Lukashenko has announced a new corruption revelations

Lukashenko has announced a new corruption revelations MINSK, 2 Jun — RIA Novosti. President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko on Saturday promised soon to disclose new cases of corruption among officials, noting that the suspects are already sitting in prison. On Wednesday, the KGB reported that Rovneiko caught red-handed when receiving a bribe in 200 thousand dollars. As said the official representative of Department Andrey Yarosh, the official is suspected of extortion and receiving bribes from businesses and various commercial structures “for decision of matters within its competence”. Criminal case initiated on the article, which sanction provides imprisonment for the term up to 15 years. “Days you will hear new facts. They’re already in prison. Just now the materials we prepare for you (media edition) to inform you and the public acquainted with this”, — said the Belarusian leader quoted by the BelTA news Agency.

“Nightmare for NATO”: BI explained what s-400 threat for the defense of the Alliance

“Nightmare for NATO”: BI explained what s-400 threat for the defense of the Alliance MOSCOW, 1 Jul — RIA Novosti. The desire of the us Senate to refuse to supply to Turkey fighter-bombers F-35 can turn into a nightmare for NATO, as Ankara in this case will purchase military equipment from Russia, writes Business Insider. “Turkey has already agreed to buy the Russian missile system s-400. Due to this, Moscow may be able to interfere with the defense system of NATO, which will be a nightmare for the Alliance”, — the author writes. He describes s-400 as “one of the most advanced platforms for missile defense”, intended in particular for strikes on the American aircraft rely on stealth technology. With regard to the decision of the Senate about the F-35, instead, Ankara may begin to buy Russian multipurpose fighter of the fifth generation su-57. This constitutes a serious threat to

Chubais explained the desire to cling to the pensions Russians

Chubais explained the desire to cling to the pensions Russians The Chairman of the Board “RUSNANO” Anatoly Chubais in Facebook explained its position on the company’s proposal to use pension funds for investment in nanotechnologies. “Horrified to read the news: “Chubais invited to spend the Russians retired on nanotechnology”, “Nanotechnology in lieu of pensions — a new proposal Chubais.” I, of course, anti-people, but not so” — said a top Manager. According to head “Rosnano”, its position is that private pension system should be aimed at long-term investments in assets with low risk. “To such assets, of course, are not innovative or nanotechnology businesses,” — said Chubais. As an alternative, he proposed to invest the pension funds in the investment partnership, however, is virtually non-state pension funds, according to a top Manager, there can not post even a small part of its assets, which hinders the development of the innovation

SANA: Syria at the impact of the US coalition killed eight people

SANA: Syria at the impact of the US coalition killed eight people MOSCOW, 2 Jun — RIA Novosti. The international coalition led by the USA struck a new airstrike on civilians in Syria, reported national news Agency SANA, citing a local source. “International coalition” have committed another massacre, which killed eight members of one family in the village of DIB-Hadaj in the Southeast province of al-hasakah”, — stated in the message. The coalition led by the United States regularly makes raids resulted in the deaths of Syrian civilians. So, on may 2, Syrian media reported the deaths of 25 people in air strikes on the village of El-Fadil, and ten days later — that the coalition has bombed two villages in the province of al-Hasakah, killing 17 people, including women and children. The coalition itself acknowledges that since August 2014, since the beginning of operation “Unwavering commitment” from its airstrikes

Riyadh Doha has threatened military action in case of purchase of the Russian s-400

Riyadh Doha has threatened military action in case of purchase of the Russian s-400 Moscow. June 2. INTERFAX.RU — Saudi Arabia has threatened Qatar the use of force in the case that Doha will receive from the Russian anti-aircraft missile system s-400, writes on Saturday the French newspaper Le Monde. According to the newspaper, Saudi king Salman bin Abdulaziz al Saud, recently sent to Paris a letter appealed to the President of France Emmanuel Makron to put pressure on Qatar to prevent the acquisition of the Russian s-400. The message, in particular, expressed willingness to carry out “military action” in respect of Qatar, if he shall gain these complexes. “In this situation, the Kingdom (Saudi Arabia) is ready to take all necessary measures to eliminate this defense system, including through military action,” — quoted by Le Monde excerpts from the message of the Saudi king. The newspaper reminds that the

