The analyst saw in the new government care to the strict social policies and the strengthening of the role of the Ministry of Finance

The analyst saw in the new government care to the strict social policies and the strengthening of the role of the Ministry of Finance Moscow. May 18. INTERFAX.RU — Presented by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev’s candidacy in the new government talking about choice in favor of strong social policy against the background of strengthening the role of the Ministry of Finance, said a leading expert of the Foundation “Center of political technologies” Alexey Makarkin. “This is a conservative option, which means two things. The first thing to be conducted is fairly rigid social policy. We see this at least in the beginning already a substantial discussion on the question of the retirement age,” said Makarkin on Friday, “Interfax”. On the other hand, said the analyst, the new government, proposed by Medvedev, means that in the ideological sphere are unlikely to be any changes. “There was a plans are quite serious

Approved the composition of the new government of the Russian Federation

Approved the composition of the new government of the Russian Federation Moscow. May 18. INTERFAX.RU — Russian President Vladimir Putin has adopted all proposals on the personal composition of the new Cabinet, which he on Friday was presented by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. “I agree, will sign today a decree on the appointments. We tentatively discussed almost all of you submitted nominations. All people are famous, with good experience, well-established on the former site of the work”, — he said at the meeting with Medvedev. Edition news Mail.Ru Vladimir Putin signed decrees appointing Vice Prime Ministers and Ministers of the new Government. About it at 15.00 I reported a press-service of the Kremlin. During the download an error has occurred. So, the first Deputy Prime Minister Medvedev has proposed to appoint Anton Siluanov, who, in his opinion, should also be the Minister of Finance. Among the other approved candidates for

Medvedev presented to Vladimir Putin the new government

Medvedev presented to Vladimir Putin the new government Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev presented to President Vladimir Putin proposals on the composition of the new government. The meeting was held in Sochi in the presidential residence Bocharov Ruchei. The structure of the Cabinet of Ministers was approved on may 15. Major changes have occurred: created position of first Deputy Prime Minister- Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of education and science is divided into two — the Ministry of education and Ministry of science and higher education; Ministry renamed the Ministry of digital development, communications, and mass communications. The President will sign decrees about the appointment of new Ministers today. During the download an error has occurred. The government will include: Deputy Chairman of the government First Vice Prime Minister — Anton Siluanov Deputy Prime Minister for social policy Tatyana Golikova Deputy Prime Minister for culture and sports

Putin discussed with Merkel the US withdrawal from the AGREEMENT and the situation in Syria and the middle East

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Russian President Vladimir Putin © Mikhail Metzel/TASS SOCHI, may 18. /TASS/. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin considers it important that any aid to Syria were in coordination with the authorities of that country. The Russian head of state said that he discussed the Syrian settlement, the situation in the middle East and the US withdrawal from the deal on Iran’s nuclear program with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Putin will discuss with Merkel the “Nord stream” on the background of the Washington

Putin will discuss with Merkel the “Nord stream” on the background of the Washington Moscow. May 18. INTERFAX.RU — Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel during talks on Friday to discuss the issue of gas pipeline project “Nord stream”. “This is an international project, you know that the situation is very difficult given the recent statements that were made from Washington. According to Washington, this project is not in the interests of European countries. A very interesting question”, — said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov told journalists on Friday. According to him, it can be assumed “with certainty” that the theme will be “aggressively enough to appear on the agenda.” The Kremlin claimed that the meeting between Putin and Merkel is of particular importance. “This is an important visit, because after re-election and taking office, Putin and Merkel they meet for the first time.

The deputies of Chechnya in the Duma introduced amendments regarding the term of office of the President

The deputies of Chechnya in the Duma introduced amendments regarding the term of office of the President The Chechen Parliament in the Duma introduced amendments to the Constitution regarding the term of office of the President. Information about the introduction of the document is in the automated system of ensuring legislative activity. Later, the document was posted on the website. It says that Chechen MPs propose to increase the duration of stay of a person in the position of President to three consecutive terms. In their opinion, changes in legislation do not detract from the democratic foundations of the state and enable citizens “to determine the future of Russia”. “This is achieved socio-political stability and the need for its conservation. On the background of the current difficult external political situation, it is important to maintain the continuity of state authority”, — said the Deputy. In April, the head of Chechnya

Israel promised not to strike at Russian military in Syria

Israel promised not to strike at Russian military in Syria Israel will not allow the incidents with the Russian military attacks on targets in Syria. The Ambassador of the Jewish state in Russia Harry Coren said in an interview to “Interfax”. “We have repeatedly said that our only objective in Syria is the Iranian presence,” the diplomat said. According to him, Israel will make every effort to implement the scenario in which “would be struck not by the intended target”. Koren added that it was one of the goals of the existing communication channels of the Israeli and Russian military. The Ambassador also pointed out that, if necessary, the Jewish state will be more intensively in contact with Moscow. The Israeli military on the night of 10 may attacked military targets by Iranian forces in Syria. According to the statements of Israel, it was a response to shelling of its

The President appointed Deputy Prime Ministers and Ministers in the new Russian government

© Mikhail Metzel/TASS SOCHI, may 18. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin signed Friday a decree appointing Deputy Prime Ministers and Ministers in the new government. Nominations were submitted to the President Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. The structure of the Cabinet of Ministers approved on may 15. In the previous government, nine Deputy Prime Ministers, 21 ministries and 22 Ministers, including the Minister without portfolio, Mikhail Abyzov. In the new part 10 Deputy Prime Ministers and 22 Ministry – because of the separation of the Ministry of education the Ministry of education and the Ministry of science and higher education, as well as 22 Ministers. Another innovation will be the reformatting of communications and mass media Ministry digital development, communications, and mass communications. Almost half Will retain their posts in the new Cabinet, four Vice-Premier of nine and 13 of the 22 Ministers, one of whom, Anton Siluanov, has been promoted

Experts: Kobylkin during the governorship has launched major projects in the Arctic

The Minister of natural resources and ecology of the Russian Federation Dmitry Kobylkin © Sergey Fadeichev/TASS TASS, may 18. The ex-Governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous district, appointed by the Minister of natural resources and ecology of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Kobylkin over 8 years of governorship has launched such key projects for the Russian Arctic as the construction of the plant “Yamal LNG” and the creation of the Northern latitudinal. This opinion was expressed to experts interviewed by TASS.