RBC: the Kremlin canceled a meeting on raising the retirement age

RBC: the Kremlin canceled a meeting on raising the retirement age The Kremlin planned to hold a meeting on pension reform with the participation of President Vladimir Putin on may 30, but it was cancelled due to the lack of a common position of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of labour on this issue. It is reported by RBC with reference to sources familiar with the preparations for the meeting. According to the interlocutor of the edition, Mr. Putin had to present two options for raising the retirement age. The Finance Ministry proposes to increase it to 65 years for men and 63 years for women. According to the scenario of the Ministry of labour, the age of retirement for women should be raised to 60 years for men to 65 years. In the government count, and other options of raising the retirement age, says a source.

Media: China accelerates the pace of developing nuclear weapons of new generation

Media: China accelerates the pace of developing nuclear weapons of new generation TASS, may 29. China accelerates the pace of developing nuclear weapons of new generation, much more than the United States, conducts tests simulating nuclear explosions. This was announced on Monday, the newspaper The Hill. For the period from Sep 2014 to Dec 2017 China had carried out about 200 such trials, the average for five trials per month, the newspaper writes, citing data from China Academy of engineering physics. The United States also conduct similar tests once a month, the newspaper specifies, in terms of data of the National laboratory behalf of the Lawrence Berkeley (Calif.). The white house, the newspaper reminds, has allocated $1.2 billion on a programme of modernisation of a nuclear Arsenal, and the Pentagon presented in January, the new nuclear doctrine of the United States for the creation of nuclear weapons “low power” to

Georgia breaks diplomatic relations with Syria

Georgia breaks diplomatic relations with Syria Georgia started the procedure for the severance of diplomatic relations with Syria after Damascus acknowledged the independence of North Ossetia and Abkhazia. This was reported on the website of the Ministry of foreign Affairs. “The Syrian regime has defied international legal obligation on the territorial integrity of a sovereign state and on the indivisibility of the internationally recognized borders”, — reads the statement of the Georgian foreign Ministry. Georgia believes that the solution to Syria took “as a result of manipulation from the Russian side”. Earlier in the day Syria agreed on mutual recognition and establishing diplomatic relations with Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Recall, after the armed conflict with Georgia in 2008 recognized the sovereignty of the republics, only Russia, Nicaragua, Venezuela and Nauru.

Times: US sanctions did not have a big effect on the Russian economy

Times: US sanctions did not have a big effect on the Russian economy LONDON, may 29. /TASS/. Sanctions policy of the United States does not have a significant effect on the Russian economy. With such a statement issued on Tuesday, the newspaper The Times. As the newspaper writes, Russia “entered into a recession in 2015 and 2016 after the imposition of sanctions in connection with its invasion of Crimea and the collapse in oil prices, but now wages are rising and last month increased the amount of retail sales.” According to the newspaper, the Russian economy now “looks stable”. “The tightening of U.S. sanctions and the fall of the ruble in early April, has not yet had a significant impact on the real sector of economy”, — quotes in this connection The Times opinion consultancy Capital Economics. The newspaper emphasizes that the return of the economy to grow, despite the

Matviyenko called NATO a relic of the bipolar bloc era

The speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko © Press service of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation MOSCOW, may 29. /TASS/. NATO in the current situation is not a universal institution in the field of security, it block a relic of the bipolar era. This was stated on Tuesday by the speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko. “What provides the security one, in the block of the security model is necessarily a threat to others and safety for others. Because NATO is not a universal institution in the field of security. The block is a relic of the bipolar era, which by definition can not look for his opponent,” – said Matvienko at the opening ceremony of “Acceptance readings.”

The participants of the “Primako readings” discussed the new world order, the middle East and Ukraine

The Speaker Of The Federation Council Valentina Matvienko © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, may 29. /TASS/. A new world order, which is currently will enable each country to find a voice in the international arena. This will happen despite the opposition of several countries headed by the United States interested in the preservation of archaic bipolarity. To such conclusion participants of the discussions on the first day of the international forum “Primakov’s reading.”

Nebesa was diagnosed with Kiev on the ground in a year the UN security Council meeting on Ukraine

Russia’s envoy to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia © AP Photo/Julie Jacobson UN may 30. /TASS/. The Security Council on Tuesday held the first of February 2017 public meeting on the situation in the East of Ukraine. Breakthrough in resolving the conflict during this time did not happen, and have not changed the nature of the debate on this subject in the security Council. Western countries continued accusations against Moscow, the Russian side urged them to take a sober look at what is happening in Ukraine, instead of blindly trusting what the official Kiev. Poland, who organized the meeting as Chairman of the UN security Council, was invited to the meeting of the two rapporteurs from the UN under-Secretary-General for political Affairs American rosemary DiCarlo and assistant Secretary General for humanitarian Affairs Ursula müller – the head of the Special monitoring mission (SMM) of the OSCE in Ukraine Ertugrul Apakan. Last,

YANAO got the youngest Governor

YANAO got the youngest Governor Acting head of the region, the Deputy of Dmitry Kobylkina. President Vladimir Putin during a working meeting invited the Deputy Governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous district Dmitry Artuhova to lead the region. His predecessor Dmitry Kobylkin went to work in the White house. Mr. Artyukhov is the youngest in the Russian governors. Dmitry Kobylkin at the head of the YANAO was replaced by his Deputy Dmitry Artyukhov. According to “Kommersant”, he is appointed acting Governor of Tyumen region, Aleksandr moor, took part in the contest “Leaders of Russia” and passed the so-called training of governors, was included in the management personnel pool under the patronage of the presidential administration. The former head of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous district Dmitry Kobylkin, who led the region since 2010, became Minister of natural resources and environment. Dmitry Artyukhov became the youngest representative of the governors in Russia — he

Football joined Russia and Belarus

Football joined Russia and Belarus Foreign fans would be let through the border in time for the 2018 world Cup.h. Today the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov concluded a two-day visit to Belarus. One of the key outcomes of the trip was the signing of the Minsk agreement, which temporarily makes possible the crossing of the Russian-Belarusian border foreign fans during the world Cup -2018. The same rules will be in effect during the European games in 2019. With details from Minsk — the correspondent of “Kommersant” Galina Dudina. The foreign Ministers of Russia and Belarus Sergey Lavrov and Uladzimir Makei signed on Tuesday in Minsk agreement “On some issues related to the entry of foreign citizens and individuals without citizenship on the international sporting events.” According to this document in the period from 4 June to 25 July 2018 passport of fan will provide foreign citizens

Syria recognized the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia

Syria recognized the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia Syria recognized the independence of the partially recognized republics of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. On may 29 told TASS. In a communiqué of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of South Ossetia stated that the partially recognized Republic and Syria agreed to establish diplomatic relations. On the website of the President of Abkhazia has reported that on may 29, Syria admitted it. This happened after a meeting of ambassadors of Abkhazia, Syria and South Ossetia, which was held in Russia on may 28. Russia recognized the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia in 2008. It happened during the armed conflict between South Ossetia and Abkhazia on the one hand and Georgia on the other. Moscow was on the side of the unrecognized republics. Because of this, Georgia broke off diplomatic relations with Russia. The international Commission on investigation of circumstances of the