Russian foreign Ministry: in the business circles of the USA noticeable tension due to the Russian law on contracti

MOSCOW, may 28. /TASS/. US business circles have made a number of references to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin with the request to soften the law on counter. This was stated on Monday the Director of the Department of North America of the foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation Georgy Borisenko, speaking in the Federation Council at session of Committee on international Affairs.

RBC announced the names of governors agreed to by the Kremlin for a new term

RBC announced the names of governors agreed to by the Kremlin for a new term At least four existing regional leaders can count on re-election. Their candidates agreed with the Kremlin, writes RBC with reference to its sources. We are talking about the mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin, the Governor of the Moscow and Vladimir regions Andrey Vorobyov, and Svitlana Orlova, head of the Khabarovsk territory Vyacheslav Shport. Soon the President will begin a series of meetings with existing regional leaders, facing re-election. Direct elections will be held on 9 September 2018 in 20 regions: in the 13 — early in the seven — planned. The latter include Moscow, Moscow, Orel, Magadan region, Republic of Khakassia, Khabarovsk Krai, Chukotka. Sobyanin announced his intention to be re-elected over the weekend, explaining that the responsibility for initiated projects. On the preparations for the elections in April, said at the beginning, and the

The FSB said about the threat of Ukrainian saboteurs to Russia

The FSB said about the threat of Ukrainian saboteurs to Russia Deputy Director of the FSB, head of the FSB border service-army General Vladimir Kulishov said in an interview with RIA “Novosti” that the risk of penetration of saboteurs Ukrainian in Crimea and the Rostov region still remain. According to him, these areas of possible smuggling across the border of weapons and ammunition. “By the right-wing forces attempted implementation of the provocative actions against crossing the border of Russian citizens,” — said Kuleshov. He added that Ukrainian border guards often prevent the passage of Russian citizens who demonstrate rudeness and inappropriate behavior. While under attack more and more often get the court that are in the Black sea and follow the ports of the Crimea. “Despite the complexity of the situation, we are able to maintain law and order in the Russian-Ukrainian border. Border authorities implemented measures to detect and

Poland is ready to pay for the hosting of a permanent US military base

Poland is ready to pay for the hosting of a permanent US military base MOSCOW, may 28 — RIA Novosti. Warsaw is willing to pay $ 2 billion for the creation on the Polish territory a permanent U.S. military base, according to the publication Politico, citing documents of the Ministry of defence of Poland. “This proposal outlines a clear and urgent need for a permanent military division of the United States in Poland, the obligation of Poland to provide significant support which can reach 1.5−2 billion dollars, by creating a joint military facilities and provide more flexible movement of forces of the USA”, — stated in the documents. States that Poland is ready “to share the burden of defense spending and make the decision more profitable for the U.S. government.” As writes the edition, the documents contains information about the possible location of military facilities and hospitals as well as

Ukrainian Admiral claimed it was a “hybrid threat” in the sea of Azov

Ukrainian Admiral claimed it was a “hybrid threat” in the sea of Azov MOSCOW, may 28 — RIA Novosti. Ukraine should patrol the Azov sea coast to counter the threat from Russia, said in an interview with “Obozrevatel” the former Deputy Minister of defense of Ukraine stock Admiral Igor kabanenko. According to the Admiral, Moscow is conducting naval exercises in the sea of Azov in close proximity to the Ukrainian coast, which is a “provocation” and “hybrid threat of invasion from the sea”. According to Admiral, the Ukrainian authorities must take responsibility for “preventing the crisis”. “The first — patrolling the coastal zone, the territorial sea is 12 miles from the coast. Constant patrols of sea protection of state frontier service of Ukraine. It is a deterrent,” said he. In addition, the Admiral called for the creation of mobile groups of the naval forces. “Yes, they are not super modern,

The 5 star movement proposes to discuss the impeachment of the President of Italy

