In key Russian ministries will appear in the posts of Deputy Ministers for digital development

The Minister for the digital development of Telecom and mass communications of the Russian Federation Konstantin Noskov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, July 4. /TASS/. A separate Deputy Minister for digital development will appear in key Russian ministries. This was stated by the Minister for digital development, communications and mass communications of the Russian Federation Konstantin Noskov at the conference “the Digital economy: a breakthrough into the future” at the Analytical center under the government of the Russian Federation. “[Prime Minister] Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev has accepted the decision about introduction in key ministries allocated the post of Deputy Minister for digital development. And now this decision is under implementation,” the Minister said. The Minister explained that the so-called Chief Digital Officer (CDO senior Manager or Director, digital transformation) are “change agents of the digital economy in all the key ministries.”

In Russia, found a shortage of missiles

In Russia, found a shortage of missiles Russia at the current pace of production of missile weapons overtake the US in 100 years, said “National news service” a member-correspondent of the Russian Academy of rocket and artillery Sciences, the captain of the first rank Konstantin Sivkov. 7фотографий7фотографий7фотографий “The United States have arsenals of missiles type Tomahawk about 5.5−7.5 thousand missiles. And in our country one of the new missiles, according to information from open sources, it is planned to purchase [quantity] 50 pieces per year. That is, to build an Arsenal, like the U.S., need to work more than 100 years”, — explained the expert. According to him, “we have missiles great, but it is not enough troops,” while “the Americans have weapons worse than ours, but many in the army.” In July 2018, it became known that Russia has completed the testing of long-range 40N6 missiles for anti-aircraft missile

The Governor of the Ivanovo region told about plans on development of the region

The Governor of the Ivanovo region told about plans on development of the region MOSCOW, 3 Jul — RIA Novosti. The authorities of the Ivanovo region see the potential in tourism, intend to develop such small towns like Palekh, said the regional Governor Stanislav Voskresensky at the meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The text of the meeting published on the Kremlin website. “We see the potential in tourism. Quite serious we have domestic tourism. In General, we need to look deeply is from an economic point of view,” — said Voskresensky at the meeting with the President. He noted that, for example, this year authorities returned to the ships in the town of Kineshma, which was not eight years old. “Now we have a few visits, this year for the first time, and the city received an additional potential,” he added. Speaking in detail about the cities, the resurrection,

The congressmen invited the Russian deputies to the USA

The congressmen invited the Russian deputies to the USA MOSCOW, 3 Jul — RIA Novosti. The state Duma has accepted the invitation of American congressmen to visit the U.S., the trip of the official delegation may take place before the end of 2018, told reporters the head of the Committee on Finance Anatoly Aksakov. “The invitation received from them to the delegation of the state Duma,” — said Aksakov following the meeting of the delegation of the U.S. Congress and the Russian Parliament. When asked if representatives of the state Duma invitation, Aksakov answered in the affirmative. He also noted that such a visit could take place before the end of 2018. “Yeah, maybe,” said Aksakov, responding to a question. A group of us congressmen arrived in Russia on June 30 and has held a number of official meetings in St. Petersburg. On Tuesday, the U.S. delegation was received by

In the Duma, explained the initiative on adding individuals to the media-registered as a foreign agent

In the Duma, explained the initiative on adding individuals to the media-registered as a foreign agent Moscow. July 3. INTERFAX.RU — Individuals who distribute media materials-inherent and receiving funding from abroad, can also become media-noagenda, follows from amendments prepared for the second reading of the bill. “We said that, for individuals in order to get the list of media-registered as foreign agents, it is necessary to receive funds from abroad and distribute media materials-noagent”, — told reporters on Tuesday the Chairman of the Committee on information policy Leonid Levin. According to him, thus excludes “concerns that any blogger, just reprints information media-inherent, may suffer,” he added. Levin added that “to further protect individuals from accidental decisions” the authority to specify the media-registered as foreign agents from the justice Department gave the Prosecutor’s office, which will make such a decision with the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. For

