MEPs urged Poroshenko to lead a gay parade in Kiev

MEPs urged Poroshenko to lead a gay parade in Kiev MOSCOW, 9 Aug — RIA Novosti. The European Parliament has called Petro Poroshenko and members of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Verkhovna Rada deputies to join the equality March in Kiev and “get in his first series”. The letter in which the Ukrainian authorities offer to join the campaign of the LGBT community, signed by 35 deputies of the European Parliament. In the text of the document Poroshenko call for increased security measures in anticipation of the procession. In addition, the letter notes that the Ukrainian authorities are not actively defend the rights of sexual minorities. Last year the organizers of the equality March because of the threats Ukrainian radicals had to change the route before starting it. The convoy was escorted by a convoy of police. To avoid attacks failed. Radicals attacked the participants after the

Putin supported the idea of pipeline construction from Russia to China via Mongolia

Putin supported the idea of pipeline construction from Russia to China via Mongolia The President of Russia Vladimir Putin has supported the idea of constructing oil and gas pipelines from Russia to China through Mongolia. This he said at a meeting with President of China XI Jinping and President of Mongolia Khaltmagiin of Battulga (Putin’s words leads the Kremlin website). The idea of building such pipelines belongs to the Mongolian partners, the message. “We are in General support, it is a good idea. But, of course, as always in such cases, you need to carefully consider the feasibility study,” — said the Russian President. Mongolia is not the first time acts to hold the transit of Russian gas to China via its territory. As arguments the country’s lead security, short ways and steppe conditions. In early 2018, the Russian oil exports to Europe fell, said the Director of the Department

Trump claims that Obama has made the return of the Crimea to Russia

Trump claims that Obama has made the return of the Crimea to Russia LA MALBAIE /Canada/ 9 June. /TASS/. The US President Donald trump made a statement that the return of the Crimea to Russia made the previous head of the Washington administration Barack Obama. His position, he stated, speaking Saturday at the summit of the group of seven in Canada. “Crimea was lost during the Obama administration,” — said the President of the United States. “He [Obama] has allowed Russia to take the Crimea,” says trump. “Why did he do it?” — noted the President of the United States, speaking about his predecessor. “I, perhaps, would be a completely different position [on this issue],” added the head of state, without explaining what he meant. While trump said that despite everything they said, since the events have already “been a long time”. After the coup in Kiev in February 2014,

The foreign Ministry called the issue of joining the G7 are out of date

The foreign Ministry called the issue of joining the G7 are out of date ZVENIGOROD, 9 Jun — RIA Novosti. The issue of Russia’s accession to the G7 it is not urgent for Moscow, told RIA Novosti on the basis of performance in the school of the PIR Center, Russian Deputy foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov. Earlier, U.S. President Donald trump said about the need again to take Russia into the G8. According to the Agency Bloomberg, trump believes that Russia should again be admitted to membership of the G8. As Reuters reports, the US President also said that Russia should attend the G7 summit. “The so-called added value of the current “seven” for us quite obvious,” — said Ryabkov. According to him, Moscow believes that “semëročnoj format is a format a few of the past.” “And the situation, I would like to formulate as it was actually when the seven

XI has given Putin an old harp and a clay figure with his face

XI has given Putin an old harp and a clay figure with his face BEIJING, 9 Aug — RIA Novosti. Chinese President XI Jinping gave President Vladimir Putin the most ancient Chinese musical instrument — the ancient harp guqin and the famous tarczynski clay statuette “Niranjan” with the face of the Russian President, told RIA Novosti in the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the PRC. “Chinese President XI Jinping gave to President Putin Jajinci guqin from Shandong province and tayninsky Niranjan with the image of President Putin,” — said the press service of the foreign Ministry of China. Guqin is the most ancient stringed instrument of China with a strong national flavor. According to open sources, it has almost createsecurity history and is an important part of Chinese musical tradition. It is believed that all art of the guqin is the embodiment of an extremely high level of Chinese music.