The government agreed with oil companies of fixing gasoline prices

The government agreed with oil companies of fixing gasoline prices MAGADAN, 2 Jun — RIA Novosti. The government agreed with oil companies to fix prices for gasoline and diesel fuel. About this Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak said in the program “Vesti on Saturday” on TV channel “Russia 1”. “We met with the largest oil companies thirteen companies. They are also citizens of our country, national companies. And they understand that today, in the summer, it’s not only the stress of motorists and ordinary citizens. This is a significant financial burden primarily on agriculture, on consumers of diesel fuel. In General, the oil and gas industry understands that we must balance, we oil and gas power, and should take into account the interests of our economy,” he said. Vice Prime Minister also explained that the excise tax on fuel will decrease from 1 July, as planned, on 1 June. “We

The aircraft carriers China is arming for trade war with U.S.

The aircraft carriers China is arming for trade war with U.S. In the Chinese press about the dispute military analysts about the nuclear rearmament of the country. Dmitry Kosyrev, a political commentator MIA “Russia today”. First was the publication in the Hong Kong newspaper that the Beijing unprecedentedly accelerated the development of nuclear weapons of new generation spends an average of up to five tests per month, greatly surpassing in this part of the United States. These tests are conducted, of course, in a simulation of the explosion, which uses a gas gun, so-called impactors and supercomputers. Real explosions today — is that for North Korea, and that from them are about to give up. But one way or another question the author of the publication is about creating a new generation of nuclear weapons in pursuit and driving in the USA. In response, Beijing military expert told the publication:

WSJ: the US administration is discussing the possibility of organizing the meeting, trump and Putin

WSJ: the US administration is discussing the possibility of organizing the meeting, trump and Putin The white house is discussing a possible meeting of the presidents of the United States and Russia. About this newspaper The Wall Street Journal, citing sources familiar with the situation. According to the publication, the discussion is at an early stage and the parties have yet to agree on a date and place. A senior official in the US administration told the WSJ that the US Ambassador to Russia John huntsman came to Washington to help organize a meeting between Donald trump and Vladimir Putin. It is expected that the focus of the potential of the summit will be Syria, Ukraine and the issues of nuclear arms control. Interlocutors of the edition noted that the purpose of the meeting could become “a solution to long-standing differences” on these topics. In mid-may, Deputy foreign Minister Sergei

Pompeo and Poroshenko discussed by telephone the “Nord stream”, and MH17

Pompeo and Poroshenko discussed by telephone the “Nord stream”, and MH17 Moscow. June 2. INTERFAX.RU Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and US Secretary of state Mike Pompeo discussed by telephone the strengthening of cooperation in the field of security and the continuation of sanctions against Russia, reported the press service of the Ukrainian President. “The President thanked the American side for granting Ukraine anti-tank missile complexes “javelin”, — is spoken in the message published on the official website Poroshenko. The parties also discussed security challenges in the implementation of the project “Northern stream — 2”. The President of Ukraine stressed the importance of further sanctions against Russia; the parties coordinated positions in the context of the pronouncement of the findings of the investigation the crash of flight MN17. The head of state informed the Secretary of state on the progress of reforms in the country in the context of cooperation with

US Navy receives new anti-ship missile NSM

US Navy receives new anti-ship missile NSM The naval forces of the United States signed a contract with Raytheon for the supply of anti-ship missiles NSM to be installed on the ships of the Littoral Combat Ship program, reports Defense News. MOSCOW, 2 Jun — RIA Novosti. It is noted that the initial cost of the contract is $ 14 million, but this amount could grow to $ 848 million for the entire period of the agreement. During the competition the rocket NSM surpassed the analogues, like the AGM-158C LRASM from Lockheed Martin and RGM-84 “Harpoon” from the Boeing company. In the framework of the Littoral Combat Ship in the United States has developed two projects of coastal combat ships. The first project, presented by Lockheed Martin, is a fast monocarbonyl ship. The ship is another project developed by General Dynamics, is a trimaran. It is expected that the programme