The Austrian Chancellor called Russia a superpower and encouraged to contribute to the maintenance of peace

The Austrian Chancellor called Russia a superpower and encouraged to contribute to the maintenance of peace VIENNA, 5 June. /TASS/. Russia, as a superpower, bears the greater responsibility in maintaining peace in the hot spots of the planet. This was stated on Tuesday by the Federal Chancellor of Austria Sebastian Kurz at a joint press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin. “As a superpower, Russia is not only playing a big role in hot spots, in Syria, in the East of Ukraine and in the other, but it carries significant responsibility, said Kurtz. And we hope and expect that Russia will contribute to that the people there could live as they would like, namely in the world.”

Antonov: appeals not to recognize the elections in Venezuela lead to the destabilization of the situation

Russia’s Ambassador to the U.S. Anatoly Antonov © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS WASHINGTON, June 6. /TASS/. The calls of some States not to recognize held on may 20 presidential elections in Venezuela lead to the destabilization of the situation in the country and the region, to normalize the situation in Venezuela is possible only through national dialogue and reconciliation. This is stated in the text of the speech of Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Anatoly Antonov at the meeting of the Secretary-General of the Organization of American States (OAS) heads of delegations of the permanent members and permanent observers.

Meeting place trump and Kim Jong UN will be at the Capella on Sentosa island

Meeting place trump and Kim Jong UN will be at the Capella on Sentosa island Moscow. June 5. INTERFAX.RU — U.S. President Donald trump and the leader of the DPRK Kim Jong-UN will hold a meeting on 12 June on the island of Sentosa in Singapore, said on Tuesday White house spokesman Sarah Sanders. “Place the Singapore summit between the President and leader Kim Jong-UN will be the Capella hotel on Sentosa island,” reads the message on her Twitter page. Sanders also thanked on behalf of the American side of Singaporeans for their hospitality. Earlier, trump confirmed that he will meet with North Korean leader on 12 June, while a week earlier, the President of the United States canceled the meeting, which was agreed in early March.

German politicians are demanding the expulsion of the U.S. Ambassador from Germany

German politicians are demanding the expulsion of the U.S. Ambassador from Germany The former head of the SPD, Martin Schulz believes that Richard Grenell acts as the representative of the right-wing political forces. TASS, 5 Jun. A number of German politicians have demanded to expel the U.S. Ambassador, Richard Grenell in connection with his statements about the strengthening of the position of the conservatives in Europe. About it reports on Tuesday, the Agency DPA. “What makes this man, is unprecedented in international diplomacy,” said the former head of the SPD, Martin Schulz. In his opinion, instead of maintain a neutral position in the host country, Grenell acts as the representative of the right-wing political forces. I hope that Mr. Grenell as Ambassador will be short.Martin Sultex head of the SPD This position is shared by the head of the parliamentary faction of the German Left party Sahra wagenknecht. “Those who,

Putin declared about overcoming Russia impact of sanctions

Putin declared about overcoming Russia impact of sanctions Russia is interested in the abolition of European sanctions, but have successfully overcome their consequences, said the President of Russia Vladimir Putin in Vienna after talks with Austrian President van der Bellena. “Russia has overcome, I can assure you, all the difficulties associated with external constraints. For us a few years ago it was not easy, bearing in mind that we are simultaneously faced with a significant — twice — by the fall of commodity prices of our traditional exports. However, we have not only preserved the macroeconomic stability, but also strengthened it,” — said Putin. Putin reiterated that sanctions a phenomenon of the same order of protectionism used to resolve political issues. I think these actions, which we call the sanctions harmful for all, and therefore their abolition, I think, in the interest of all. We.Mr Putinprime of the Russian Federation

Putin’s visit to Austria, confirmed the attitude of the two countries to develop cooperation

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Austrian President, Alexander van der Bellen © Mikhail Klimentyev/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, June 5. /TASS/. Working visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin in Austria was an eloquent sign of the continued willingness of both countries to develop cooperation on the international stage and strengthen mutually beneficial economic cooperation. The Russian head of state following talks with Austrian President Alexander van der Bellekom appreciated the desire of the Austrian leadership to contribute to the normalization of relations between the EU and Russia. Putin said that Moscow has no problems with the lack of trust that Russia remains open to cooperation with European countries. At the same time he stated that “sanctions, and any politically motivated restrictions, protectionism is harmful to all,” including and themselves initiators. The Austrian President said that dialogue with Russia is very important and stated that “peace in Europe is

The Embassy of the Russian Federation: London has accused Moscow on business Skrobala in the absence of the suspects

The building of the Russian Embassy in London © Ilya Dmitriev/TASS LONDON, June 5. /TASS/. Unfounded accusations on the part of great Britain against Russia remain, despite the fact that the British investigators had failed to establish a circle of suspects in the poisoning of former GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia. On Tuesday, reported the Russian Embassy in London, which commented on today’s announcement by Scotland Yard on the investigation of the incident in Salisbury. “I can not but Express surprise at the fact that, despite the work of 250 investigators, conducting 176 searches and surveys of more than 900 witnesses, the study of more than 4 thousand hours of video, gathering more than 2,300 physical evidence, etc., the investigators have not been able to establish a circle of suspects”, – said in a statement, which notes that “unfounded accusations against Russia remain”.

In the state Duma suspected cartel on the fuel market

In the state Duma suspected cartel on the fuel market MOSCOW, 5 Jan — RIA Novosti. The price of gasoline and diesel fuel can grow for the cartel, said the Chairman of the Duma Committee for agrarian issues, Vladimir Kashin. At the Committee meeting, he noticed how much the “hanged prices on combustive-lubricating materials”, it is not only peasants and ordinary motorists, but also to governors. “Already the diesel fuel costs and 45, and 46 (rubles per liter. — Approx. ed.) — different region. There are still appeals of the governors from all sides,” said Kashin. In his opinion, these price increases are not warranted. “I think it’s just a cartel,” said the Deputy. However, he expressed surprise by the decision to fix the price of gasoline and diesel fuel as of may 30. Is that the adoption of this robbery? On what basis this would be robbery? Then compensate

Scotland Yard interviewed on the “case Skripal” more than 900 witnesses

Scotland Yard interviewed on the “case Skripal” more than 900 witnesses In the investigation of poisoning in Salisbury, the former GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia were interviewed over 900 witnesses, and conducted 176 searches. This was reported on the website of Scotland Yard. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий “Three months 250 investigators from the counter-terrorism network was involved in a difficult investigation of attempted murder Skrobala. To date, approximately 100 specialists in the fight against terrorism remain in Salisbury,” he told police. Now law enforcement officers try to identify all the people and vehicles on the video recordings from city surveillance cameras, experts have already looked about 4 thousand hours of video. “A total of 14 thousand and 2.5 thousand pedestrians were assessed and classified according to their importance for the investigation. More than 2.3 thousand pieces of it was produced as part of the investigation, of which 851 is stored