The Prime Minister of Sweden stated that Russia can influence elections in the Kingdom

The Prime Minister of Sweden stated that Russia can influence elections in the Kingdom STOCKHOLM, June 4. /TASS/. Prime Minister Stefan lofven believes that Russia may try to influence elections to the Swedish Riksdag held September 9. With the corresponding statement he made Monday after meeting with leaders of parliamentary parties on the possible impact of the elections in the country. “Based on the data that we have on elections, for example, in France and the United States, we expect that will not leave us alone,” he added. As stated earlier, Russia’s Ambassador to the Kingdom Victor Tatarintsev in an interview with the newspaper Dagens Industri, the concern of the Swedish authorities the possibility of providing Russian influence in the upcoming September parliamentary elections in Sweden is the empty accusations and attempts to demonize Russia. He drew a parallel with the fall of 2014, when Sweden was actively looking for

Putin dismissed the head of the interior Ministry in the Crimea

Putin dismissed the head of the interior Ministry in the Crimea MOSCOW, 4 Jul — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin has dismissed the head of the internal Affairs of the Crimea Sergey Abisov, the corresponding decree published on the official Internet portal of legal information. “To release from a post the General-the major of police Abisova Sergei Vadimovich, the Minister of internal Affairs of the Republic of Crimea”, — the document says.

Medvedev appointed Dvorkovich, Chairman of the SKOLKOVO Foundation

Medvedev appointed Dvorkovich, Chairman of the SKOLKOVO Foundation SKOLKOVO, 4 Jun — RIA Novosti. Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev proposed the appointment of Arkady Dvorkovich, Chairman of the Fund “SKOLKOVO” and promised to continue to support the innovation centre. Dvorkovich may 18 was elected co-Chairman of Council of Fund “SKOLKOVO”. The other co-chair is President of the nonprofit development Fund of the Center for elaboration and commercialization of new technologies Viktor Vekselberg. I propose to introduce a new position of Chairman of the Fund and to assign it to Arkady Vladimirovich Dvorkovich, Viktor Vekselberg (SKOLKOVO — approx. ed.), hope will carry out its functions as co-chair of the Foundation Board.Dmitry Medvedevputin of the Russian Federation According to the Prime Minister, Dvorkovich many paid attention to the innovation centre, now former Deputy Prime Minister to be “actively involved in solving all problems.” “The government will continue to give the project special

Security: the polygraph test has confirmed Savchenko plans to commit a terrorist attack

Security: the polygraph test has confirmed Savchenko plans to commit a terrorist attack A polygraph test showed that the Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Hope Savchenko was preparing a terrorist attack in the government quarter and Parliament building. This was reported on the website of the SBU. “The results of this study the Commission of experts provided definitive conclusions about the presence of Savchenko N. V. positive psycho-physiological reactions, which indicate, in particular, about the fact that Savchenko N. B. discussed plans for the violent overthrow of the constitutional order, was involved in illegal activities to overthrow the constitutional system and personally trained the violent overthrow of the constitutional order”, — stated in the message. SBU considers that MS Savchenko has developed a “clear plan for the assassination of heads of state.” According to the service, the Deputy brought his plans to the acting Chairman of the Council of Ministers

Putin signed the law of contracti

Putin signed the law of contracti MOSCOW, June 4 /TASS/. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin signed the law “About measures of exposure to (counter) the unfriendly actions of the United States of America and other foreign countries.” The document adopted by the state Duma on may 22 and approved by Federation Council on 30 may, published on the official portal of legal information. According to the law, the government by decision of the President of the Russian Federation will be able to introduce various countermeasures, but they should not apply for vital goods, if their analogues are not produced in Russia and other countries. Appropriate decisions can also be taken by the President based on the proposals of the security Council of the Russian Federation. At the same time, in case of elimination of circumstances giving rise to the imposition of counter-sanctions, the government cancels the appropriate actions (countermeasures).

Putin called political struggle in the United States a hindrance to meeting with trump

Putin called political struggle in the United States a hindrance to meeting with trump Moscow. June 4. INTERFAX.RU — the President expressed the hope that the prevention of an arms race will be discussed between the leaders of Russia and the United States in person. Russian President Vladimir Putin suggested that the organization of his meeting with US President Donald trump interfere with American internal political struggle. In my opinion, this (the lack of a personal meeting of the two leaders — ed) is a consequence of the fierce political struggle in the United States.Mr Putinprime Russian Federation “It is necessary to ask our colleagues from the United States,” he added. In addition, it was reported that the President of Russia in the course of the interview raised the issue of prevention of an arms race between the nuclear powers. According to Putin, he “agreed with the President of the

America went on four principles

America went on four principles The United States presented a strategy of containment of China. The Minister of defence of the USA James Mattis presented on Saturday in Singapore, “new US strategy in the Indo-Pacific region.” The only adversary of the US in the region called China, conducting, according to the Minister, “a policy of intimidation and militarization”. He said that as punishment, USA “weaned” from Beijing international military exercise RIMPAC in which the Navy of China participated in 2012 and 2014. Washington now moves to a policy of containing China in the region and help the allies to build a fleet, so they could better confront China. “Last year I came here to listen, said James Mattis, speaking before an audience of “Shangri-La Dialogue”, the most authoritative forum on energy security in the Asia-Pacific region.— I came here today to voice a coherent strategy for the administration of Donald