Erdogan and Putin considers himself the most experienced politicians in the UN General Assembly

Erdogan and Putin considers himself the most experienced politicians in the UN General Assembly TASS, 23 June — the Turkish leader also noted the good cooperation between Ankara and Moscow on the Syrian issue. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called the Russian leader Vladimir Putin and themselves as the most experienced politicians in the UN General Assembly. He declared it in published on Friday evening interview with Turkish state TV channel TRT. “Let me be crystal clear… at the moment in the UN General Assembly only two truly experienced politician might have someone else, but I do not remember: it’s the President [of Russia Vladimir] Putin and me. Because we both held posts as Prime Ministers and presidents, we have achieved much, but there is still a lot of challenges,” he said in an interview, a video of which was posted on the page of the channel in Twitter. Erdogan

Italy said the threat of collapse of the EU within a year

Italy said the threat of collapse of the EU within a year MOSCOW, June 23 — RIA Novosti. The future of the European Union is at stake and will be determined in the coming year, such opinion was expressed by the Minister of internal Affairs of Italy, Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini. “During the year it will become clear whether a United Europe”, — he said. The Minister noted that Italy can no longer allow themselves migrants. We can not accept any person. On the contrary, we would like to send somewhere several. Matteo Salvinia the Prime Minister of Italy The other day I promised to present at the meeting of the European Commission road map for the solution of migration problems. Four of her main points will be the strengthening of the European Agency of border control Frontex, the promotion of agreements with North African countries to reduce “migratory

Dodon said about the danger of the UN General Assembly resolution on Transnistria

Dodon said about the danger of the UN General Assembly resolution on Transnistria Adopted by the UN General Assembly resolution of Moldova on Transnistria will cause serious damage to the Moldovan-Russian relations, told RIA Novosti the President of Moldova Igor Dodon. MOSCOW, June 23 — RIA Novosti. “The Moldovan government has launched the UN initiative on the withdrawal of Russian troops from the territory of Moldova, aimed solely at the aggravation of the situation in the country and causing serious damage to the Moldovan-Russian relations. The resolution would only worsen the position of Chisinau, including in terms of a speedy achievement of a political settlement of the Transnistrian conflict”, — he stated. The withdrawal of troops from Transnistria The UN on Friday urged Russia to withdraw its troops from Transnistria. The document, proposed by the Moldova, adopted by a simple majority of the votes, voted by 64 countries, it was

The United States has suspended several programs of military exercises with South Korea

The United States has suspended several programs of military exercises with South Korea The Pentagon announced the suspension of several joint South Korea programs of military exercises. As reported, U.S. Secretary of defense James Mattis suspended “indefinitely” series of maneuvers “in order to support the implementation of agreements at the highest level in Singapore.” “Among them Freedom Guardian and two programs of the naval exchange, planned for the next three months,” — said the press Secretary of the Pentagon Dana white (quoted by Reuters). The Ministry stressed that the next decisions will depend on the outcome of further negotiations with the DPRK. Previously about the suspension of joint military exercises Freedom Guardian reported the South Korean Ministry of defense. Before the meeting with the DPRK leader Kim Jong-UN in Singapore, US President, Donald trump declared that “agreed to end the war games” because he considers them “very provocative” and hopes

The UN Secretary General called for an end to military escalation in the South-West of Syria

The UN Secretary General called for an end to military escalation in the South-West of Syria Moscow. June 23. INTERFAX.RU — UN Secretary-General, antónio Guterres, expressed concern about the situation in the South-West of Syria and called on all parties to respect agreements and to exercise restraint, said his spokesman Stefan Dujarric. “The Secretary-General is seriously concerned by the recent escalation of hostilities in the South-West of Syria, including ground offensives and aerial bombardment in the South-West of Syria. These attacks resulted in the displacement of thousands of civilians, most of whom are moving to the border of Jordan,” — said in a statement Dujarric. According to him, Guterres “is also concerned about the significant risks that these offensive operations pose to regional security.” The head of the world body urged all parties concerned to stop military escalation and to comply with the relevant agreement, “which provided the relative calm

42% of Americans voted for the impeachment announcement to Donald Trump

42% of Americans voted for the impeachment announcement to Donald Trump The impeachment of the President of the United States Donald Trump support 42% of Americans, according to a survey by the center for public policy research, SSRC and CNN. For the impeachment of President Richard Nixon in March 1974 were 43% of Americans, and in August he left the White house, reminiscent of the TV channel. Against the impeachment of the President voted 51% of the respondents. Refused to answer 7%. According to the us Constitution, impeachment of the President is possible in the case of “treason, bribery and other crimes.” The survey was conducted from 14 to 17 June this year, among about a thousand adult Americans. The statistical margin of error does not exceed 3.7 per cent.

Fact-checking: touching the world of girl-migrants were not separated from mother

Fact-checking: touching the world of girl-migrants were not separated from mother In the US, continues to develop a scandal in connection with the publication of pictures of the little crying girl from a family of illegal immigrants, which aroused the indignation of the liberal community. This photo of a crying two year old Honduran girls were outraged and touched millions of people in the United States. Sarah Sanders Blasts Media Over Fake Story Of Girl Crying Migrant — The Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) June 22, 2018 In the US, continues to develop a scandal in connection with the publication of pictures of the little crying girl from a family of illegal immigrants, which aroused the indignation of the liberal community. As stated by the father of this Honduran girl named Janela Denise, she was not separated from the mother at the us border. Picture of a girl in a

Ukraine demanded from Bloomberg repaint the map with the Crimea

Ukraine demanded from Bloomberg repaint the map with the Crimea MOSCOW, June 23 — RIA Novosti. The Ukrainian Embassy in Washington, in Twitter called on Bloomberg to correct the map, which marked the territorial affiliation of the Crimea. The Embassy said that the Peninsula is part of Ukraine and “be painted yellow”. Earlier, Bloomberg had published a map of the world, which marked the territorial affiliation of the Russian Peninsula of Crimea. Some key emerging markets are about to run the gantlet of potentially game-changing elections — Bloomberg (@business) 21 Jun 2018 An image of a map placed in the Agency account in micro-blogging network Twitter dedicated to news material on elections in developing countries. On the map of Ukraine territory painted yellow, which in the infographics indicated that elections will be held in 2019. The territory of Russia in infographics marked in dark grey color, which indicates

More than 40% of people in Germany called for the resignation of Merkel as Chancellor

More than 40% of people in Germany called for the resignation of Merkel as Chancellor Moscow. June 22. INTERFAX.RU — citizens of Germany, there is no consensus about whether to resign to Chancellor Angela Merkel, their opinions were divided almost equally, according to a survey conducted by the Institute of public opinion Yougov. So, about 43% of respondents felt that Merkel should resign, while 42% positive about her work and see no need in retirement. While 15% of respondents were undecided. According to the results of a survey to Merkel the most positive supporters of the green party, and worst of all — the supporters of the right-populist party “Alternative for Germany” (ADH). Among those who voted for ADG, only 6% would like to see Merkel as Chancellor of Germany. Among those Germans, who support the “left”, almost 50% sure that Merkel is well cope with their responsibilities as Chancellor.