The 5 star movement proposes to discuss the impeachment of the President of Italy ROME, may 27 — RIA Novosti. The leader of the Italian Movement 5 stars Luigi Di Maio proposed to discuss in Parliament the impeachment of the President of Italy Sergio Mattarello, after he had actually vetoed the project of the government, which he suggested supported Д5З and the party “League” candidate Giuseppe Conte. Informed Conte that Mattarella was commissioned to form a government and provide a list of Ministers has given the President the mandate. Fatal obstacle to the formation of the new Cabinet was the candidacy of the Minister of economy. “League”, which together with the Movement 5 stars advanced Conte as Prime Minister, insisted on the figure 81-year-old economist Paolo Savona, but Mattarella was not satisfied with his views on European monetary policy. “I believe that the government crisis should be included in the

Trump is confident that the DPRK has tremendous economic prospects

Trump is confident that the DPRK has tremendous economic prospects WASHINGTON, may 27. /TASS/. The President of the United States Donald trump expressed confidence that the DPRK is waiting for prosperity and good economic prospects. The head of state said on Twitter, confirming that the U.S. government delegation on Sunday arrived in Panmunjom to prepare for the first in the history of us-North Korean summit. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий “Our U.S. team arrived in North Korea to prepare my meeting with Kim Jong-UN. I seriously believe that North Korea has great potential and one day she will be a great state in financial and economic terms. Kim Jong-UN with me in this agree — it will happen!” — he wrote. Earlier the head a press-services of the Department of state Heather Nauert told reporters that the government delegation holding talks on the upcoming summit with representatives of the government of the DPRK in

Pompeo: US remains committed to finding a peaceful settlement in Karabakh

Pompeo: US remains committed to finding a peaceful settlement in Karabakh BAKU, may 28 — RIA Novosti. The United States remains committed to finding a peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, the statement said Secretary of state Mike Pompeo in connection with the 100-year anniversary of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (ADR). In Azerbaijan on Monday celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Republic. “On behalf of the government of the United States and the American people, I am pleased to congratulate the government and people of Azerbaijan on Republic Day,” — said in a statement. As noted in the congratulation, 2018 marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, which was the first parliamentary Republic of the Muslim majority and one of the first countries in the world that gave women the right to vote. “After the restoration of independence in 1991 Azerbaijan has become a valuable

The Italian President has confirmed that he endorsed the candidacy of the Minister of economy

The Italian President has confirmed that he endorsed the candidacy of the Minister of economy ROME, may 27 — RIA Novosti. Alexander Logunov. The President of Italy Sergio Mattarella confirmed that the government project, which provided him with a mandate for its formation by the lawyer, Giuseppe Conte, he was not satisfied with the candidacy of the Minister of economy. “Nobody can claim that I prevented the formation of the government, which was to become the government change. On the contrary, I accompanied these attempts, in accordance with the Constitution,” said Mattarella, whose performance was broadcast live on TV channel Rainews24. Earlier, the lawyer Giuseppe Conte, who Mattarella asked to form a national government and provide a list of Ministers has given the President the mandate. Fatal obstacle to the formation of the new government of Italy was the candidacy of the Minister of economy. The party “League”, which together

Giuseppe Conte has refused to head the government of Italy

Giuseppe Conte has refused to head the government of Italy ROME, may 27. /TASS/. Giuseppe Conte has refused to head the government of Italy. This was stated Sunday the General Secretary of administration of the President of the Republic Hugo Zampetti. “President Sergio Mattarella took Professor Giuseppe Conte, who returned his mandate to form a government. The head of state thanked him for his work,” said Zanetti after meeting the President received the mandate to form the Cabinet lawyer. Earlier the candidacy of 53-year-old professional lawyer Giuseppe Conte as a candidate for Prime Minister proposed the winning in the parliamentary elections on March 4 party “Movement “5 stars” and “the League”, which was supposed to be part of a coalition government. On 23 may, the President of the Republic suggested Conte to lead the Cabinet.