The European Commission has supported a retaliatory duties on imports from the United States to 2.8 billion euros

The European Commission has supported a retaliatory duties on imports from the United States to 2.8 billion euros The measure may come into force in July once agreed with the EU. Moscow. June 6. INTERFAX.RU the European Commission supported the establishment of import duties on American goods worth 2.8 billion euros in response to the United States from June 1, charges on supplies from the EU steel and aluminium, said in a statement the European Commission. The list of products includes dozens of items, including agricultural products (corn, rice, cranberry), food (orange juice, peanut butter, whiskey and tobacco), cosmetics, clothing, steel products, motorcycles, boats, yachts, etc. they are encouraged to establish fees in the amount of 25%. Also a 10% fee will be charged playing cards. The European Commission expects that the decision will be agreed with the EU until the end of June, and the measure will take effect

Help the President: what has changed in the lives of Russians after treatment in a “Straight line”

Help the President: what has changed in the lives of Russians after treatment in a “Straight line” In different years, the problems of people who communicated with the head of state. Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday, June 7, will answer questions of citizens on their 16th “Straight line”. In past years, the head of state addressed a variety of issues. What and how to change in people’s lives after a conversation with the President at TASS. 2001: as a schoolboy sent in resignation of the mayor During the first straight line on 24 December 2001 the head of state called fifth-grader of school № 4 of the city of Ust-Kuta of the Irkutsk region Pavel Tsvetkov. He told the President that the classes in his school had stopped, because it is not heated for three weeks. Vladimir Putin has promised that the Irkutsk Governor “will do everything necessary to

Sanctions, sport and surprise for XI Jinping: what Putin spoke to the media Corporation of China

Sanctions, sport and surprise for XI Jinping: what Putin spoke to the media Corporation of China The President talked to the Chinese journalist on the eve of his visit to China. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin on 8 June will visit Beijing on a state visit, and then will participate in the summit of the Shanghai cooperation organization (SCO) in Qingdao, which will be held June 9-10. In anticipation of the trip, the President talked with the Chairman of Corporation of China Shen Hasuna. TASS has selected key quotes from Putin in this interview. About relations with China China and Russia are neighbors. We communicate with each other for centuries, have very deep historical ties and roots. And it’s no coincidence that we, as neighbors, have built in recent decades, a relationship that probably today do not even have example in the world. This is a relationship that is

Russia was in the top ten least peaceful countries in the world

Russia was in the top ten least peaceful countries in the world Russia over the past year fell by one position in the “Global peace index” (Global Peace Index), once in the last ten list. This is evidenced by the results of a rating published by the international Institute for Economics and peace (The Institute for Economics and Peace). The rating includes 163 States that are home to 99.7% of the population. Russia was on the 154 th place. In the bottom of the rankings were South Sudan (161), Afghanistan (162) and Syria (163). The most peaceful country experts acknowledged Iceland. It is followed by New Zealand and Austria. Of the countries in the UN Security Council, Britain is in the 57th position, France is at the 61st place, China — on 112-m, USA — 121-M. According to the researchers, the political situation in the world is now the least

The statements of Vladimir Putin during the “Straight lines”

“Straight line” with Russian President Vladimir Putin on 15 June 2017 © Alexei Druzhinin/press-service of the Russian President/TASS 7 Jun live will the program “Direct line with Vladimir Putin”, during which the President will answer questions of citizens of Russia and other countries. For the President it will be the first “Straight line” in a new six-year term at the highest state post, and the 16th since 2001. TASS has prepared a collection of statements of Vladimir Putin during the “Straight lines”. 2001 On strengthening the authorities “We have another problem. That… public authorities have, unfortunately, flabby, the state weakened. It is unable to implement those decisions that are formally laid down in the law. That’s why, by the way, I talked about the need to strengthen the so-called power vertical, on the strengthening of the state and so forth.”

Foreign Ministry: Russia will not leave unanswered the adoption by Estonia of the “Magnitsky list”

The building of the foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation © Sergey Bobylev/TASS MOSCOW, June 6. /TASS/. Moscow will not leave unanswered the adoption Tallinn so-called Magnitsky list. This was stated by the Deputy Director of the Department of information and press of the Russian foreign Ministry, Artem Kozhin. His commentary posted Wednesday on the website of the guardian. “Of course, we don’t leave such unfriendly acts without an adequate response, he said. – The last concrete example – Estonia” March 29, 2018, Estonia has imposed a ban on entry 49 of the Russians from the so-called Magnitsky list.

The state Department is concerned about the possible meeting between Assad and Kim Jong UN

The state Department is concerned about the possible meeting between Assad and Kim Jong UN The representative of the American foreign policy Department does not consider that such negotiations would be useful. WASHINGTON, June 6. /TASS/. The United States is concerned about the potential of the meeting of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad with North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN, plans which was reported in the Sunday newspaper “Rodong Sinmun”. The corresponding position of Washington outlined to journalists on Tuesday the representative of the state Department of high rank. “I don’t think this [meeting] would be useful, but we can’t confirm that it will definitely take place,” she replied to a request by the reporter to comment on the information about the possibility of Assad and Kim Jong UN. “I think we would have been concerned. If you have a guy like Assad who is guilty of the gas attacks and the

In the first hand. What you need to know about the “Straight line” with Vladimir Putin

In the first hand. What you need to know about the “Straight line” with Vladimir Putin Nearly 1.2 million applications were received for the “Straight line” with Vladimir Putin. The most popular questions — about gasoline prices, pension reform and Russia’s chances of entering the top 5 economies in the world. How to change the format of a straight line and who should not move away from the screen during the broadcast, read the material portal Time to pramiti “Direct line” with Vladimir Putin will be held on Thursday, June 7. Traditionally it will start at noon. Broadcast transmission will have four TV channels: “First”, “Russia 1” “Russia 24” and “OTP”. In addition, to hear the head of state will communicate with the inhabitants of the country, will be on the radio “Mayak”, “Vesti FM” and “Radio of Russia”. How long a straight line, never know. For the longest

Putin hopes for a gradual lifting of sanctions against Russia

Putin hopes for a gradual lifting of sanctions against Russia Western sanctions will not force Russia to abandon its own way of development, sooner or later they will be removed and relations between Moscow and Washington recovers. About this President Vladimir Putin said in an interview with the Media of China ahead of the participation in the summit of the Shanghai cooperation organization (SCO), which will be held June 8-10 in Qingdao. “The presence of some restrictions and sanctions we are not surprised, we are not afraid and will never force us to abandon the independent, sovereign development”, — Putin said. He looked forward to the triumph of common sense and predicts that “all illegal restrictions, harmful to the development of the world economy will be gradually removed”, and Russia normalize “relations with all partners, including the United States.” The Russian President stressed that countries that “went on about the

How did the “Straight line” with Vladimir Putin

“Straight line” with Russian President Vladimir Putin on 15 June 2017 © Mikhail Klimentyev/press service of the Russian President/TASS 7 Jun live will the program “Direct line with Vladimir Putin”, during which the President will answer questions of citizens of Russia and other countries. For the President it will be the first “Straight line” in a new six-year term at the highest state post, and the 16th since 2001. This year direct line will be held using conference calls with governors and government members to respond to complaints and appeals of citizens. First direct form of communication with the Russian President on national television and radio channels was organized on 24 December 2001. In the future, straight lines were held annually, except in 2004 and 2012. All Putin has participated in 15 assists, including 11 times as President and four as Prime Minister. During these transmissions Putin answered 1047 questions.