Trump called the Russian Crimea

Trump called the Russian Crimea Moscow. June 14. INTERFAX.RU — U.S. President Donald trump during the G7 summit, held last week in Canada, said other world leaders that he believes the Russian Crimea, informs on Thursday the American portal Buzzfeed with reference to two diplomatic sources. “President trump told the G7 leaders that Crimea is Russian, because all the inhabitants there speak Russian”, — stated in the message. According to the portal, such statement the American President has done during a dinner last week on Friday. In addition, according to Buzzfeed, trump criticized the Ukrainian leadership, noting, according to one source, that “Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world.” The portal emphasizes that it is unclear whether such remarks are a sign of the changing official position on the Crimea and Ukraine, or it was rather a joke. In addition, the report says, at the summit

Embassy of the Russian Federation: provocations with the use of chemical weapons in Syria are committed by the same scenario

© EPA-EFE/SHAWN THEW WASHINGTON, June 15. /TASS/. The Russian Embassy in the United States, commenting on the statement of the state Department, said on Thursday that provocations by the use of chemical weapons in Syria are the same scenario. “Even the head of the press service of the state Department can’t deny that the provocations with the use of chemical weapons in Syria are one and the same scenario. Let me remind you about the high-profile exposure of staged himataki in the city Duma,” – said the Embassy in its Twitter.

The white house has defrosted funding Syrian White helmets

The white house has defrosted funding Syrian White helmets The white house has renewed funding of the organization “White helmets” operating in Syria. On 14 June, AP reports. The organization will receive from the White house, $6.6 million The official representative of Gosdepartamenta USA Heather Nauert said the funds will go towards the continuation of “vital and life-saving” activities, which are White helmets. However, as noted by the AP, the us government has not explained the fate of the others is more than $190 million allocated for humanitarian support to Syria. At the end of March the US President, Donald trump has frozen these funds. Now some of them will go to “helmets”. That the United States has suspended financial support of the “White helmets”, it became known in early may. The reasons for this decision were not specified. In the volunteer organization said that no US aid can go

Netizens were offended by the President of France because of the expensive dishes

Netizens were offended by the President of France because of the expensive dishes Twitter users angry at the President of France Emmanuel Makron laid out after its representative a press-services of the video where he accuses people in poverty, and talks about money, using phrases from conversational speech. The President of France Emmanuel macron was in the center of a scandal involving a hypocritical attitude to budget money. About it reports BBC News. According to the Agency, netizens angry at the French leader after investigation of the satirical magazine Le Canard enchaîné about the expensive set and posted on Twitter a video in which Makron arrogantly talks about the poverty of the citizens of France. Le Président ? Toujours exigeant. Pas encore satisfait du qu il prononcera discours demain au congrès de la Mutualité, il nous le précise donc brief ! Au boulot rated ! — Sibeth Ndiaye (@SibNdiaye)

Ukraine has said that Crimea has always been “other”

Ukraine has said that Crimea has always been “other” MOSCOW, 14 Jul — RIA Novosti. The Crimea has always been the “other” part of Ukraine, said in an interview with “Obozrevatel” the head of the Transcarpathian region Gennady Moskal. “He was a stranger to Ukraine. Crimea to Ukraine — it was such a offshore area, where they laundered all the loot, stolen goods. All the land turned into a pile of earth. Build houses, palaces, in summer, there are “top” — everyone who had money,” he said. Moskal said that on the Peninsula in Ukraine, “he recalled in July and August, and 1 September all about him were forgotten.” “The Verkhovna Rada shouted that land illegally buying, home building, but no test found nothing. When I was there, was about ten inspections of the Prosecutor General’s office without results,” — said the Governor. Earlier, the Ukrainian journalist Yuri Tkachev appreciated

Putin received a message from Kim Jong UN

Putin received a message from Kim Jong UN Russian President Vladimir Putin conveyed a personal message from North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN. It was presented by the Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme people’s Assembly Kim Yong Nam during a meeting in the Kremlin. The content of the document is not disclosed. Putin, in turn, confirmed the invitation of Kim Jong Ynu to visit Russia. According to him, the visit can be associated with a separate meeting and to be held in relation to the Eastern economic forum which will pass in Vladivostok from September 11 to September 13. The Russian leader also noted that the recent summit of the US-DPRK gives the chance for a peaceful settlement of the situation on the Korean Peninsula. “Thanks to this meeting, this adverse possible scenario pushed, but on the contrary appeared (perspectives) in resolving all problems by peaceful, political and diplomatic

Sidyakin: the Changes will improve the quality of life of pensioners

Sidyakin: the Changes will improve the quality of life of pensioners In Russia, discusses raising the retirement age. Changes in the pension system will improve the quality of life of not only future retirees, but also current. About it to correspondent IA REGNUM June 14, said the first Deputy Chairman of state Duma Committee on housing policy Alexander Sidyakin (“United Russia”). “I look at the pension reform not from the perspective of raising the retirement age, and from the point of view of pensioners it will get more. Improve the quality of life of pensioners. Those who have already retired will also be reform to win, they will get more money in a month while maintaining the same rate of inflation,” said Sidyakin. Changing the pension system it is necessary to increase the growth of pensions, regardless of the level of inflation — now payments are indexed in accordance with

Isaev: raising the retirement age will ensure a dignified old age

Isaev: raising the retirement age will ensure a dignified old age The state Duma intends to discuss the initiative in accordance with the regulations. Raising the retirement age is necessary in order to implement the decree of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin to improve the living conditions of Russian citizens in old age. As the correspondent of IA REGNUM, 14 June, this was stated by first Deputy Chairman of the faction “United Russia” in the state Duma Andrey Isaev. “From our point of view, pension reform is certainly overdue. This is due to the fact that the President has set a very serious task of improving the welfare of pensioners, the indexation of pensions above the rate of inflation. It is stated in the may decree,” — said Isayev. According to him, due to the increase in life expectancy, the number of pensioners in Russia has increased steadily. “Burden

Morozov: raising the retirement age is long overdue

Morozov: raising the retirement age is long overdue In the state Duma on 18 June to discuss the social protection of doctors. The state Duma Committee on health today, June 14, will discuss key provisions of the proposed pension reform. About it the correspondent of IA REGNUM, 14 June, said the head of the Duma Committee on health Dmitry Morozov (United Russia). Today we are holding a Committee and will discuss the government’s proposals on pension reform, the initiative may already be submitted to the state Duma.Dmitry Morosaglia of the state Duma Committee on health protection Complex changes are already overdue, the head of the Committee. He reminded that Russia is home to just under 150 million people, of which about 46.5 million — are pensioners. “In 70-e years of a pensioner, had nearly four workers, and now two. The situation requires the development of solutions,” he said. In this

Method of a small carrot and a big whip

Method of a small carrot and a big whip The US increase sanctions pressure on Russia. The U.S. continues to increase pressure on Russia while the Russians had a rest, Washington has extended sanctions against Russian individuals and legal entities from the IT-sphere and charged five employees of the company “Sovfraht” prosecution in the illegal supply of aviation fuel to Syria. The Russian foreign Ministry, these measures are called “short-sighted” and “reckless” and threatened retaliatory steps. Meanwhile the source “” close to the Kremlin, said that Moscow still continue to work on the agenda for a possible meeting between the presidents of Russia and the United States. Despite the positive signals of U.S. President Donald trump in Moscow, Washington continues to increase pressure on Russia. We will remind, on June 8, the White house announced that the G8 (great eight) with the participation of Russia would be much more effective