Trump has criticized Robert de Niro, obscenely expressed in his address

Trump has criticized Robert de Niro, obscenely expressed in his address The US President indicated that the country’s economy is in “better condition than ever.” TASS, June 13. The US President Donald trump on Tuesday sharply criticized actor Robert de Niro in response to his offensive remarks in his address. The corresponding message the head of the White house has posted on his Twitter page. Robert de Niro, a man with a very low level of intelligence, have received many blows to the head from the real boxers in the movie. I watched him and truly believe that he could get a head injury.Donald Trepresent USA “I don’t think he realizes that [the us] economy is in better shape than ever, with the highest for the time of employment, and many companies are coming back to our country. Wake up!” — he called. 74-year-old de Niro, famous for his roles

In Kiev saw in the “Nord stream — 2” the threat to Europe

In Kiev saw in the “Nord stream — 2” the threat to Europe MOSCOW, 13 Jun — RIA Novosti. The German participation in the project “Northern stream 2” will have a negative impact on Ukraine and all of Western Europe, considers the Deputy Minister on the issues of the temporarily occupied territories and internally displaced persons Georgy Tuka on air of ICTV TV channel. He noted that despite the fact that the West is constantly talking about the support of Kiev, Germany is still building “Northern stream — 2”, aware of “negative consequences”. According to Ukrainian politics, the Europeans do not realize that their civilization is threatened in case of refusal from its principles, such as human rights and respect for internationally recognized borders. Earlier, the President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier said that Ukraine should stop criticizing Germany for its part in the project “Northern stream — 2”. “Nord stream

Japan is concerned about the possible termination of the exercise, U.S. and South Korea

Japan is concerned about the possible termination of the exercise, U.S. and South Korea Japan is concerned about the statement of the President of the United States Donald trump about the possible suspension of military exercises in the Korean Peninsula, as us-South Korean maneuvers are important for regional security. This was stated by the Minister of defence of Japan, Itsunori of Onodera. As reported by Kyodo, the Minister said that Tokyo would not change its position on the need to continue the pressure on North Korea. Military exercises the US and South Korea, and American troops in South Korea play an important role in ensuring security in northeast Asia.Itsunori Underminister of defense of Japan The head of the Japanese defense Ministry added that it is necessary to achieve the complete denuclearization of North Korea. On 13 June it became known that trump is meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN

The Kremlin published Putin’s guest list at the opening of the 2018 world Cup

The Kremlin published Putin’s guest list at the opening of the 2018 world Cup Press Secretary of President Vladimir Putin Dmitry Peskov has named a high-ranking foreign guests of the opening of the football world Cup (2018 world Cup), which kicks off on June 14. According to Peskov, the opening of the 2018 world Cup in Russia will come: the crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman, the President of Abkhazia Raul Khajimba, Azerbaijan — Ilham Aliyev, Belarus — Alexander Lukashenko, Bolivia — Evo Morales, Kazakhstan — Nursultan Nazarbayev, Kyrgyzstan — Sooronbai Jeenbekov, Panama — Juan Carlos Varela, Tajikistan — Emomali Rahmon, Paraguay — Horacio Cartes, Rwanda — Paul Kagame and the Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan and head of Parliament Kim Yong Nam. “It is only those whom the President Putin will take tomorrow” — said Peskov. Over the next month, will continue until the championship is

Mueller asked the court in the US to restrict access to documents on the “Russian case”

Mueller asked the court in the US to restrict access to documents on the “Russian case” Spectacular USA Robert Mueller asked the court to limit the range of persons who may have access to the materials of the investigation of alleged Russian intervention in elections in the United States. It is reported TASS with reference to materials in the archives of the court. In the petition of spectracolor refers to limitations in the transfer of documents to the lawyers of the Russian company Concord Management and Consulting, which is suspected of involvement in the intervention. It is noted that pertinent information can be useful to foreign intelligence services in the “future operations against the United States”. In particular, the disclosure of these data will allow exploration of other countries not only to learn about the techniques used by the US, but also to “adapt their behavior”. “According to government estimates,

The head of the counterintelligence of the United States advised Americans not to take for the 2018 world Cup cell

The head of the counterintelligence of the United States advised Americans not to take for the 2018 world Cup cell WASHINGTON, June 13. /TASS/ — According to William Evanina, most of all in this respect should be wary of “representatives of corporations or government officials”. Director, National counterintelligence center, United States William Evanina advised on Tuesday fellow fans intending to go to Russia for the 2018 world Cup, not to bring mobile phones and other electronic devices. He claims that high risk that “they will be hacked with the purpose of obtaining data by criminals or the Russian government.” “If you plan to bring mobile phones, laptops or other electronic devices, you can be sure that the data contained on these devices can attempt to access the Russian government or the criminals”, — quotes Reuters the statement Evanina, which before appointment as the head of the counterterrorism center for nearly

In Rome, said that Russia can protect European civilization

In Rome, said that Russia can protect European civilization MOSCOW, 13 Jun — RIA Novosti. Russia — a fundamental ally in the fight against terrorism, should cooperate with it to protect European civilization from the extremists, said Deputy Prime Minister and head of the Italian Ministry of Matteo Salvini. “I am very glad that the American President Donald trump has the same intentions against Russia, as I do. Russia is our fundamental ally against terrorism. We Europeans need to work together with Russian President Vladimir Putin to protect our civilization from attacks by Islamist extremists”, — he said the newspaper “Izvestia”. The position of the new Italian government Previously I stated about the readiness of Italy to discuss the status of the Crimea and admitted that Rome will veto the extension of European sanctions related to the Crimea to Russia. He also noted that Italy’s relations with Moscow must proceed

The European Commission has called a condition of granting Ukraine €1 billion

The European Commission has called a condition of granting Ukraine €1 billion The main condition of granting Ukraine macro-financial assistance from the European Union should be the fight of Kiev corruption. This was stated by Vice-President of the European Commission Valdis Dombrovskis. It is expected that the EU will allocate Ukraine EUR 1 billion the Dombrovskis pointed out that the aid will be “strictly connected” with the conduct of reforms in Ukraine. “The fight against corruption will be the focus of political conditions in the Memorandum of understanding, which should be agreed between the EU and Ukraine for this assistance”, — quotes “RIA Novosti” an excerpt from the speech of policy at the hearings in the European Parliament. In 2015 Ukraine also provides financial assistance to the international monetary Fund (IMF). In return for tranches of the Europe from Kiev require a series of reforms, including the creation of an

Russian Ambassador to U.S.: Russia follows international norms and no their will not impose

Russia’s Ambassador to the U.S. Anatoly Antonov © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS WASHINGTON, June 13. /TASS/. Russia as a responsible participant of international life, it does not impose its will, values and follows globally accepted standards. On Tuesday said Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Anatoly Antonov, speaking at a reception in the Executive body of the Russian Embassy on the occasion of Russia Day.