American planes spent many hours scouting the borders of Russia

American planes spent many hours scouting the borders of Russia Moscow. June 17. INTERFAX.RU — Strategic unmanned aerial vehicle U.S. air force RQ-4B Global Hawk and the patrol anti-submarine aircraft of the US Navy P-8A Poseidon on Sunday made the hours-long reconnaissance flights near the Maritime borders of Russia on the Black sea, from the monitoring data, the Western aviation assets. So, according to them, a distant American drone taking off from Sigonella airbase on the Italian island of Sicily, which is able to conduct exploration at a greater depth of enemy territory for more than five hours conducted reconnaissance at the Russian border, cruising along the southwestern and southern coast of the Crimea and the coast of the Krasnodar region up to Sochi. At the same time, the Russian coast of the Black sea for at least three hours flew American Maritime reconnaissance P-8A Poseidon tail number 168858, also

Ready summit in summer

Ready summit in summer Vladimir Putin and Donald trump agree to meet in July. The presidents of Russia and the United States are preparing to hold a meeting in July. This was reported by the newspaper The Washington Post that the two leaders can be timed to the visit of Donald trump to the NATO summit in Brussels on 11-12 July. About the preparations for the meeting between the two leaders which may be held in one of the European capitals, according to numerous leaks and diplomatic sources “Kommersant”. However, despite the high probability of a July summit, Kommersant’s sources do not rule out its breakdown in the White house, there are many opponents of the meeting, insisting that to Donald trump it would make sense only in the case of a breakthrough agreement at least on one of the key problems of the Russian-American agenda. That in the course

In the Mediterranean sea entered kalibrovochnye corvettes

In the Mediterranean sea entered kalibrovochnye corvettes In the Mediterranean sea on Sunday entered the Russian Corvette “Great Ustyug” and “Grad Sviyazhsk”, equipped with cruise missiles, long-range “Caliber”. They successfully passed the Straits, including the Bosphorus, reports “Interfax” with reference to the Istanbul of the monitoring sites. In their assumptions, small missile ship “Velikiy Ustyug” and “Grad Sviyazhsk” of the Caspian flotilla heading to the Syrian port of Tartus, where the base logistics of the Navy of Russia. These ships and small missile ship “Uglich” and watchdog ship “Dagestan” on October 7, 2015 bombed targets of the terrorist organization ISIL (banned in Russia) in Syria. Then it produced 26 launches of missiles “Caliber” 11 ground targets, located at a distance of about one and a half thousand kilometers. 20 November of the same year, the objects of the IG in Syria was caused by a second missile strike. It was

Golikova has told about plans to abandon the point of the pension system

Golikova has told about plans to abandon the point of the pension system KHABAROVSK, June 17 — RIA Novosti. In the calculation of pensions in the RF system of points is to be retired, said Vice-Premier of the Russian Federation Tatyana Golikova in the program “Sunday night with Vladimir Solovyov” on TV channel “Russia 1”. “Yes, it’s true. This is a very difficult decision, but we have to take this decision,” he said, after a replica leading that the point system should go. According to her, from 2019, according to the new changes in the pension reform, the pension shall not be less than 40% of their lost earnings. “It can not be considered as the average temperature in the hospital: that is, the average salary, which is, say, prevailing in the economy for some period to refer to the average pension, which formed all pensioners. This individual calculation. And

The defense Ministry has posted a video of the launch of the “Iskander” ballistic missiles

The defense Ministry has posted a video of the launch of the “Iskander” ballistic missiles MOSCOW, 17 Jun — RIA Novosti. The Ministry of defence has published on its YouTube channel a video of the test of operational-tactical missile complex “Iskander” on the teachings of the Eastern military district. The footage captured the location of “Iskander” on the shock position, bringing the rocket to a vertical position, as well as the launch itself. Operational-tactical missile complex “Iskander” is designed to destroy air and missile defenses, he is capable of hitting small targets — missiles, long-range artillery as well as aircraft and helicopters at airfields. The Iskander was developed in the Kolomna KB of mechanical engineering, it was first presented in 1999 at the aerospace salon MAKS. According to estimates by the commander of Land forces General-Colonel Oleg Slukova, other countries will not be able to develop an analog of such

