim Torr head Generalitat

The Catalan Parliament approved Kim Torr head Generalitat MADRID, may 14 — RIA Novosti. The Parliament of Catalonia approved a second round of one of the most radical members of the separatist movement, the representative of the party “Together for Catalonia” Kim Torr head of the Catalan government, he calls himself the interim head of generality, as the real head of the Cabinet, in its opinion, is Carles Pujdeme. To win in the second round, a candidate had to receive a relative majority of votes in Parliament. He was voted 66 deputies from the party of “Together for Catalonia” and “Republican Left of Catalonia”. Against voted 65 deputies — representatives of parties supporting the territorial integrity of Spain, the largest parliamentary faction of “Citizens”, the socialists, the popular party and Catalunya en Marta-Podem (Catalan branch of Podemos). The key was the votes of four MPs from the leftist separatist party

A bill to reduce the salaries of the Deputy to the national average to the state Duma

A bill to reduce the salaries of the Deputy to the national average to the state Duma Moscow. May 14. INTERFAX.RU. The bill “Fair Russia” on the reduction of parliamentary salaries 10 times with approximately 350 thousand to 35 thousand rubles was received for consideration of the state Duma. The bill was introduced by head of the faction Sergei Mironov and his Deputy Oleg nilavum. SRS propose to establish that the salary of the Deputy is set at the average wage in the Russian Federation. Currently, the salary of a member equivalent to the salary of the Minister of the Russian government. In accordance with the income declarations of MPs, the average income of an ordinary member who has no additional income other than the parliamentary salary per year is about 4.5 million rubles. The salary of the chairmen of the committees a little higher and ranges from 5 to

Kudrin called the main principles of work at the head of the accounting chamber

Kudrin called the main principles of work at the head of the accounting chamber The head of the Center for strategic research (CSR), a former Russian Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin has agreed to be a candidate for the position of Chairman of the Russian audit chamber, said in a statement Kudrin, published on his official website. “Let me remind you that the chamber, in accordance with the law, aims to ensure the constitutional right of citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in managing state Affairs through the implementation of external state audit. The objectives of the chamber as an independent institution of social control included in the audit the feasibility and effectiveness of achieving strategic goals of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation in the fight against corruption,” wrote Kudrin. The first of these principles, according to Kudrin, is a clear linkage between strategic objectives and management results with

In clashes with the Israeli military on the borders of Gaza killed two Palestinians

In clashes with the Israeli military on the borders of Gaza killed two Palestinians GAZA, may 14 — RIA Novosti. Two Palestinians were killed and over 250 injured by bullets and gas in clashes with Israeli troops on the borders of the Gaza strip, told RIA Novosti the official representative of the local health services, Ashraf al-Kidra. 10фотографий10фотографий10фотографий The Israelis pulled together additional forces to the enclave, fearing the attempts of a crowd of thousands to break through the border in the Wake of outrage at the opening of the American Embassy in Jerusalem. “Killed two Palestinians, the number of victims reaches 257 people and 150 of them injured fighting with bullets,” — said the Agency interlocutor. The Israeli military counted about 10 thousand of the rioters, who are the ten sites along the borders of the Gaza strip. Adjacent to the enclave areas, the army declared a closed area,

Amendments to the criminal code on the responsibility for the execution of sanctions of the West Russia to the state Duma

The speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko and speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, may 14. /TASS/. A bill on criminal responsibility for the execution on the territory of Russia of the sanctions of foreign countries to the state Duma. Information about this published on Monday in the electronic database of the lower house of Parliament.

The Commission of the Federation Council said the West’s attempts to prevent Putin’s election

The Commission of the Federation Council said the West’s attempts to prevent Putin’s election The Commission of the Federation Council on the protection of sovereignty has prepared a draft report, which stated that the United States and several other countries of West in 2011 is trying to prevent President Vladimir Putin for the presidential elections. About it reports “RIA Novosti” with reference to the head of the Committee Andrey Klimov. Mr. Klimov said that there were attempts to “discredit the personality of Putin and its foreign and domestic policy in Russia and around the world, the maximum the division of environment of the President, including longtime friends and colleagues.” Also the head of the Commission of the Federation Council, said that Western countries tried to organize the isolation of Mr. Putin, not only on the world stage, but also within the Russian Federation. In particular, according to him, the media

Kudrin accepted the offer of United Russia to head the audit chamber

Kudrin accepted the offer of United Russia to head the audit chamber The head of the Center for strategic research (CSR) Alexei Kudrin has agreed to become one of three candidates for the position of Chairman of the accounts chamber. This was stated by Alexei Kudrin at a briefing in the state Duma. “Thank you for the nomination of “United Russia”, I agreed, I understand the challenges faced by the accounting chamber: the chamber must answer the question of why something happens, something is not” — said Kudrin following the results of consultations with United Russia. He noted the need to improve audit control and noticed that the functions of the accounting chamber include including the fight against corruption. We see the task of reducing corruption in the financial sector.Alex Kadriroval Center for strategic research On the question, whether ex-Finance Minister that he was not offered the post of Prime

Putin meeting with Pashinyan expressed hope that the ongoing development of relations

Putin meeting with Pashinyan expressed hope that the ongoing development of relations SOCHI, may 14. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin hopes that the new government of Armenia relations between Moscow and Yerevan will not develop less dynamically than before. “I wish you success at the head of the government and we hope that our relations will develop just as steadily as it was until now,” said Putin in his first meeting with the new Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan. The Russian President stressed that Russia “considers Armenia as our closest partner and ally in the region,” adding that this applies to economic cooperation, and security issues. Putin expressed hope that “very good results”, which demonstrates the economic cooperation between Russia and Armenia in recent times, “will be able not only to preserve but also to multiply”. Putin reminded that Russia remains the leading trade partner of Armenia accounting for