The Kremlin announced Putin’s willingness to meet with trump tete-a-tete

The Kremlin announced Putin’s willingness to meet with trump tete-a-tete Russian President Vladimir Putin “totally fit” the format of the meeting tete-a-tete with the President of the United States Donald trump told reporters on Tuesday, Putin’s press Secretary Dmitry Peskov. He commented on the TV channel CNN about trump’s desire to meet with Putin one-on-one before the start of negotiations of delegations of two countries on 16 July in Helsinki. “President Putin is absolutely comfortable with herself in any formats that are comfortable to his sides,” — said Peskov. We do not exclude that if that is agreed, first there will be a meeting of presidents from eye to eye.Dmitry Pescovitz Secretary of the President of Russia The meeting of Putin and trump will take place on 16 July in Helsinki, reported earlier, the Kremlin and the White house. This will be the first full meeting of the presidents of

“China is developing, and on our side as it was, and there the boondocks”

“China is developing, and on our side as it was, and there the boondocks” Valentina Matvienko lashed out at the authorities of Transbaikalia. The speaker of the Federation Council (FC) Valentina Matvienko during a visit to the TRANS-Baikal region was called the regional center of Chita “running” and “unkempt”. According to her, the region has a huge area and many opportunities for development, but it is, in contrast to neighboring China, remains a “backwater”. The head of the region Natalia Zhdanova “very trying”, but she “inherited a heavy legacy”, I’m sure Mrs. Matvienko. Valentina Matvienko, who arrived in Chita, said that “frankly disappointed this neglect, the negligence of the city.” According to the speaker, to walk around the city — “roads are bad”, “the lawns were not mown,” the borders “disappear”: “I’m not talking about heels”. In front of the theater — “broken square” and in front of the Church

Journalists recognize foreign agents after media

Journalists recognize foreign agents after media Journalists working in the media, which have been recognized as foreign agents, can also fall under this status. It is reported by family-owned Demyan Kudryavtsev, the newspaper “Vedomosti” with reference to the prepared in the state Duma amendments for the second reading of the bill. Amendments to the law on mass media foreign agents will be approved on Tuesday, 3 July, the state Duma Committee on information policy. This information was confirmed to “Vedomosti” the staff of the lower house and confirmed by several deputies. The project allows to recognize foreign agents any structure or person, not only for the distribution of media materials-agents, but also for participating in the creation of materials for a fee. “Secondary” agents will fall under the requirement for marking of publications and will be required twice a year to provide a report on its work, as well as

The interior Minister of Germany will remain in Merkel

The interior Minister of Germany will remain in Merkel Federal Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel and interior Minister, Horst Seehofer, stated intention to resign because of disagreement with the migration policy of the head of the Cabinet reached a compromise. About it reports Deutsche Welle with reference to the statement Seehofer the evening of July 2 after talks between the Christian democratic Union (CDU) headed by the Christian social Union (CSU). Seehofer spoke about the agreement with Merkel, which will prevent “illegal migration on the border of Germany and Austria”. Merkel also pointed to the progress that the parties “good compromise”. We are talking about in Germany to establish transit centres for refugees, which for a short time will be able to accommodate the migrants registered in other EU countries. In this case, Merkel saw the preservation of the spirit of partnership with the EU. The migrants from those countries

The European Union opened against Poland new. It threatens her with the withdrawal of EU subsidies

The European Union opened against Poland new. It threatens her with the withdrawal of EU subsidies The European Commission opened against Poland’s second investigation concerning the Polish judicial reform — this time because of the Supreme court act, which comes into effect from 3 July. Brussels believes that the ruling party undermines the independence of the judiciary, and in theory it threatens Poland with deprivation of voting rights and EU subsidies. In December last year, the European Commission has already initiated against Poland the procedure under article 7 of the Lisbon Treaty — the step concerns the first part of judicial reform. And the Polish opposition, and Brussels believe that the ruling in Poland in 2015 the party “law and justice” (Pis) wants to subjugate the judiciary to entrench itself in power. The new law on the Supreme court will allow the President to arbitrarily remove or relocate the part