British megaregulator began three new investigations against RT

British megaregulator began three new investigations against RT LONDON, may 21. /TASS/. British megaregulator Ofcom launched three investigations in relation to the RT. This is stated in the newsletter, posted on the website of the regulator. We are talking about the investigation of two passes of 26 April and 4 may, as well as discussion programs from April 20. In mid-April, Ofcom has already launched seven investigations in relation to the channel, suspected violation of objectivity in connection with a case of poisoning in Salisbury on March 4, ex-GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia.

“United Russia” has excluded the refusal of the bear in the symbolism of the party

“United Russia” has excluded the refusal of the bear in the symbolism of the party “United Russia” will not abandon the bear in the party symbols, said Deputy head of the political Department of the party Roman Romanov. “The party believes that the party the bear will not give” — said Romanov, speaking at the party conference “the Direction of 2026” (quoted by “Interfax”). At the conference of United Russia are set to discuss the updates and rebranding of the party. According to Romanov, a significant portion received from the regional offices proposals for the digitization activities of the “United Russia”. In March, the Secretary of the General Council “United Russia” Andrey Turchak said that bear on the party symbols can “expand face-to-voter.” According to him, now bear the logo of United Russia looks static and he needs to give dynamics. Going to the right white-blue bear on the symbolism

Medvedev said that Putin’s decree may be used as the target document of the new Cabinet

© Alexander Astafyev/press service of the Russian government/TASS MOSCOW, may 21. /TASS/. Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev said that in the near future will be signed a list of instructions for the implementation of the may decree of President Vladimir Putin. “In the near future I will sign a list of instructions for its realization [of the may decree], the list is almost ready, which clearly defines the basic directions of work of the ministries, the responsibilities of Deputy Prime Ministers”, – said the Prime Minister at a meeting with his deputies.

Medvedev next week will distribute duties among Deputy Prime Ministers

© Mikhail Klimentyev/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, may 21. /TASS/. Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev said that in the next week will finally distribute duties among Deputy Prime Ministers. “Finally division of responsibilities [between the Deputy Prime Ministers] I intend in the next week”, – said the Prime Minister at a meeting with his deputies. However, he noted that the Vice-premiers and so know what they should do: “I have declared even when it came to the State Duma [on may 7 consultations with the factions before approval for Prime Minister]”.

Mikhail Barshchevsky was hospitalized with a heart attack

Mikhail Barshchevsky was hospitalized with a heart attack MOSCOW, may 21 — RIA Novosti. Plenipotentiary of the government in the constitutional and Supreme courts Mikhail Barshchevsky hospitalized with a heart attack, reports “Says Moscow”. On a question of journalists of the radio station about whether or not he is in the hospital, Barshchevsky said Yes. On the eve of a lawyer was taken to a hospital in Lyubertsy, and in the morning the doctors decided to transfer him to one of the capital’s medical facilities. Mikhail Barshchevsky, doctor of legal Sciences, honored lawyer of the Russian Federation, active state Advisor of the Russian Federation 1 class. He is also involved in the TV club “What? Where? When?” as a connoisseur.

RBC: the stadiums for the 2018 world Cup will establish a means of combating drones

RBC: the stadiums for the 2018 world Cup will establish a means of combating drones Stadiums in eleven Russian cities that will host matches of the world Cup, equipped with special mobile groups of counter unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), according to RBC with reference to sources in the defense Ministry and the military-industrial complex. According to them, appropriate measures were taken under the Directive of the General staff of the armed forces of the Russian Federation dated February 26, signed by its chief General of the army Valery Gerasimov. As told by the interlocutors of RBC, mobile teams will be equipped with complexes “Light-WELL”, P-330R “Resident” and R-934БМВ and experimental development of the “Snare”. “In particular, highlighted two of “Silk” and two of “Light-WELL”, St. Petersburg — mobile group EW (P-300R “Resident”, R-934БМВ) and two of “Light-WELL”, the same is highlighted in Yekaterinburg,” — said one of the sources.Newskiller robot

Putin proposed to leave Dvorkovich, Chairman of the organizing Committee of the 2018 world Cup

Putin proposed to leave Dvorkovich, Chairman of the organizing Committee of the 2018 world Cup President Vladimir Putin proposed to leave Arkady Dvorkovich Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board and the Chairman of ANO “organizing Committee “Russia-2018”. The corresponding decree published on the official Internet portal of legal information. Dvorkovich has replaced Vitaly Mutko Chairman of the organizing Committee for the world Cup in March. Mutko at the end of December 2017, told about readiness to leave the post in order to concentrate on the job in the government. The organizing Committee “Russia-2018” for preparation and carrying out of competitions established by the government and the Russian football Union in January 2011 the Supervisory Board of the organizing Committee is headed by Putin. The world Cup will be held from 14 June to 15 July at 12 stadiums in 11 cities of Russia. Earlier it became known that Britain was

In the district expect from the new head of Minkowksi attracting new investors

The Minister of the Russian Federation for the North Caucasus Sergey Chebotarev © Official website of the Political party Fair Russia STAVROPOL, may 18. /TASS/. The appointment of Sergei Chebotarev, previously responsible for relations with foreign countries, the Minister of the Russian Federation for the North Caucasus shows the attention of the Russian government to the region and the importance of the district from the point of view of geopolitics. Interviewed by TASS, the experts and leaders of the North Caucasus regions expect new emphasis in the development of the district: in finding and supporting investors, and to protect the resort areas, as well as the development of relations with foreign partners. Earlier it was reported that on Friday Vladimir Putin approved the new composition of the Cabinet of Ministers of Russia. As Minister for North Caucasus Affairs Lev Kuznetsov was replaced by Sergei Chebotaryov. According to open sources, he

The Russian defense Ministry has accused the US of violating the INF Treaty

The Russian defense Ministry has accused the US of violating the INF Treaty United States in violation of the Treaty on the elimination of intermediate and shorter-range missiles (INF Treaty) develop and conduct flight tests of ballistic missiles with range from 500 to 5 thousand. this is stated in article of the head of Department of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation for control over execution of contracts Sergey Ryzhkov for the newspaper “Red star”. “Undercover for the creation of new missile systems was the fact that supposedly all of them are nothing more than ballistic missiles-targets, and all such development is carried out only in the interests of development and testing of a global missile defense system,” wrote Mr Ryzhkov. According to the representative of the Russian Ministry of defense, USA for development of elements of a missile defense system using missiles target, “simulating a broad range