Saudi Arabia has decided to make Qatar island

Saudi Arabia has decided to make Qatar island Saudi Arabia to sever diplomatic relations with Qatar, have decided to physically isolate the neighbor at the base of the Qatar Peninsula will be dug a wide canal, which will make Qatar the island. According to the Saudi newspaper “Mecca”, is accepting applications for a tender for the construction of the canal will end June 25 and the results will be announced no later than three months. The project cost about $750 million five interested companies, the newspaper, the contract term of its implementation is “less informed”. On the eve of “the beginning of the realization of a beautiful project that will make Qatar the island”, the people of his country were congratulated by the adviser of Saudi king Suad al-Qahtani. The project envisages the construction of a channel length of 60 km, a width of 200 m and a depth of

Merkel has denied allegations trump about “the growing crime in Germany”

Merkel has denied allegations trump about “the growing crime in Germany” BERLIN, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. German Chancellor Angela Merkel in response to the accusations of the President of the United States Donald trump is that in Germany because of the government’s migration policy, the growing crime, said that the statistics indicate a “positive trend” in the fight against crime. The US President Donald trump has previously stated that Europe has made “a big mistake” in his immigration policy, and the people of Germany because of this turning against his leadership. In particular, the American leader wrote on his page on the social network Twitter that “migration shakes the already fragile coalition in Berlin”, while “crime in Germany is growing.” “My answer to that is that the head of the Ministry of interior (Germany) recently presented the statistics of criminal offences, and it speaks for itself. There we see

Trump promised to call Kim Jong Ynu didn’t call

Trump promised to call Kim Jong Ynu didn’t call The US President Donald trump has reneged on his promise to call the North Korean leader, Kim Jong Ynu on June 17. It is reported by CNN. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий Press Secretary of the White house Sarah Sanders confirmed that a telephone conversation between heads of state was not. The reason it failed, is not specified. June 15, trump said that he gave Kim Chen Ynu the number of your personal phone and he is going to call North Korea at the weekend. “Now I can call him and say, “So, we have a problem”. He also would call me if there are any questions,” gave to the Reuters. The first meeting of the leaders of the United States and North Korea was held on June 12. Following the bilateral summit, politicians have signed a document, which trump called “important, comprehensive and detailed”.

“Afghans” and the miners went into battle under the Verkhovna Rada

“Afghans” and the miners went into battle under the Verkhovna Rada In clashes with police in Kiev suffered 11 people. Near the Ukrainian Parliament building in Kiev on Tuesday held a protest action initiated by the organizations of veterans of the Afghan war and the miners that require the retention of their benefits at the expense of budget of Ukraine. Before noon, the protesters tried to break through to the Parliament building across the line of the cordon, clashes with the police use of tear gas. That the miners of the Luhansk region gather for a rally at the Verkhovna Rada, said on Monday the head of the Independent trade Union of miners of Ukraine Mikhail Volynets. “In Kiev came the miners from all over Ukraine. We gathered near the Verkhovna Rada”, — he wrote on his page in Facebook. According to him, the debt on wages in state enterprises

Izvestia: Putin may take the message to the Federal Assembly for the second time this year

© Mikhail Klimentyev/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, June 20. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin again in 2018 to deliver a message to the Federal Assembly in the framework of the new presidential term. The head of state can act with a message and in 2019, writes in Wednesday newspaper “Izvestia” with reference to press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. According to him, “maybe both”.

The unions are preparing to go on a protest against raising the retirement age

The unions are preparing to go on a protest against raising the retirement age The Chairman of the Federation of independent trade unions of Russia (FNPR) Michael Shmakov has suggested to the heads of national and regional trade unions to protest against raising the retirement age. It is reported by RBC with reference to the letter of the FNPR. “Given the importance of this bill affecting social and labor rights of the absolute majority of employees, we offer… to hold, with observance of the Russian legislation, rallies, marches, pickets and other collective actions against pension age increase”, — said in the letter, Mr Shmakov. Head FNPR also proposes that a meeting of the regional trilateral commissions and to convey the position profsyuzov to the state Duma deputies and Federation Council members. We will remind, on June 16, the government submitted to the state Duma a bill to raise the retirement

MIA will simplify the procedure of obtaining Russian citizenship

MIA will simplify the procedure of obtaining Russian citizenship The interior Ministry has promised, if necessary, to facilitate the obtaining of Russian citizenship by compatriots and those in need of it, reports “RIA Novosti”. “Our goal is to organize, if necessary, make changes to the law and regulations and to ensure preferential, clear and enforceable conditions for granting nationality to persons who need it are forced to leave their homes, primarily we are talking about the people of Ukraine,” — said Deputy interior Minister Igor Zubov. During the “Straight line” the President addressed several families who have moved to the Rostov region after the beginning of the conflict in the Donbass. They told me that still can’t obtain Russian citizenship. Then the President said that the country should go the way of liberalization of citizenship acquisition.

Macron reprimanded the teenager for the phrase “How are you doing, Manu?”

Macron reprimanded the teenager for the phrase “How are you doing, Manu?” MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. The President of France Emmanuel macron criticized the disrespectful teenager in the appeal and called for the correct behavior at an official ceremony. Monday, June 18 in France held a ceremony to mark the 78th anniversary of the call uttered by Charles de Gaulle on 18 June 1940. This speech gave impetus to the Resistance movement during the Second world war. The official ceremony was held in the Department of Hauts-de-Seine, where he arrived the President of macron. According to the newspaper Liberation, after the President went to shake hands with the audience at the ceremony, the French, in particular, students. “How you doing, Manu?” — shouted the French President one of the Teens. “You can fool around, but today is the day when sing the “Marseillaise” and “the Song of the

Cultural figures asked Putin to pardon.

Cultural figures asked Putin to pardon. 12 workers of culture asked the President of Russia Vladimir Putin to pardon a convicted Ukrainian Director Oleg Sentsov. Appeal to the head of state published on the website of “Echo of Moscow”. “We don’t think his guilt is so great that she was given 20 years. He is sincere and honest in his beliefs — his indefinite hunger strike proves it,” say the authors. According to cultural leaders, “we need to show mercy, to save human life.” “We need to soften the political climate in the country, to put up with neighbors. Excuse me Oleg Sentsov, we ask You,” the letter reads. It was signed: Directors Konstantin Bronzit, Andrey Zvyagintsev, Pavel Lungin, Yuri Norstein, Alexander Sokurov, Valery Todorovsky, Alexey Uchitel, Alexey Fedorchenko, and also the head of Roskino Catherine mtsitouridze and TV presenter Vladimir Pozner, editor in chief of L’officiel Russia magazine Ksenia

Sands told about the plans of Putin meeting with the Cabinet on the issue of pensions

Sands told about the plans of Putin meeting with the Cabinet on the issue of pensions Moscow. June 19. INTERFAX.RU — the President has no plans to meet with government members to discuss the issue of pension reform, said the press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. In the course of communication with journalists on Tuesday, asked whether there were any plans in the near future the meeting of the President with the Cabinet of Ministers on the subject. “Yet, in the chart there are no such plans”, — said Peskov. Before the press Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation said that Putin at this stage is not involved in discussions about raising the retirement age, therefore, appeal to him, including in relation to petitions of opponents of reform is premature. On 16 June the government submitted to the state Duma a bill to raise the