Barrels of contention. What will happen to the ruble because of the conflict between Iran and Israel

Barrels of contention. What will happen to the ruble because of the conflict between Iran and Israel Increased confrontation in the middle East will push oil prices up, followed by a stronger ruble. But to what extent? The last month of spring again showed how much the oil prices depend on geopolitical situation. The US withdrawal from the Iranian nuclear agreement has launched a new rally in the market, allowing prices to reach a new three-year highs in the $80 per barrel. However, in our opinion, the current increase in oil prices contributes not only to the renewal of us sanctions against Iran, but a significant deterioration in Israeli-Iranian relations. Both sides have an impressive history of conflict. So, in April, the collision of the Iranian and Israeli militarized groups significantly increased, moreover, both sides of the conflict for the first time acknowledged the existence of victims who died in

Moore called his unexpected appointment to the post of acting Governor of the Tyumen region

The head of the Ministry of construction of Russia Vladimir Yakushev and acting Governor of the Tyumen region Alexander moor (left to right) © Official website of the government of the Tyumen region TYUMEN, may 29. /TASS/. The acting Governor of the Tyumen region Alexander moor called the transition from a post of the mayor of Tyumen in the new position unexpected. He said this on Tuesday, TASS reported. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin on may 29, Moore was appointed acting Governor of the Tyumen region is headed the Ministry of the Russian Federation Vladimir Yakushev. Until recently, Moore held a post of the mayor of Tyumen.

Cuba will update the Constitution of the Soviet era

Cuba will update the Constitution of the Soviet era The Cuban Parliament on 2 June will determine the composition of the Commission, which will develop the country’s new Constitution, announced on may 28 the Associated Press. Cuba still lives under the Constitution adopted and approved by referendum in 1976. The main document of the state prohibits private property claims in Cuba to build Marxist-Leninist socialism and the Communist party declares that “the main guiding force” of Cuban society. The government, headed by Miguel Diaz-Kanalen, decided to adapt the basic law in accordance with the changes in Cuba in recent years. The authorities have made it clear that the role of the Communist party in the new Constitution will not diminish. Freedom of speech, press, and other rights will be limited “in accordance with the objectives of socialist society”. Most likely, significant concessions will affect private property and private business. The

Sanatorium-a visa-free regime

Sanatorium-a visa-free regime Crimean authorities offer to introduce visa-free regime for foreigners who want to come to Russia for medical treatment, especially in sanatoria and on resorts. About the initiative told “” the adviser of the head of the Crimea Sergey Strelbitsky. It is expected that foreign patients will be able to be held in Russia for 30 days without registration of entry documents, and then, if necessary, to “medical visa” light pattern. This will support the industry and “will help break the sanctions regime.” The Ministry of health of the Russian Federation, “Kommersant” reported that the Ministry jointly with the foreign Ministry already working on a special visa regime for foreigners who wish to be treated in Russia. Tour operators kept while in the assessment number of foreign customers of the Russian complex, but medical tourism in Russia, respondents ‘ b ‘ experts believe perspective and remind you that

Matviyenko called NATO a relic of the bipolar bloc era

Matviyenko called NATO a relic of the bipolar bloc era MOSCOW, may 29. /TASS/ — the Federation Council Speaker stressed that the Alliance is not a universal institution in the field of security. NATO in the current situation is not a universal institution in the field of security, it block a relic of the bipolar era. This was stated on Tuesday by the speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko. That provides the security one, in the block of the security model is necessarily a threat to others and safety for others. Because NATO is not a universal institution in the field of security. The block is a relic of the bipolar era, which by definition can not look for his opponent.Valentina Matviyenko.the speaker of the Federation Council of Russia The politician added that the attempts of the transnationalization of the domestic law of some States multiply the disorder and

Almost 190 thousand of questions came for two days in “Direct line with Vladimir Putin”

© Alexei Druzhinin/press-service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, may 29. /TASS/. Almost 190 thousand of applications were received by different communication channels for two days from the start of the reception issues the “Straight line” with Russian President Vladimir Putin, which will take place on 7 June. About it reported in a press-service of the Kremlin.

Russian Ambassador: Polish scientist Dembsky denied entry to Russia in response to the actions of Warsaw

Russian Ambassador to Poland Sergey Andreev © Vitaly Nevar/TASS WARSAW, may 29. /Offset. TASS Irina Polina/. The ban on entry to Russia, the Polish historian and political scientist, the head of the Polish Institute of international Affairs slavomira the Dembsky is a response of the Russian side adopted after similar actions of the Polish authorities in respect of Russian political scientists. This was announced on Tuesday Corr. TASS, Russian Ambassador to Poland Sergey Andreev. “In the morning I was invited to the foreign Ministry to the Deputy Minister Mr. Papago. He handed me a note of protest about the fact that the Director of the Polish Institute of international Affairs Slawomir Dembsky last night on his arrival in Moscow was not admitted to the territory of the Russian Federation. It is included in the list of persons banned from entering Russia for three years – until 2021,” said the Ambassador,

The MOE liquidate emergency

The MOE liquidate emergency The Agency gets rid of the legacy of the previous administration. The new leadership of the EMERCOM of Russia has launched large-scale internal audit. The results, say Kommersant’s sources, will be reported to the Kremlin and the White house. According to them, the reform within the Ministry “received a carte Blanche to the top”. The Department has cancelled a number of orders and instructions of the former head Vladimir Puchkov. In parallel to all territorial bodies of the Ministry of emergency situations left the order until 31 may to prepare and submit a list of problematic issues of the “everyday activities” such as personnel and logistical support. To establish a working group to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the state of Affairs in the system of MES was announced on a conference call held may 25. According to its results, acting first Deputy head of the

For whom the visa-free regime in Russia

For whom the visa-free regime in Russia From 4 June to 25 July 2018 , foreign nationals with a “passport fan”, have the right to stay in Russia without a visa. In may 2009 a three-day visa-free regime for passengers of cruise ships and ferries have been introduced in St. Petersburg. Only in the first eight months this has allowed the city to earn €200 million. In April 2017, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev approved a list of 18 countries, including India, Iran, Qatar, Japan, China, the citizens of which, arriving in Russia via Vladivostok, unable to do without the usual visa. They need to do is register your details on a special website. Electronic visa will operate for 30 days and to provide eight days of continuous stay in Russia. Unlimited bezviz is valid only for the citizens of Belarus. Kazakhstan citizens can stay in Russia up to 90 days