UN Secretary-General arrived in Moscow

UN Secretary-General arrived in Moscow MOSCOW, June 20. /TASS/ — antónio Guterres is scheduled to meet with President Vladimir Putin, and also to watch match of the world Cup. UN Secretary-General, antónio Guterres, arrived in Moscow, where he plans to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and to attend the match Portugal — Morocco in the world Cup. According to TASS, the plane with Guterres landed in one of the capital’s airports. Guterres’s visit to Russia will last two days. His talks with Lavrov will be held on Thursday, and on Wednesday the Secretary General will go to the football in “Luzhniki”. The date of the meeting with Putin has not yet announced neither the Kremlin nor the press service Guterres. Guterres has previously stated that it intends to use the trip to Russia to discuss with the leadership of the country cooperation on problems

Zakharova: Russia is exploring the possible consequences of increasing the military capability of States in space

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Artyom Geodakyan/TASS SAMARA, June 20. /TASS/. Moscow is carefully studying the possible consequences of increasing the military potential of the Washington outer space. About it declared on Wednesday to journalists by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, commenting on the decision of the American President Donald trump on the withdrawal of military space forces from structure military-air forces of the United States.

Putin at the WEF will hold a state Council Presidium meeting on the Far East taking into account the may decree

© Sergey Bobylev/TASS MOSCOW, June 20. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of the Eastern economic forum (WEF) plans to hold a state Council Presidium meeting on the development of the Far East taking into account the objectives set out in the may decree this year. As reported by the official website of the Kremlin, the meeting of the working group for the preparation of this meeting, held assistant to the President, state Council Secretary Igor Levitin. “Held the first meeting of the working group on preparing session of the Presidium of the State Council on the issue “On measures for implementation of strategic objectives defined by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation from may 7, 2018, in order of priority socio-economic development of the Far East”, – stated in the message. The state Council Presidium meeting is scheduled for September 2018 on the site

The state Department expressed the desire to have a stronger relationship with Russia

The state Department expressed the desire to have a stronger relationship with Russia The head of the press service of the Department of state Heather Nauert said that the US wants to have a stronger relationship with Russia. However, she noted that the administration so far, no announcements relating to a possible meeting between presidents Vladimir Putin and Donald trump, transfers “the Newspaper.ru”. She also commented on media reports that trump at the G7 summit have called the Russian Crimea. “Our policy in relation to the Crimea has not changed,” — said Nauert. The US President Donald trump, before heading to a meeting of leaders “the big seven”, told reporters about the need to return to Russia the participants of the summit.

The media learned about preparing the new President’s address to the Federal Assembly

The media learned about preparing the new President’s address to the Federal Assembly Moscow. June 20. INTERFAX.RU — Vladimir Putin may be the second time this year to deliver a message to the Federal Assembly, said on Wednesday the newspaper “Izvestia” with reference to press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. “The final decision on the date of the next presidential address is still pending. The event can take up to the end of 2018 or in the next, 2019, said the official representative of the Kremlin”, — says the publication. Both possible.Dmitry Pescovitz Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation The newspaper reminds that the message of the President to the Federal Assembly in 2017 has been postponed to March 1, 2018. The performance was divided into two blocks: the first was dedicated to the socio-economic development of the country, the second — Russia’s response to

USA out of the UN Council on human rights

USA out of the UN Council on human rights The US has announced the release of the UN Council on human rights (HRC). “The US has officially come out of the UNHRC”, — said the U.S. permanent representative to the world organization for Nikki Haley. Washington has repeatedly criticized the UNHRC over bias against Israel. The Council, in turn, condemned the administration of the trump for a strict immigration policy. At the end of may Haley accused the UN security Council of double standards for refusing to support a draft statement condemning a rocket attack on Israel by Palestinian militants.

Lavrov: Russia is concerned about the number of elected without participation of the judges of the ECHR

The Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov during a meeting with Secretary General of the Council of Europe Thorbjørn Jagland © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MOSCOW, June 20. /TASS/. Russia is concerned that more than a third of judges of the European court of human rights (ECHR) elected without the participation of the Russian Parliament because of the crisis in the parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). On Wednesday the head of Russian foreign Ministry Sergei Lavrov at the meeting with Secretary General of the Council of Europe (COE) Thorbjørn Jagland.

The President of Lithuania called on to be ready for the “invasion” of Russia

The President of Lithuania called on to be ready for the “invasion” of Russia MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. The President of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaite in an interview with German magazine Spiegel, expressed his readiness to defend in case of a military “invasion” of Russia. Grybauskaite evaluated the likelihood of a Russian attack on Lithuania as “significant”. If we show that can and want to protect themselves, then nobody will attack us. We need to be prepared: mentally, politically, technologically, heart and soul.Dahl Gribauskayte Lithuania The politician also said Russia’s military superiority, stressing that the Lithuanians prepared to defend their country from any enemy. In addition, Grybauskaite said that the Western countries underestimated Russia and treat it too gently. “Only when they are attacked, and they notice that Russia is interfering in their interests, are spying on them or manipulating their elections, they Wake up,” he added. Earlier Grybauskaite

In Tallinn picket in support of Wyszynski

In Tallinn picket in support of Wyszynski TALLINN, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti, Nikolai Adashkevich. A picket in support of the head of RIA news Ukraine Kirill Vyshinsky went before the House of the European Union in the centre of Tallinn. As the correspondent of RIA Novosti, the activists of the Association “Russian compatriots in Europe”, NGO “Russian school of Estonia” and the United left party of Estonia (ALPA) demanded the release of the journalist. In addition, the protesters spoke out in defense of the civil activist from Latvia Alexander Gaponenko and Polish politician and journalist Mateusz Piskorski. According to one of the organizers of the rally Alexei Esakova, all of these people — political prisoners, none of them presented real charges. Isakov believes that the government of Ukraine, Latvia and Poland are trying to silence those who disagree with the policy of discrimination against minorities. “We would like to