Kudrin called the main principles of work at the head of the accounting chamber

Kudrin called the main principles of work at the head of the accounting chamber

The head of the Center for strategic research (CSR), a former Russian Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin has agreed to be a candidate for the position of Chairman of the Russian audit chamber, said in a statement Kudrin, published on his official website.

“Let me remind you that the chamber, in accordance with the law, aims to ensure the constitutional right of citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in managing state Affairs through the implementation of external state audit. The objectives of the chamber as an independent institution of social control included in the audit the feasibility and effectiveness of achieving strategic goals of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation in the fight against corruption,” wrote Kudrin.

The first of these principles, according to Kudrin, is a clear linkage between strategic objectives and management results with the budget mechanisms, including the mechanisms of government programs and national projects. Kudrin noted that the current management of state investments is one of the most important elements of transition to a new quality of the economy.

“Secondly, in accordance with the time challenges we need to actively improve methods of control: including the move towards greater digitalization of control process, greater use of a risk-based approach to more flexibly control the implementation of innovative programs,” wrote Kudrin.

Thirdly, the work of the accounts chamber as a parliamentary and wider public control implies full and unconditional openness of the audit. In particular, the chamber should be openly and continuously inform the public about the implementation of stated national goals and strategic objectives.Alexei Kudrin

He noted that in recent years has developed and tested mechanisms for open and proactive budgeting with the aim of active participation of citizens in the budget process and control over it. Kudrin added that these institutions need to continue to develop.

The fourth fundamental principle is the creation of mechanisms to prevent corruption and minimize opportunities for corruption.

