The white house has adjusted its “oil” statement trump

The white house has adjusted its “oil” statement trump WASHINGTON, 1 Jul — RIA Novosti. The white house has adjusted the statement of President Donald trump that the king of Saudi Arabia Salman bin Abdul Aziz al Saud promised him to increase oil production by 2 million barrels. As has specified a press-the Secretary of the trump Sarah Sanders, the king confirmed the possibility of use of the reserves of oil. Previously, trump said on Twitter that the king has agreed to increase oil production to 2 million barrels. “The leaders reaffirmed their commitment to a healthy and stable global energy market for the benefit of all countries. The leaders agreed that the balance of the world oil market is necessary to ensure access to reliable and affordable energy to people around the world,” said Sanders. “In response to the President that the oil market there is a shortage, king

In Ukraine announced the imminent creation of a “powerful” missiles

In Ukraine announced the imminent creation of a “powerful” missiles Next year could create a “powerful” anti-ship cruise missile. On Saturday, June 30, said the head of the Ukrainian Center for army, conversion and disarmament Valentin Badrak. According to him, the missile will be a “psychological factor” the impact on Russia. “It (the rocket — ed.) is a powerful mobile tool that can be used for the coast guard,” — said Badrak “Apostrophe”. The expert acknowledged that the sea has always been “the weakest point” for Ukraine, and weapons he had created a “residual principle”. In the end, it greatly affected the condition of defence at sea, he said. Technical characteristics of the missiles Badrak failed, but noted that it will be able to hit any target at a distance of 280-300 km, noted, “Federal news Agency”. According to the expert, Ukraine limited response, and they need to step up.

Merkel agreed with 14 EU return

Merkel agreed with 14 EU return German Chancellor Angela Merkel agreed with 14 EU States on the return was there migrants attempting to enter the territory of Germany. The details of the agreement, the German Chancellor cited the eight-page letters to the leaders of the Social democratic party of Germany (SPD) and Christian social Union (CSU), said on Saturday, June 30 DPA. They indicated that Merkel intends to strengthen spot checks in the border areas with the aim of identifying refugees registered in other EU countries. The migrants registered in other EU countries, but in the territory of Germany, should be delivered in a larger “Assembly centers” to register, said “”. They were forbidden to leave the area of their residence. For the implementation of the Merkel plan on the return of migrants was made by the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Belgium, Finland, Denmark, France, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Luxembourg,

The center for reconciliation spoke about the upcoming provocations by terrorists in Idlib

© AP Photo/Muhammed Muheisen, archive MOSCOW, June 24. /TASS/. The militants of the terrorist group “Dzhebhat EN-Nusra” (banned in Russia) are preparing a provocation in Syria – they took in Idlib province staged footage showing the militants evacuating civilians and restoration of buildings allegedly destroyed the Russian and Syrian air strikes. This was announced on Sunday, the Russian centre for the reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria.

Peskov said Pompeo on the words emergency meeting trump with Putin

Peskov said Pompeo on the words emergency meeting trump with Putin In the Kremlin, after the head of the US state Department Mike Pompeo about the possibility of an emergency meeting of the presidents of the USA and Russia Donald trump, and Vladimir Putin stated that he will inform as soon as will be ready. “We’ll let you know as soon as we’re ready,” — said the press-Secretary of Russian leader Dmitry Peskov, commenting on the words Pompeo. The Secretary of state said earlier that shortly after the visit of the Advisor to the us President for homeland security John Bolton to Russia may be held a meeting of heads of two States. The day before, on 22 June, a Kremlin spokesman also said that Moscow is not yet ready to talk about specific dates of the meeting of the presidents of the Russian Federation and the United States. However,

Pompeo expects that trump will meet with Putin in the not so distant future

Pompeo expects that trump will meet with Putin in the not so distant future WASHINGTON, June 23. /TASS/ — the state Secretary added that the assistant to the President of the USA John Bolton plans to go to Moscow on Sunday or Monday. Secretary of state Michael Pompeo suggested that the meeting of the presidents of the United States and Russia Donald trump and Vladimir Putin can go shortly after a visit to Moscow assistant to the President of the United States John Bolton. “I don’t know what will be the work schedule of the President of trump [this summer]. I know Ambassador Bolton is planning to go to Moscow on Sunday or Monday. He will meet with his counterpart. And I believe that, most likely, President trump will meet with his Russian counterpart in the not so distant future after that” — he said in an interview with broadcaster

Lukashenko made the entry of Belarus into another state

Lukashenko made the entry of Belarus into another state MOSCOW, June 23 — RIA Novosti. Poor economic performance can lead Belarus to the loss of independence. This was stated by President Alexander Lukashenko during his working trip to Shklov district of the country. According to the head of state, Minsk is to fully achieve its economic goals, including in agriculture. “One reason for failure is death,” — said Lukashenko. We are on the front. Do not soak these years fall through, then it will be necessary or part of any state to enter, or we will simply wipe his feet. And God forbid, even start a war, as in Ukraine.Alexander Lucasentertainment Belarus About who is threatening Belarus and in which state it can enter in the event of a failure of the economy, Lukashenko said. He called on all the agricultural workers to adhere to the plan and to comply

The Kremlin has not yet commented on reports about the preparation of the meeting of Putin and trump in Vienna on 15 July

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, June 24. /TASS/. The Kremlin promises to inform as soon as available on the date and place of the meeting of the presidents of Russia and USA Vladimir Putin and Donald trump. There is no information in this regard for the journalists no, said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, commenting on the publication of the Austrian newspaper Kronen Zeitung, which on Sunday announced that Austria’s government is preparing to hold the meeting of Putin and trump 15 July in Vienna.

Macron called for sanctions against countries with anti-immigrant position

Macron called for sanctions against countries with anti-immigrant position The President of France Emmanuel macron called for financial sanctions against EU countries that unreasonably deny migrants the right to asylum. After talks with Prime Minister of Spain Pedro Sanchez, the politician said that “a positive attitude to the idea of creating an appropriate mechanism for such situations”, reports TASS. A week earlier, the French leader criticized the European system of refugee reception and assistance to internally displaced persons. According to Macron, it is imperfect. June 10 in Italy there was a scandal after the ship Aquarius with 629 migrants on Board were not allowed into ports of the country. Policy of the EU countries began to accuse each other in the wrong migration policy. In the end the displaced persons adopted Spain. A difficult situation in Germany, where there was a split within the ruling political unification of the parties

The US plans to place migrants on abandoned military bases

The US plans to place migrants on abandoned military bases The U.S. Navy is preparing a plan for the construction of accommodation centres for thousands of migrants on military bases in California, Alabama and Arizona. According to the magazine Time, temporary tent city for 25 thousand migrants will be created on disused airfields, the Navy in Alabama. Two camps for 47 thousand migrants are invited to place in the unused military naval bases around San Francisco and in southern California. Another accommodation centre can build on the marine corps near the city of Yuma in Arizona. The cost of the construction and operation of a tent camp on 25 thousand within six months, the US Navy is estimated at $233 million. However, the publication notes that the military has not yet received the order to build such detention centres. According to the Ministry of internal security of the United States,