The interior Minister of Germany expressed reluctance to work with Merkel, the media are writing

The interior Minister of Germany expressed reluctance to work with Merkel, the media are writing MOSCOW, 17 Jun — RIA Novosti. The interior Minister of Germany, leader of the party “Christian social Union” (CSU) Horst Seehofer said that he can’t work with Angela Merkel, writes the newspaper Welt am Sonntag. “I can no longer work with this woman”, — the newspaper quotes the words of the policy. According to the German newspaper, Seehofer on June 14 at a meeting with members of the government, the CSU said this phrase. At a subsequent meeting of all the representatives of the party the Minister not have said that. The conflict in the Bundestag between the parties, the CSU and the “Christian democratic Union” (CDU) Angela Merkel continues to deteriorate. As noted by Welt am Sonntag, the relationship between the parties is now imbued with “mistrust and mutual accusations.” The reason — the

Golikova said the change in infrastructure of pension savings

Golikova said the change in infrastructure of pension savings BLAGOVESHCHENSK, 17 Jun — RIA Novosti. Deputy Prime Minister Tatiana Golikova said that the pension funds will be created by new infrastructure and by employers that disadvantage employees because of age, will fight. “Considering the bill, which envisages the creation of a new infrastructure of pension savings. I mean the new mechanism. I must say, something that has been accumulated by citizens, it will remain. And now will in some ways, I think, modified the ideology of how to work with pension savings that have already been transferred to private pension funds”, — said Deputy Prime Minister in the program “week” on NTV. She replied to the question about employers attempting to dismiss a person before retirement or not taking a job because of age.

Athens and Skopje signed an agreement on the new name of Macedonia

Athens and Skopje signed an agreement on the new name of Macedonia SKOPJE, June 17. /TASS/. The foreign Ministers of Greece and Macedonia Nikos Kotzias and Nikola Dimitrov signed on Sunday the agreement under which the former Yugoslav Republic is renamed the Republic of Northern Macedonia. As reported by the Macedonian news Agency, the signing of the document took place at the Greek border with Macedonia and Albania. “We are proud of this agreement. We are proud to have United around the solution that divided us, and chose a solution that unites us”, — said the Prime Minister of Macedonia Zoran Zaev after the signing of the agreement. The signing ceremony was attended by Matthew Nimitz, the UN mediator in the dispute between Athens and Skopje, Deputy Secretary for political Affairs rosemary Di Carlo, the EU high representative for foreign Affairs and security policy Federica Mogherini and European Commissioner for

Golikova: the government is preparing measures aimed at “whitewashing” of the economy

Golikova: the government is preparing measures aimed at “whitewashing” of the economy MAGADAN, June 17. /TASS/. The government is preparing measures for the care of the wages “in envelopes”, planning to submit it by mid-2019. About it in interview to the program “week” on TV channel NTV on Sunday reported Deputy Prime Minister Tatiana Golikova. “I think on a segment of 2018 first half of 2019, we will propose the mechanism of “whitewashing” wages for those who are in the “grey” economy,” — said Golikova. Vice Prime Minister also recalled that the government decided to abandon the program “22/22” (the increase of VAT from 18% to 22% with a simultaneous decrease in premiums from 36% to 22% — approx. TASS), which was proposed by the Ministry of Finance in the framework of measures for the withdrawal of business from the shadows. “We went from a 22% VAT because it has

“The weapon of Russia in Berlin”: in the Parliament are afraid of the “Nord stream — 2”

“The weapon of Russia in Berlin”: in the Parliament are afraid of the “Nord stream — 2” MOSCOW, 17 Jun — RIA Novosti. “Nord stream — 2” is a Russian weapon, and it already in Berlin, said the Deputy Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Oksana Rawfoodist the TV channel “112 Ukraine”. “People don’t understand that between Russia and other civilized world the abyss that is despotism and freedom, and that it is not compatible, impossible to trade, because you trade values. Russia will win, and we don’t know when it will stop because today “Nord stream — 2″ is a weapon that Russia has already taken to Berlin, and the only question is when she uses weapons,” — said the MP, noting that Germany supports the gas project. The politician also expressed the view that “the promotion of financial aggression will lead to the fact that it will