Putin called on Poroshenko to free Russian journalists arrested

Putin called on Poroshenko to free Russian journalists arrested MOSCOW, 9 Aug — RIA Novosti. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin and President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko in a telephone conversation noted the need for the immediate release of Russian journalists arrested in Ukraine, the press service of the Kremlin. Employees of the security service of Ukraine may 15, burst into the office, where correspondents of RIA Novosti in Kiev, they carried out a search, which lasted about eight hours. At the same time in Kyiv detained the head of RIA news Ukraine Kirill Vyshinsky. He is suspected of supporting the breakaway republics of Donbass and treason. The court in Kherson on may 17 arrested Wyszynski of 60 days without possibility of bail. The defence appealed this decision in appeal court of the Kherson region, however, the court of appeal refused. General Director MIA “today Russia” Dmitry Kiselyov said that

The head of the Sevastopol threatened layoffs after poisoning children in the camp

The head of the Sevastopol threatened layoffs after poisoning children in the camp SEVASTOPOL, 9 may — RIA Novosti. The Governor of Sevastopol Dmitry Ovsyannikov said he will make personnel conclusions against those responsible for preparations for the rest of the camp “Laspi”, where there was a mass poisoning of children, the correspondent of RIA Novosti. On Saturday, the head of the territorial Department of Rospotrebnadzor in the Sevastopol Roman Proskurin reported in the City hospital for infectious diseases 21 people — 16 children and 5 counselors. The outbreaks of acute intestinal infections were registered in the camp “Laspi”. An investigation, which revealed a number of violations in the camp. The decision of the Committee of emergency situations the camp will close for the elimination of violations. “In respect of the Department of education, which since March this year, has been tasked with the training camp, will be accepted personnel

“United Russia” Vorobyov nominated a candidate for Governor of the Moscow region

The Governor of Moscow region Andrei Vorobyov © Alexei Nikolsky/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, June 9. /TASS/. The Moscow regional branch of political party “United Russia” following the results of the primaries have nominated incumbent Governor of the Moscow region as a candidate for the post of head of the region, the correspondent of TASS. “In the ballots was made five candidates. The results were as follows: Roman Volodin – eight votes, Vorobiev Andrey – 199 votes, Valentina Kabanova – 15 votes, Lysenko Alexander – seven votes, Tolmachev Alexander – three votes. The results of the voting are invited to nominate a candidate of the Moscow regional branch of the party “United Russia” Vorobyov Andrei Yurevich, who scored the results of the secret ballot the majority of votes”, – said the Chairman of the audit Committee Alexander Kostomarov.

Zakharov: London cynically cheating the citizens, stating the lack of Russophobes in the country

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MOSCOW, June 9. /TASS/. The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova believes that the British authorities cynically mislead its population against Russia. So diplomat commented the statements of the Ambassador of the United Kingdom in Moscow, Lori Bristow about the absence of Russophobia in the country. “The British Ambassador to Russia said, “don’t know no Russophobia in great Britain”, – Zakharov wrote on Saturday in Facebook. – This is a direct quote. Here is the answer to your numerous questions, “are you so cynical to mislead?”: “I know of no”.

Putin demanded Poroshenko to release the detainees Ukraine Russian journalists

© Alexei Druzhinin/press-service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, June 9. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin in a telephone conversation with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has demanded the immediate release of detainees in Ukraine Russian journalists. “Special attention is paid to humanitarian issues, including exchange of detained persons. Vladimir Putin stressed the need for the immediate release of Russian journalists arrested in Ukraine”, – said the press service of the Kremlin after a telephone conversation between the leaders. “Agreement was reached on the visit of the authorized on human rights in both countries of Russian citizens detained in Ukraine, and Ukrainian – in Russia”, – said the press service. The Case Of Wyszynski The security service of Ukraine on may 15 held a large-scale operation against members of the Agency “RIA Novosti Ukraine”, the Central office in Kiev, his press center and in the apartments of several of the journalists were