Putin approved the composition of the presidential administration

© Mikhail Klimentyev/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, June 13. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin has appointed Anton Vaino, head of the presidential administration, their posts in the Kremlin leadership also had two first Deputy head of administration – Sergey Kiriyenko and Alexey Gromov, Deputy head – press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, and the Deputy head of the administration Vladimir Ostrovenko and Magomedsalam Magomedov.

Putin and Morales condemned the illegal sanctions

Bolivian President Evo Morales and Russian President Vladimir Putin © Alexei Nikolsky/press service of the Russian President/TASS TASS, June 13. The presidents of Russia and Bolivia issued a joint statement after talks in the Kremlin. Leaders “outlined ways of strengthening interaction and cooperation between Russia and Bolivia, promoting collaborative approaches in multilateral forums, underscored the rule of law in international Affairs, the importance of ongoing efforts to safeguard international peace and security, promoting sustainable development and respect for human rights.”

German Klimenko dismissed from the post of presidential adviser on the Internet

German Klimenko dismissed from the post of presidential adviser on the Internet As predicted by “Kommersant”, Vladimir Putin dismissed German Klimenko from the post of adviser to the President of Russia on development of the Internet. Decrees on the composition of the presidential administration (PA) published today. As reported by Klimenko “RIA Novosti”, after his discharge, he intends to focus on digital medicine. “Yes and no”, — said Herman Klimenko on the question of Agency, whether upset by the decision of the President. That Mr. Klimenko will not be included in the new composition of the presidential administration, “Kommersant” reported in early may. The adviser himself on the Internet then you comment on the prospects of his work in the presidential administration refused. During the download an error has occurred. See also: German Klimenko said the Russian Federation is ready to be disconnected from the global Internet Key employees of

Key employees of the presidential administration has kept the posts

Key employees of the presidential administration has kept the posts Vladimir Putin approved the composition of the Russian presidential administration (AP). Head left Anton Vaino (holds the post 2016). The first Deputy head of the administration remained Alexei Gromov (works on this post from 2012, in the administration since 2000) and Sergey Kiriyenko (2016). Deputy head of administration kept Magomedsalam Magomedov, Vladimir Ostrovenko. Press Secretary of the President of Russia in the rank of Deputy chief of staff left, Dmitry Peskov. The assistant to the President saved Andrei Belousov, Larissa Brycheva (head of the state legal Department), Igor Levitin, Vladislav Surkov, Yuri Ushakov, Andrey Fursenko. The chief referendary left Dmitry Kalimulin. The post of head of Protocol of the President retained Vladislav Kitaev. For the position of Advisor to the President reassigned Anton Kobyakov, Alexander Levitsky, Vladimir Tolstoy, Sergei Glazyev, Mikhail Fedotov, Veniamin Yakovlev. For the post of assistant to

In the United States called the date of the referendum on the division of California

In the United States called the date of the referendum on the division of California MOSCOW, 13 Jun — RIA Novosti. The vote on the initiative to split California into three separate state will be held on 6 November, informs television channel Fox News, citing a statement by the Secretary of the U.S. state of California Alex Padilla. “The Secretary of state June 28, confirm the initiative (on the ballot — ed.) for the November 6, 2018”, the statement reads. Earlier it was reported that the initiative of the American venture capital investor Tim Draper called Cal-3 has collected more than 600 thousand signatures. It is noted that the proposal had to collect more than 365 880 votes of registered citizens, so it was put to a referendum. The Draper project provides for the formation of the Central, southern and Northern States. It is assumed that the names of the

The foreign Ministers of Russia and Greece have discussed Moscow’s relations with NATO and the EU

Foreign Minister of Greece Nikos Kotzias and Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov © EPA-EFE/YURI KOCHETKOV MOSCOW, June 13. /TASS/. The Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov and foreign Minister of Greece Nikos Kotzias held on Wednesday, the negotiations, the subject of which was the bilateral cooperation, Russia’s relations with NATO and the European Union, as well as international issues. Lavrov at the opening meeting recalled that this year Russia and Greece celebrate the 190th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations and the 25th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of friendship and cooperation, and drew attention to cooperation between the two countries in tourism and trade. “Now this program is a very large-scale joint activities in the field of tourism. I hope that today we will discuss trade-economic component of our relations, which demonstrate the good momentum, and, of

“He is ours”

“He is ours” The head of the Serpukhov area Alexander Shestun has involved the Central apparatus of the TFR. The staff of the Federal security service (FSB) detained the head of the Serpukhov district of the Moscow region Alexander Shestun, who recorded an earlier video message exposing the suburban officials and generals of the FSB. According to preliminary data, mister Shestun suspected of involvement in machinations with land plots. For questioning his plan to deliver to the Central office of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR). The FSB and the Central office of the TFR detained Alexander Shestun after another search. If earlier investigative actions were carried out in the administration building and some of the officials from the team of mister Shestun, early this morning the investigative team came to him home. In this case support to the investigators and operatives provided a platoon of submachine gunners in masks.

Trump boasted to solve the main problem Obama

Trump boasted to solve the main problem Obama North Korea no longer comes to the nuclear threat. This was written on Wednesday, June 13, the US President Donald trump on his Twitter page. He did it after returning from Singapore, where he met with North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий “Now everyone can feel much safer than in the day when I took office. No more nuclear threats from North Korea. Meeting with Kim Jong-UN is an interesting and very positive experience,” he said, adding that Pyongyang has great potential. Trump noted that early Americans believed that the United States and North Korea will fight, and the previous President Barack Obama has named North Korea as the main and most serious problem Washington. “Now it is not, sleep well!” — wrote the head of state. On 12 June, the President of the United States and North Korea held their first

What can a new US nuclear weapons?

What can a new US nuclear weapons? The United States under a new military doctrine serves a “low power UPS” that can break the containment system. United States of America in February of 2018 announced the adoption of new doctrines in the field of weapons of mass destruction. Now the Pentagon will rely on so-called “low-yield” warheads and strike a “limited nuclear strikes”. Magazine the Warrior Maven 4 Jun revealed what these new weapons: they will be launched from ships and submarines and incur a charge of up to five or six kilotons of TNT. Expert of the Bureau of political-military analysis, graduate of the Military University of radiation chemical and biological protection Nikolay Kosticin and head of the sector of problems of regional security RISS, independent expert Igor Nikolaichuk told the “Storm” how dangerous “low-yield” nuclear bombs and missiles and what is the consequence of their use. Nuclear “fly

The state Duma has prepared a new draft law criminalizing the enforcement of foreign sanctions

The state Duma has prepared a new draft law criminalizing the enforcement of foreign sanctions Moscow. On 13 June. INTERFAX.RU — New version of the draft law, envisaging responsibility for the enforcement of foreign sanctions on Russian territory has already been prepared; in the near future is expected to be a meeting of the Council on legislation to discuss the amendments, said the first Deputy head of the faction “United Russia “Andrei Isayev. “We have prepared a new edition in the near future the state Duma Chairman appointed by the meeting of the Council on legislation, which will be presented is a new editorial”, — Isayev said on Wednesday, responding to a question of Interfax. Proposals to change Earlier, commenting on the draft law, the speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin said that the drafting amendments should be based on “the need to develop the rules that would allow